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Everything posted by James

  1. I miss the days of Milt Stegal and Charles Roberts. You always felt like you had a chance to win no matter how bad the team was.
  2. I think if we had drafted Norman AND Jones our O-line would look a lot better right now.
  3. I gotta say, Reinders does intrigue me. Although I would feel a hell of a lot better picking up guys like Reinders if we had Bob Wylie, rather than PD! I like the looks of the two new American Tackles. Project players for the NFL are the ones we usually get, so that doesn't bother me at all.
  4. Does that not mean that we have to start him this week then? I think we just have to put him on the active roster
  5. its always funny when that happens.... to someone else lol
  6. If we're thinking of the same play, Hall sailed it on him but it had nothing to do with needing a stronger arm. It wasn't like he had reached the limitations of his arm strength on a 30 yard throw, he just thought he was serving up an easy 6 for his receiver (which he was) and he forgot that he threw it to the guy who has boulders for hands. I thought we were on the 30? so that would be more like 50 yard pass? Either way, he needed to put more heat on it, Im sure Kito ould have caught the ball had no one been around(stone hands and all), but The DB interrupted what little concentration he had.
  7. A great example of Halls terrible arm is that pass to Kito Poblah against the Ticats in the back of the end zone. Kito was wide open and should have went up for the ball, but if Hall had a stronger arn, the DB was way to far away to be able to make a play on the ball and cause a drop. Max Hall is unfortunately our best QB, but we need to do better.
  8. So did I actually, Thomas fought hard out there.Whats with all the Max Hall love? He wasn't any better than Goltz. Burke is the one who said he expected Goltz & Hall to be better than Elliot and Brink this year. Well it looks that couldn't be any less true. Thomas didn't embarrass himself because he has quicker feet than our olinemen. I have never seen such an assembly of olinemen with concrete shoes, the scouting on these guys must have been non-existent, if an olinemen can't move his feet then he is going to fail at the professional level. Sorenson and Boatman both probably have the slowest, and second slowest feet in the league. I find that Geaves isn't too bad, but struggles holding onto his blocks. Pencer Looked fairly solid... made some mistakes but did fairly well. just needs to be a little more consistent... hopefully that will come with more time. The only truly good Lineman we have is Glenn January. Swiston, Pencer and Greaves are the only other ones worth keeping around. Hopefully we find another legit Import T, and pick up a guy in FA, then find some gems in the draft. We truly need to re-build the entire unit.
  9. I'd really like Burke to stick around as DC. We got to move on from Creehan, He's just not cutting it IMO. When Burke is more involved in the defence they seem to put up great games. I'd hate to see Burke as HC for another year though.
  10. seemed like Pencer did well too me. They were up against one of the better dlines in the league too.
  11. I think Goltz is terrible. Max Hall is our best option..... unfortunately
  12. why? what has he ever done to make you think he's better than Goltz? What has Hall done for that matter? Or is this simply a case of "I don't like this guy cause he's not an allstar so maybe one of the other guys is an allstar"? That statement is based solely of the fact that I think Goltz sucks. Hall showed promise when he played so Id like to see him some more. Goltz vs. Hall in the qb rating is 64.2 compared to 67.9. Not sure how that equates to one guy sucks and the other showed promise. Pretty easy to tell. Just watch Goltz play, he's a glorified strong armed clumsy RB.
  13. why? what has he ever done to make you think he's better than Goltz? What has Hall done for that matter? Or is this simply a case of "I don't like this guy cause he's not an allstar so maybe one of the other guys is an allstar"? That statement is based solely of the fact that I think Goltz sucks. Hall showed promise when he played so Id like to see him some more.
  14. At this point id like to see Pencer and Swiston on the right side of the line, with Parenteau as the 6th for the rest of the year... too bad Swiston got injured to make this impossible.
  15. Others have disareed with me in the past, But I think Chris Best is a top 5 Gaurd in this league.
  16. I don't think we should be running with Goltz anymore. Id like to see Hall as 1 and Goltz as 2 for now, when Levi Brown is ready, Id like to see him as number 2, and one of Goltz or Boltus as number 3. Goltz has lost all of my confidence in him at this point.
  17. I would definitely like to grab the best O-line we can in one of the first 2 rounds, but not necessarily both if it isn't worth it. Id rather steal a guy like Chris Best in FA and draft efficiently. I'm all about building up the Canadian talent in the trenches though. So I'd definitely be all for drafting D-Line and O-line in the first 2 rounds. Remember we do have Kris Robertson coming in next season, and we have a ridiculous amount of solid Canadian receivers. I'd look heavily into the Trenches and Maybe LB'er. Unless Thibault really jumps off the page and becomes this years Mike Edem.
  18. Im really loving the future of this defence if we can keep everyone together. The youth and skill of our front seven in particular. Markett, Dunn, and Washington all have bright futures with this club. Hopefully Cauchy can continue to improve as well. Between Sears, Stewart, Johnson and Smith we should have two solid Corners next season also.
  19. Anybody else notice that Henoc has a crazy 7 TFL already? And that he's only 24? I certainly hope we better any offer he has no matter the cost.
  20. I'm excited for Levi brown vs hall next year. Excited about our Canuck reciting depth. I hope we're still trying to get a good Canuck o-lineman. If Walters can do that, he'll have my vote for GM for sure, as well as everybody else's.
  21. I don't know if I even want rottier... Dude sounds like the next Steve Morely, former first overall pick gone wrong
  22. I think Swiston is a better tackle than guard as well. As a Guard he's not any better than Morely IMO.
  23. Anyone else ticked off that they took Kohlert out for Watson instead of Denmark? Although I am fairly happy to see Douglas in for Boatman.
  24. count me in on the side of Goltz accuracy issues being ay over blown.
  25. We need to totally re-vamp the offensive line and QB positions. I can't believe Elliott was even marginally successful under these circumstances! We should try and get him back IMO. There's a QB worth changing the O-line for... Recievers suck too, but I think we're already starting to re-vamp there.
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