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Everything posted by GCJenks

  1. I'm on the road for work this week and not catching any of the local media updates or discussion. I can only hope Osh is "rope a doping" Maas. I'll miss much of the game live as I'll be on a plane but can't wait to watch the PVR Sat morning and see Maas head explode as Harris has a 200/100 game...
  2. Kind of like a sense of Ha Ha that seems to be missing around here.
  3. I'm sorry if I offended your sense of better judgement. When I see Matt's arms I don't think "gunslinger quarterback". When I see her arms I think "she spends some time in the gym". P.S. I do think their daughter Elliot is an adorable cutey.
  4. Stand Nichols up next to his wife, if you only had the shoulder down view you would guess the wrong one is a pro football player.
  5. I totally agree. Our guys have to be at least as good as Fajardo and playing on a much better overall team. This team still battles for 1st place all the way to the end of the season.
  6. I for one was quite disappointed that Hecht didn’t drop a Chicken Wing on ole Crooked Hat for the short kick offs.
  7. Sask is not going to do us any favours. We play them 2 of the next 3 games and they are surprising lots of people as they are in the hunt for a playoff spot. They desperately want us to fail. No going to happen.
  8. If my mind serves me right, and my sports injury education was almost 30 years ago now a dislocation is the quicker rehab. Once the dislocation has been set the soft tissue around would need to be assessed. Soft tissue, muscle tendon damage is the longest to heal and hardest to saws. I don’t know if we’ve seen a QB do it but we’ve seen linemen with dislocated shoulders bang it back in to place, take a pain shot and return to playing.
  9. I'm not saying I agree with it but there is a fairly detailed description of the rule on the CFL website. https://www.cfl.ca/weather/
  10. I see we are still eating out own young. Time to fill my tumbler and head back to the pool. We need FNF to start early to distract ourselves from our own horrible first place team.
  11. It had already failed last night on the failed 2nd down conversion when he turtles 2 yards short of the marker. He’s missing the fire in his belly to do what it takes. OMG, is it possible that Maas is a better coach that O’sh? Or was it Jones still then? Are we truly asking our organization to be more like one run by CJ? Oh F$&@ are we in a bad state of fandom right now. Going to to go take a breathe and remind myself that we did win...
  12. I will never claim to be an expert but these are the things I noticed. 27/49 offensive plays to Harris. Not what I'd call a balanced offense. Second Down conversions not made when needed. Desire to drive the ball and score seems to be missing. I don't know if it's Lapo or Nichols but if we are going to win much this year that needs to change. Defense saved our asses with 2 key interceptions. Special Teams scored all our points. Defense and Offense both need to step it up. Not sure Streveler is the answer but O needs to be able to move the ball and score when they need too. I feel for anyone that picked any of our offensive players for Lock of the Week...
  13. Would love to see the Ticats pull this one out, I just can't see it happening though. Hardest game to pick this week.
  14. Arblows use all 3 QB's including Zach who rolls back sees Kongbo coming on the blitz, takes a knee and retires right then and there. Old fashion ass kicking is what we all want to see.
  15. Just curious about this $200 000 number. Was that his upfront money or including the first 7weeks of salary too. He still gets paid on the injured list, just doesn’t count against the cap.
  16. I'm pretty sure the depth chart the last couple weeks has only had Lucky listed as a receiver. Hasn't affected how he was used in game in the least. I wouldn't read much if anything in to it.
  17. Thanks for that tidbit, I've been struggling with my picks this week. Wanted to pick Hamilton so bad...
  18. Props to both WFP and CJOB for paying hotel rooms for someone to stay in Guelph and report on practice this week. As good as Ed Tait is it will be nice to hear other reports from others as well.
  19. I hate working on Game Day. We should all get a half day off on game day as we are maybe half a day productive...
  20. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see Ambrosie change the way the Operations SMS is applied. I suspect it will be amended that fired coaches don't count, the BOG will see how handcuffed they are with having to keep poor decisions and the league can't afford for teams to languish in mediocrity because of some stupid mgmt SMS.
  21. I'm pretty sure the answer is the same as last week, 1960. I remember talk last wee that they started 10-0 that year.
  22. I just noticed this was up on the side Twitter feed. Compared to this board their records are still abysmal but Jim Morris has the best record and the only one to pick B.C.
  23. If you have the game on your PVR you can hear it fairly well. Watched it a couple times for laughs.
  24. 10 years later and a different stadium but my tickets are still near the players families. This memory popped up on Facebook today and gave me a chuckle... "is glad that it's Shabazz's family that sits in front of us not LeFors'. No child should have to listen to people say those things about their father."
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