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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Whether they are good or bad for the people of our countries is up for debate but they are pretty universally recognized as being good ways to get more money into the governments hands.
  2. I just can't stand Jennifer Lawrence in that role.
  3. He also left them NAFTA and the gst which were powerful tools to gain more government revenue.
  4. I like Kirk Penton as a writer but the man doesn't know a hell of a lot about football. I'd take the opinions of a majority of posters here over what Penton sees. He does a good job writing pieces but his body of knowledge isn't there yet.
  5. funniest part is watching the kiddies who flocked to the Liberals asking how come they are governing differently than they campaigned. It's like they just have no idea that it was always the Liberal play book. Promise whatever it takes to get elected then just govern however they want. They are called Fiberals for a reason.
  6. and when the Chretien Liberals balanced the budget they rode the coat tails of what Mulroney had put in and didn't have to do it through a sudden global recession either not to mention a big part of that was downloading more costs to provinces. I find people are often times far too narrow in their approach to looking at governments. It takes years to really see their impact and often times they're long out of power before you can really judge them.
  7. and I believe they put one of the other lighter ones in there too no? Forget what it's called but I seem to recall the only two worth a damn being the hammerhead and the rig pig pale ale
  8. trouble with the mixer pack is that they cram some of their shittiest beers in there.
  9. A reporter? Oh my stars this changes everything!!!! Which reporter? Cause most of the reporters in Winnipeg can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.
  10. I can't see anything bad about this program, well done.
  11. Well we always new rider fans were a virus, this is just confirmation.
  12. but horrible for people who have to travel any sort of distance who don't want to stop every couple hours to charge. I thought it was somewhere in that range and is still a major draw back for me.
  13. If you can't consistently pressure opposing qbs it doesn't really matter who you have in your secondary, they're going to give up yards. The Bombers DL was pretty bad last year.
  14. The good news is that the one area Walters has actually been able to consistently find rookies for is DB.
  15. I dunno, I think I'd rather force a team outside than inside.
  16. what's the range on electric vehicles these days?
  17. Well one of the things the Bombers did well last year was having a good duo on one side in Washington and Adams, we know how good Randle was in that CB spot the prior year so if Adams can move into the middle you get another good duo on one side of the field. It just makes complete sense to me. The other side of the field is where you hide your weak CB so throw the token Canadian over there and use the roster flexibility somewhere. Why have a good corner back in a nothing position?
  18. Yeah but to me that says more about knowing what a joke the 50 shades movie was than anything else. Lots of people turned down that movie. Quite frankly I don't expect her to do a lot more nudity in game of thrones anyway, they have been moving towards just using gratuitous nude scenes from nobody extras for a while now anyway.
  19. Yeah the secondary is good, Definitely a group that can compare favourably with other teams in the league. It was a lot of other things that were issues.
  20. Well the idea is that the half back spot is more key in a defense than corner is so you're basically moving your best DB to a more important position on the field. Regardless of Randle moving back to CB or not I would have suggested trying Adams in the spot vacated by Washington anyway.
  21. I don't see her being named though, like I said it was lots of speculation. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't but the general consensus was that it was Shae refusing do do nude scenes, which makes sense considering she did a brief one in the first season and nothing else. Remember this is the actress with a past in dirty movies who did get some actual acting acclaim overseas. Would make sense she wanted to focus on her acting ability rather than the past.
  22. No she didn't, the very episode after all that speculation started she hauled em out. No the one who refused to do any more nude scenes was likely the actress playing Shae. Kind of ironic considering her past.
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