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Posts posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Two good moves in one.  Get Buck helping Crowton design an actual CFL offense and have Goltz run it.  The former might be the move that garners the most success...


    It's the old "show the man how to do your job and then you are fired" trick.  Could Buck be a QB coach and OC understudy?  Do we want that?  I think we'll have to see if he can help turn around this completely dead offence first.

  2. Classless? When u r in the business of winning football games and coaches contracts are bought out how can u call this classless. We're both Hawkins and Cortez bad HC hires yes but the sound business de is ion was to make a business decision and move on. The BOD of the Bombers are hoping things get better....how has that plan worked so far fellas?


    clearly you aren't in on the joke.

  3. all I know is after watching that game, thank goodness that we're not the only team that makes other team's young bucks look good.  Man did the BC defence look like crap.  I now have an extremely faint hope for Monday.  Not that we'll win, but that it won't be a total annihilation and complete embarrassment.

  4. just please don't let Kpt Krunch onto this site.  We could have Lulay starting with Ray backing up and Hufnagel as coach with Buono as GM and if we lost two games in a row he'd be posting "Fire Dumb and Dumber and get better QB's because our QB's suck".  It's always just negative reactionary crap from guys like that, and that's all that is left over there on OB.  It's rapidly becoming a wasteland.

  5. This is a pretty ignorant post.



    Actually, it's not.  But that's ok.  We all make mistakes.  This time it was your turn.


    Plus, Reilly may be struggling (sort of) in a very poor offense and yes, the jury in the long run may still be out on him but the way that you constantly crap on his current ability and recent play is nothing short of ludicrous cheerleading.


    Now this is what is known as "an ignorant post".  I don't crap on Reilly.  I think he's good and has a lot of tools.  I'd have taken him in a heartbeat if he hadn't been so dumb as to not even test free agency. 


    I also have heard of Leftover or whatever his name is.  I was going for a sarcasm thing there.  But that's ok.  You don't have to catch on to everything in ignorant posts.

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