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Everything posted by GCJenks

  1. I've heard this but on my 3 visits I have only found it okay at best. Now, I am a Celiac and that rules out their pizza and some of the other items but the ones they adapt aren't get and I didn't find them awesome at accommodating dietary needs either. Great atmosphere and close to the office so I will likely end up there again. Not bad seltzers either, enjoyed being able to buy something from the source for a change.
  2. I'm a big fan of their syrups too, the mule and tonic syrups especially. I haven't tried any of the cocktails in a can they produce yet but hoping to get some in a shipment that Keith's parents bring on their summer visit home.
  3. @Noeller if you ever wish to tip your toes in to the spirits world you should check out Wildlife Distillery out of Canmore. They have some MB roots and are producing some excellent hooch. They released a Rhubarb Gin this spring that I tried to get on my most recent trip but the liquor store in YYC didn't have it yet.
  4. It's a great physical space. Can't say much else about it food, people meh... Patent 5 Distillery and Tasting Room around the corner, I could spend way to much $ and time in that place if I was a little younger.
  5. Being a guy that can’t drink beer and has other dietary restrictions I might not be the best to offer advice but if you haven’t been I think Cibo and the James St. Pump House are must try’s.
  6. How many days of camp did Milt participate in the last few years of his career?
  7. Think more about the area in Winnipeg along Kenaston or over off Ness near Moray. This what I am talking about, not the ghettos created in areas of England or the USA. A more modern example would be an area of Transcona that has been developing for about 5 years Park City Common, a mix of commercial and residential. Upfront funding to get options like this moving faster is one thing they have done, now need to do more.
  8. One of the reasons that the housing market is over heated is the overall shortage of housing. The government is funding the arrival of thousands of immigrants and refugees but nothing to support housing for them. We need a massive influx of new housing like we did after the Second World War. If there was more housing we would have such high prices.
  9. Still waiting for you to show your work on how that 1500/month payment becomes 2500-3000/ month… Using home equity to pay off other debt is not a function of the interest rate changes or inflation, it is personal choice and bad money management. I’m no angel and have made bad financial decision but other than work travel expenses the balance on my credit card is always less than the balance of my operating bank account. If people bought with a new mortgage in the last few years they amount of their mortgage was stress tested to ensure they could afford the house if the interest rates went up, if I remember correctly the rate of the stress test was increased as inflation started to drive costs and rates up. While no fan of Trudeau the man, I can admit his government has done a reasonable job of managing the national economic situation during a global crisis.
  10. Your math doesn't compute. Try any mortgage calculator and it doesn't display that. I just did one on Globe and Mail's version 2% and 4.5% all other terms the same $1270.35 and $1660.42. In 5 years the outstanding principal would be reduced and the increased rate would be put on a lower amount. Math doesn't lie, politicians do. Try it yourself and see. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/personal-finance/tools/mortgage-calculator/?utm_source=paidsearch&utm_medium=GoogleAd&utm_campaign=traf_mkt&utm_id=FY2023Brand&utm_term=ROB&utm_content=Tools_Mortgage_calculator&gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI65mineCB_wIV7zjUAR2GCg3eEAAYAiAAEgL8efD_BwE
  11. Vikram is doing a great job since taking over, hoping they open the ice cream window for summer.
  12. I believe you might have me confused with another poster whose name also starts with “G”. Pretty sure you are attributing someone else’s words to me. I currently buy my liquor from a private store, pricing is the same as a liquor mart but I can get gas, pick up my mail, mix and essential groceries all at the same time. Why does this model work outside Winnipeg and other large cities but shouldn’t be allowed in the city? The heart of my question is what are the profits derived from liquor mart sales, assuming they are being charged the same value on the distribution side that the current private vendors are?
  13. One question I have on the liquor sales question. Does anyone know or is it reported what the percentage of profits from Liquor Mart operations is compared to the wholesale distribution portion? It it my understanding that any private sales model still comes through MLGCA wholesale distribution. This is the same path to market this government implemented for cannabis and one of the reason our prices (even in private stores) is higher than other jurisdictions. I would also be interested in the evidence that private liquor sales = higher liquor consumption.
  14. If you haven’t checked out Line of Duty on Netflix, Slow Horses and The Capture on Apple, you should. I really enjoyed them.
  15. @Noeller I was quite upset with how S3E9 of Ted Lasso started but in the end a spectacular example of excellent writing that the series is known for.
  16. At first glance I don’t like the signing of Jr, but trust the CDN Mafia will do the right thing for the larger team.
  17. I had this conversation last night. Would love to see a Panther's v Kraken final. My wife asked "You won't support a CDN team?" Not if it's the Leafs or Oilers...
  18. Just watched Succession S4E3 and all I can say is wow.
  19. We received a bottle a bottle as a welcome gift when we stayed at an Airbnb in Revelstoke a couple years ago. Now I buy a bottle every time I am in the Okanagan.
  20. A bit of an ironic story for you, what it means in the larger scope I can’t tell you other than I believe that not all O&G feels the same way about everything. 2008 my aunt and uncle celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Leduc, Uncle was a retired Essa exec going back tthe 70’s with time in Libya and Cold Lake for many years I took my son and we drove in my F150, my cousin now an O&G exec drove up from Calgary in his Camry Hybrid. I think he was the first person I ever knew that drove a hybrid, has always been concerned about the environment and been quite progressive. I fully accept your description if applied to the field workers but I wonder how many of the bosses are actually the same
  21. Thanks for this discussion, I need to check this place out. I really wish Stoke the Fire was available somewhere locally. Their Garlic Fire is the best tasting sauce I’ve ever had. https://www.stokethefirehotsauce.com/
  22. And yet he still hit 26 of 29 last year. This really should settle the nerves of many fans, proof that this team isn't complacent and will always make changes to make them better. Also a bit of a sign for the rest of the league, be a quality organization and players want to play for you. I very much expect Walter's got a call from his agent "So, Sergio just got cut by the Elks, he will sign with you today for $X and not talk to anyone else if that works for you." Edit: UGH!! I need more coffee before posting in the morning. I heard @DTonOB quote that 26 for 29 number and didn't realize it was PAT's not FG's. Field Goal percentage was still roughly 85% which I will take any time.
  23. Just overlayed the home game schedule with my work travel schedule and it looks like I am only away for one home game this year, Week 3. Last year I think I missed 3 homes games so this is an improvement. Again relieved that the Banjo Bowl is on Saturday as I am on a plane at 6am Sunday again this year.
  24. So Ehlers is at fault not Hartman? Don't think I can agree on that.
  25. I live on the Netley system that feeds in to Lake Winnipeg and on the weekend with a strong North wind we still had chunks of ice being pushed back past us. Swimmable in that the ice will be gone is likely, warm enough for an old fart like me? Doubtful. As Noeller said AirBNB, VRBO or even Kijiji for rental spots. Birdshill is only camping, no cottages.
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