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Posts posted by kelownabomberfan


    When he was a bust the IMWT crowd repeatedly called him Lapo's pick.  Now that he's producing he's MAck's pick. 




    I guess I'm part of the IMWT crowd by default only because I wasn't wringing my hands and screaming like some others were doing, but just saying that patience was a virture.  And I definitely think that was the message that most of the people who thought JE could one day be a great receiver for us were also saying.  I don't recall ever anyone saying that Etienne was Lapo's pick.  How could they support that?  They couldn't, as Mack is in charge of the draft.  JE has always been Mack's pick, and anyone with a brain who isn't in constant panic mode knew that JE would need a few years to grow stronger and get bigger.  He's done that.  Now he's contributing.  Why is that so hard for people to grasp?  I don't get how something positive always has to be turned into a negative around here.  It's just like the NDP...oh wait...I'm not getting political anymore on these boards....

  2. There are people who think Nate Coehoorn's stats of about 50 catches for 800 yards last year was subpar. Same with Iannuzzi in BC. Why then is it okay for Etienne?? First round picks in their third year should be at least as good as that if not better. Just askin'...


    I think Iannuzzi and Coehoorn would be great additions to the Bombers.  That being said, Etienne is 2 years younger than Iannuzzi and three years younger than Coehoorn.  Let's see how good Jade is in 2015.  Hopefully by then we have a QB who can throw to him.

  3. The difference between AC & Buck right now??? Pierce never whines & cries.  He takes his lumps, is a team first player & never complains . AC cries & moans, points fingers, has temper tantrums & puts his arms in the air going WTF??? Like  it;s never his fault. Even though Pierce isn't the player he used to be, can you imagine what AC would do with the Bomber offense if he was our qb??? *****, moan & complain.


    But at least the locker room would be fully stocked with Dove moisturizer.

  4. Goltz and Buck are really  at this moment not much different in terms of effectiveness but there is a lot more potential in Goltz improving the offense than Buck.


    I think there is a big difference.  Goltz at least gets out of the pocket and makes plays, Buck just stands there like a tackling dummy waiting for his O-line to let a guy through so he can be sacked.  Having a mobile QB is just such a huge weapon in the CFL, as it keeps the other team off balance.  Just look at Lulay.  I'd say his passing skills are average at best, but he makes plays happen and always has to have a guy spying him as he's a constant threat to just take off with the ball.  Goltz has that same threat, whereas no one is afraid of Buck's scrambling anymore.


    i don't buy it. not the part about Burke liking Buck, but that he could somehow force Mack to keep the most key position on the team in the hands of a guy he didn't want anymore. it defies logic.


    further: i believe that Mack's ego still wanted Buck to come good this year so he would get the last laugh as the guy who recruited, signed and stuck by him.


    I may need a few beers in me to fully agree with you, but I am at this point definitely smelling what you are stepping in.

  6. what are the odds that my taxes aren't somehow supporting this jackoff in at least some form? 


    you've probably been supporting this tool your entire tax-paying life.  He took English Lit and theatre in university - what are the odds that it was 100% financed with student loans that he's never paid back? 


    I see that he lists "Bible-eating" as one of his talents.  What is with these guys?  If you really want to be "edgy" you'd eat a Koran. Now THAT takes courage.

  7. 5140029.jpg


    He looks normal.


    Looks like the kind of guy that could only live in a country with generous social programs like ours - come to Canada, where thanks to free health care and welfare programs, even the stupidest dreams can come true.


    I had actually heard of this guy from the Edmonton Fringe so I got the mayonnaise rectum reference, but still wanted to make a cheap joke at your expense SBF.  Thanks for playing along.

  8. The Good News is the Bombers can be counted on to not insert mayonaise into their rectums and defecate on the field.  The mostly keep the soiling of themselves in the figurative realm. 


    Which is not something you can say about all the entertainment options offered in Winnipeg this past Friday night. 


    wow sounds like Saturday night is a pretty interesting time in your household....how do you even think of this stuff?

  9. I am really surprised by how bad Montreal, Hamilton, Edmonton and Winnipeg look. Can't recall a year with 4 teams that look this messed up.


    We'll see if Ray and Kackert are out for an extended period.  If so then you can add Toronto to that list.  If Ray is out, look for the attendance at Skydome to really dip.  They were only 36,000 short of a sell-out last game... :rolleyes:

  10. Could  be the year were the second place team in the east has a losing record.


    Yup.  An new all time low for the East division.  I'm still waiting for the East to beat the West once this season.  I am not sure we are going to see it until the last few weeks of the season when West teams are playing all of their water-boys and third stringers to save their starters for the play-offs.

  11. Is Pall even on the Als roster? I think the guy had an attitude problem when he was with the Stamps. 2012 not a great draft year for Huff.


    He's listed on their active roster.  Imagine the uproar if the Bombers had cut Etienne after the first season training camp, and he ended up on the active roster of the Riders?  And playing?  A nuclear bomb would go off at IGF.

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