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Everything posted by GCJenks

  1. Can I ask you to re check the results? Last week I had 4 strikes now listed as eliminated. My pick last week was Andrew Harris... Thanks.
  2. I didn't realize he was hurt until I started watching on the PVR... Sigh I see my 4th strike is already posted so likely no chance I'd be allowed to change my pick to Andrew Harris?
  3. My first strike free week I am rolling with Adarius Bowman. I am not convinced that Ottawa scores a TD against Toronto on Monday...
  4. We park in Blue lot on campus and was nervous about not being able to make a right turn on to Pembina to get to Bishop. Had to go all the way Waverly / Bishop to get on but honestly it was faster than Pembina to Bishop has ever been. My complaint was getting in on Chancellor Matheson. We were on Pembina in line to make the left turn as usual and it took 30 minutes from in from of the Vic to get to the parking lot. Seemed like fewer people guiding people coming in and the campus seemed to be the bottle neck not the lights themselves. Was the worst drive to the stadium since the very first preseason 5 years ago, usually take about 50 minutes from house to seats was over an hour 15 and missed the kick off...
  5. I heard on the radio that since the redblacks joined the league no team that has had the first week bye won their opener in week 2. Never before though has it been a strong Bomber team against the weak riders...
  6. That was my thought too. Starting the fullback instead of one of American the SB's.
  7. I like the new $10 bottomless popcorn bucket. I just wish it was easier to find... What is it one concession per level / side?
  8. Glad to be in at the start of the year and hope I remember to get my picks in every week...
  9. It happened right in front of us and the guy just went off. Even his dad that is usually very grumpy told him to relax it's only preseason.
  10. Do you sit in section 125? There was a guy in that section last night that voiced that opinion quite loudly...
  11. While flipping his desk over or slashing his tires sound like fun if you really want to mess him up file a Harassment complaint with HR. How can sending that out be anything but an attack on your for being a Bomber fan? Can't possibly have anything to do with actual work can it?
  12. There isn't a whole lot to investigate. This isn't like some forums that allow you to like your own posts. His recaps after each Bomber game are priceless and often better than the game itself.
  13. I am mostly a lurker here looking for info not looking to participate all that much. I look at those stats and @do or die is the clear winner. No one else has anywhere close to a positive like to post ratio...
  14. Seat 22 should be an isle. At least in section 125 it is.
  15. Two things about this game. 1. I am surprised Dano is able to play so soon after the eye injury on Tuesday. 2. Leave early for the game, another protest is planned for Portage and Main starting at 6pm. The say they are going to stay on the sides but when has that ever happened before...
  16. This is my thought too unless there is a change anywhere else in the line up. You can't take a guy out that played his best game of the season just because hold out boy decides he wants to play now.
  17. I think the cup holders are like ours on the back of the seat in front. Not easy to see in these pictures. I am not a fan out the suites myself. It doesn't look like you have any option for outdoor seating and not a lot of privacy from one suite to the next. One of the things I like about our suites is both indoor and outdoor seating options and inside you can actually talk or do a little business. Sadly the sight lines from some of our suites sucks ass.
  18. We can't give Jones **** for the end of the game. He walked to the centre of the field, looked around for MOS waited about 10 seconds, no sign of MOS and turned and walked off. Do you really expect him to stand their watching the boys celebrate?
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