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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. wonder if he's settling in Kelowna full time? I would like to buy that man a beer.
  2. Five game home stand against San Jose would help lol...
  3. hope last year's drop off was just a glitch. BA can be pretty dominant when in first class form.
  4. ok but don't cry when the Jets move to Des Moines
  5. and the flip side of that coin, no players will want to sign with Canadian teams. There is that too.
  6. Reminds me of John Wayne in 1979, after they had removed his stomach.
  7. yeah sorry posted that in the wrong forum....expecting smack down from Noeller in five....four....three...
  8. CFL Free Agency Update: Argos Watch as A.J. Ouellette, Jamal Peters, Javon Leake, Others Jump Ship - Sports Illustrated CFL News, Analysis and More In Oahu, Hawaii right now, got the Jets going on the big screen (thank you VPN) and Longboard in hand...reading about all the Bomber signings...life is good....
  9. CFL Free Agency Update: Argos Watch as A.J. Ouellette, Jamal Peters, Javon Leake, Others Jump Ship - Sports Illustrated CFL News, Analysis and More
  10. Listening to Paul Friesen ask questions is like pouring iodine on an open cut, on my private parts.....argh that clown is annoying.
  11. Carpenters classic used to sell clothes. Wonder if they ever saw a royalty cheque? LOL
  12. My favorite: Man did he look different at the end. Wow.
  13. Michael Jayston: Dr Who and Only Fools and Horses star dies aged 88 (msn.com)
  14. "Now the Tiger is free" - yeah that was quite the ending to that season all right.
  15. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries....now go away or I will taunt you a second time!
  16. Real Celebrity Jeopardy Sean Connery stuff there....#analbumcover....lol
  17. Not understanding this? Twice in one day? Who is PI? You mean Dubois?
  18. Not sure why so many Finnish players have such a hard time adjusting to the NHL game. I guess it just isn't what they grow up caring about, and so don't have the same drive as other guys from other countries? I don't get it.
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