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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Or Watson. Very possibly. I'd hate to lose him but ... if you can shore up the OL, he IS getting older. He only plays half a season. If we could get anything useful for him that would be great.
  2. Is Kyle Walters the guy who turned a paper clip into a house?
  3. That was Anderson, who mouthed off Creehan after he took that bullshit 15 yard penalty for "roughing", which was a joke. Goltz reminded me today of Tom Burgess. Not great. But got us enough points to win the game, letting the D just do the main job to win the game. Tom Burgess could pass. Goltz gives you a chance to win because the defense always has to respect his running ability, and he can make plays. Officiating let too much go for way too long, and it got out of hand between the whistles in the 2nd half. Should have put their feet down when McElveen went after Goltz when he scored his first TD.
  4. The guy hasn't played a NFL game since 2009 (equivalent to 3 head coaches in Bomber time), hasn't been under contract to a NFL team since first cuts in 2010 training camp, hasn't played a professional football game for 2 seasons. For him to come to the CFL and all of a sudden have NFL teams interested the same week seems dubious to me.
  5. Why should that be a consideration? Why would a player leave after junior year if it wasn't to play in the pros? Seriously asking. I don't really understand your question. People get kicked out of school, people decide to leave for any number of reasons. In the NFL, players are eligible for the draft 3 years after their high school class graduates. When they want to enter the draft at or beyond that point, they declare for the draft. I don't know why the CFL is sticking to the X number of years after they first enroll at a CIS or NCAA school marker, which has caused this problem they are trying to address. Also thought they were going to address the disparity in access to junior players by making them draft eligible.
  6. Why not just ask players to declare? So if a guy decides to leave his NCAA school after his junior year, he has to sit and wait a whole season before he's eligible?
  7. Your logic makes no sense. Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games? Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it? They could have built it at any number of locations in the region and used it for amateur sport. The new Hamilton stadium IS being built exclusively due to the Pan Am games. Yeah, I thought everyone knew that. Guess I was wrong. There'd be no new stadium for the Ti Cats if it wasn't for those games. So, for Edwards to talk about our barn is comical. BTW, JBR the facility is being built for soccer at the Pan Am Games. Ya, that's how they got government funding. They are building a football stadium in Hamilton for Toronto's Pan Am Games. Connect the dots.
  8. Which two? At Montreal and 2 weeks ago vs Saskatchewan. Although they managed the clock very poorly in Montreal.
  9. Your logic makes no sense. Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games? Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it? They could have built it at any number of locations in the region and used it for amateur sport. The new Hamilton stadium IS being built exclusively due to the Pan Am games. No kidding. It is Toronto's Pan Am Games. They could have built it at Downsview, they could have built it in Mississauga, Markham, any number of locations or cities in the region. They could have chosen to build a temporary facility to hold the soccer games that didn't fit at BMO. I wonder why they chose Hamilton, and to build it up to CFL football specifications. Why?
  10. The province didn't take over until Asper had the plans laid out. He insisted on the local architect who had zero experience with this type of facility, likely why the building is more form over function for football fans and flawed with obstructed views and tiny concourses. The construction went to a company that is pretty prominent throughout Canada, as did most of the sub work.
  11. Your logic makes no sense. Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games? Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it? They could have built it at any number of locations in the region and used it for amateur sport.
  12. Since when are Kyle Walters and Wade Miller buddies? They work together. if he hires him because "he likes him a lot" they're buddies. If no due dilligence is done how else can you describe it? Too many assumptions, just shoving the next iron in the fire. Miller isn't even anything more than interim yet. I don't know where buddies comes from, are you assuming all ready that Miller is unprofessional? We don't even know that Miller is making that decision. Walters is still contracted for next season as assistant general manager, perhaps Miller is just referring to Walters as being left in the personnel department as this transition takes place?
  13. Didn't Buchko say that before the new TV deal was signed? I heard Buchko say it on the radio about 2 weeks before he got fired. That was the break even point with football operations at their current spending and servicing the debt. Of course they need to pay back a separate $10 million loan that covered some items they added before they start paying the province. No one but the higher ups at SOD know what the final tally is. There was a lot of extra work that had to be done to get occupancy, not to mention costs associated with the delay. We probably won't know everything until the suit and countersuit between SOD and the steel subcontractor hit the court. SOD took a huge loss on the project, hopefully they don't try to recover the loss by suing anyone but their steel contractor.
  14. Since when are Kyle Walters and Wade Miller buddies?
  15. Would that crappola new stadium in Hamilton have been built if it wasn't for the Pan Am Games? No way at all. They'd be stuck in the old Never Win Stadium until it collapsed. It's 100% taxpayer funded. So...what's your point? Ours will end up being taxpayer funded too.
  16. I don't really see where a pissing contest about attendance breaks out. He's saying that the Bombers will be relying on a gate to service the debt (Buchko said they needed 31,500 a game to do it), while the Tiger-Cats won't be in that position, which could affect football operations and the money available.
  17. How is Will Ford still on the team? That RB/KR spot shouldn't be too hard to recruit guys north for.
  18. Best is on the 9 game. Don't see a motivation for the Riders to trade him before the off-season.
  19. which one seems so nutty to you? Morley might have a sliver of trade value for a team really in need, although he's got a decent knee injury that could end his season. Denmark and Suber have nil. Most likely a deal for Rottier would be for a draft pick.
  20. Here's Drew Edwards perspective on our stadium and Hamilton's. If you are a rah-rah unconditional IGF lover, you won't like it. http://scratchingpost.thespec.com/
  21. Suber couldn't even find the ball while holding and facemasking Dressler standing still. Guy just can't make a play on the ball...ever. He's still playing at the same level he did as a rookie, hard to believe he's lasted this long. Too bad he can't face Richardson every week.
  22. Wonder if we'll give an import a look at guard. Swiston is a much better tackle than guard at this point.
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