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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. "CFL officiating is so biased in favour of the Braley teams."
  2. Everything we saw was fantastic. I think my favourite was the Aiden Flynn show. I don't think I'll ever forget the man-falling-through-ice scene, what a piece of stagecraft. I asked the Caws people if they had a live band backstage but they denied it; whatever they did, it sounded live, it had a really warm organic sound with drums that were punchy as hell.
  3. Did the downtown hotel to the stadium thing for the Edmonton game. The 161 express from downtown was super easy and faster than I expected. Alas, I don't think there's a 161 express back from the stadium, we had to take a 160 that stopped a bunch of times but still got us home in 20-30 min.
  4. Doug Brown once tweeted that if you wanted to see what Tim Tebow would look like in the CFL, you just needed to look at Justin Goltz.
  5. good lord that eastern game was brutal. Can we just award the two points to Ben Major?
  6. Don't want to get too far ahead of things here, but if Lirim keeps on keeping on, he'll be a triple nominee for us at awards time.
  7. Montreal had plenty of coaching turmoil last year too.
  8. Watson caught a TD on a corner route during Game 1 vs. Toronto. It's the only endzone corner we've hit all year, I think we've tried it three or four times since, mostly with Denmark.
  9. What did the TiCats do to turn it around in the second half? They were like a totally different team out there. Was it coaching adjustments? LeFevour calming down? Bombers laying off?
  10. I'm pumped for the victory, but I'm happy and impressed that Hamilton came back to make an exciting game of it. There have been so many shitty games in the CFL this year! As a fan of the league as a whole, I'm glad to see entertaining football being played.
  11. How much more valuable is a second round pick than a fourth round pick? How many CFLers do you find in the second vs. in the fourth?The CFL draft is basically lawn darts played by blindfolded football insiders. Four of our current national starters / rotation guys weren't even drafted (Bucknor, Pontbriand, Kohlert, Sherman). Lirim H, our MOC, wasn't drafted either. So I think it's funny to read that all this goldilocks stuff about how a fourth pick would have been juuuusst right but a second was wayyyy tooooo much. I don't want to think about where this team would be if Walters had been too cheap to secure Neufeld.
  12. The Neufeld trade is simple. The Roughriders traded a guy they couldn't use in 2013 or 2014 for a guy they could use in 2013. We traded a guy who wasn't going to make a difference in 2013 and who would be gone in 2014 for a guy we desperately needed in 2014, and we threw in a draft pick who became a roster DL for the saskies. In 2013, the Riders won that trade. In 2014, the Bombers win that trade. In 2015 and onwards, we'll compare Neufeld + our fourth-round pick vs. Ainsworth and see who won the trade. I've got a feeling that unless Ainsworth becomes someone special, we'll be pleased with this trade in 2015.
  13. Bowman was a missile against the redblacks. He was making plays all over the field. Brandon Stewart played field corner for us, right? He's listed at HB in Hamilton. A promotion for him? HB is going to see more balls than the field corner, right?
  14. Seriously? The NFL is all bent out of shape about a couple of dope smokers while it's coddling the likes of ******* Ray Rice? Unbelievable.
  15. Good lord, if you told me that six months ago we'd even be in a position to consider starting eight Canadians I would have told you to lay off the prescription weed.
  16. USA, I love how you're editing out all the commercials and the halftime stuff ... except for the Lapo stuff which is actually interesting to watch. Great job and thanks again!
  17. yeah, I just turned the game on as the Ticats were at midfield, and they ran two or three sweeps directly to the camera side and it looked pretty sweet.
  18. I actually like the weird camera angle. Feels much closer to the action ... especially on the third down sneak at midfield ... and on plays where the player is tiptoeing down the near sideline you can see it a lot better.
  19. I think the Ottawa people also deserve credit for upgrading from Glenn to Burris.
  20. That Eskie D is looking great again. Zero first downs for the Bombers in the first quarter last week and zero first downs for the Stamps so far this week...BLM with three yards passing...
  21. I want to see an entertaining tie. Edmonton D looks like it's keeping on keeping on.
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