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Posts posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. well Mack for one doesn't talk to the media much outside of scheduled press conferences anyway, one of the reasons the press is so quick to jump on him. The media in this town is entirely too used to having a guy like Brendan Taman around who was more media friendly than most GMs in the league are. 


    There also is the fact that other than Sask and Winnipeg, the media doesn't even know who the GM of their CFL team is, and in Toronto, don't even know they have a CFL football team.

  2. Not that it's really relevent to the "What's The Problem" topic title but I don't really agree the 2001 Grey Cup appearence was an illusion.




    The year before the rebuild from Reinbold finally clicked in.  They finished strong and won a playoff game.


    Then 2001.  14-4. 


    The year after the finished 12-6 and lost the Western Final by 3 points with Stegall and Roberts both injured. 


    Even 2003 they finished 11-7 and hosted a playoff game.  That's the last time they won 11 regular season games. 




    Year before they were the worst team in the league.


    Then 2011.  10-8.


    Then the worst team in the league (tied, technically)


    Then this year...


    Maybe setting the all time Bombers win record was a bit of an iillusion but making the Grey Cup was no fluke.  2011 was definitely a fluke.   


    By that same token then making the 2007 Grey Cup was a fluke too.

  3. Road Griller has been playing that Roughtrade song over and over today. It goes a little Like this "he makes me cream my jeans".

    J\k RG...hope your boy plays well tonight and we'll look back on tonight's game as Goltz's coming out party. And we'll celebrate many more victories in the coming years. Maybe a Grey Cup too.


    Before I die I hope to be able to celebrate one Grey Cup victory in front of the statue of Justin Goltz that they'll be erecting in front of Investors Group (China) LLC Inc Field in 2034.  Which will probably be in 2058.

  4. Obviously a defensively minded head coach can work if you have a strong OC, No one is calling for Chamberlins or Benvedies (sp) head right now or saying they shouldn't have been hired.


    I have a feeling if we had Lulay or Durant as our QB no one would be crying about our situation either.  It's amazing what a difference a QB makes.

  5. 4.3 is fast for a returner or cb let alone a qb. I'm not calling you a liar, but do you have a link for that? that's like Michael Vick in his prime or RG3 speed.


    I found this article from 2009. http://www.mlive.com/lions/index.ssf/2009/05/walled_lakes_justin_goltz_does.html


    In the comments section it mentions that Goltz ran a 4.5 40 in school - but its a post from his uncle so who knows if it is accurate.  Also interesting was the fact that Goltz and Obama went to the same school - Occidental.





  6. I watched Glenn January being interviewed about the Charleston Hughes comment and he just said "If I was in high school still I might care".  Hee hee.  I'd like to see the hogs put in a good effort this game as the Toronto d-line was pushing them around pretty good last game.  It does help if Calgary comes in over-confident.

  7. We're only paying Lapo for 2013 I believe, 2014 was non guaranteed.


    Yes.  I believe you are right.  That's when he'll put himself back on the market and end the TSN gig, after he no longer is getting paid not to coach.  I think after Montreal implodes this year and they send Gary Busey packing Bart Andrus style you'll see him in Montreal as their OC.  I hope they are smart enough not to hand him the HC job.


    When he was a bust the IMWT crowd repeatedly called him Lapo's pick.  Now that he's producing he's MAck's pick. 




    I guess I'm part of the IMWT crowd by default only because I wasn't wringing my hands and screaming like some others were doing, but just saying that patience was a virture.  And I definitely think that was the message that most of the people who thought JE could one day be a great receiver for us were also saying.  I don't recall ever anyone saying that Etienne was Lapo's pick.  How could they support that?  They couldn't, as Mack is in charge of the draft.  JE has always been Mack's pick, and anyone with a brain who isn't in constant panic mode knew that JE would need a few years to grow stronger and get bigger.  He's done that.  Now he's contributing.  Why is that so hard for people to grasp?  I don't get how something positive always has to be turned into a negative around here.  It's just like the NDP...oh wait...I'm not getting political anymore on these boards....

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