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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. I don't disagree that Burke loves Buck for some reason that I can't see or that there is something seriously wrong in Bomberville. I don't see the Mack and Buck situations being related due to the timing of both 'announcements'.
  2. Montreal looked worse and more disorganized last night than the Bombers do. The fans should be on their case.
  3. When this first broke I thought that the leak must have been orchestrated because no professional BOD would let a leak like that out. As more info has come out, I've changed my mind. My mistake was thinking that our BOD was a professional organization. The board member(s) who leaked this obviously wanted the decision sooner rather than later and didn't care how they got it. That is very unprofessional IMHO. That member or members should be removed from the board during the 'Fire Mack' meeting. Once the defecation hit the rotary oscillator (S*** hit the fan) Buchko should have immediately contacted Mack and told him what was going on. It's unprofessional and cowardly not to tell Mack. Buchko shouldn't have made a recommendation anywhere near as huge as firing the GM right before he went on vacation, heck he shouldn't plan a vacation during the season at all. He knew there were leaks on the board, so he knew the info would get to the media. Did he use the leak to have Mack fired in his absence? If so, getting rid of him should be the next on the BOD's to do list. If not, then he is an idiot and getting rid of him should be the next thing on the BOD's to do list anyway. As for the Buck goes back to #2... it was announced before the Mack story broke, so I don't think the two things are related.
  4. You're going to need an extra person cuz the chair is for two people to curl up in.
  5. I've spent lots of time in TO for work and fun and I agree with most of what you're saying. I'll bet there are more big companies in TO than anywhere else in the country. Vancouver has many more smaller companies. Toronto is work work work. Calgary is Work Hard, Play Hard. Vancouver is Work hard enough to afford what you need then forget about work. When we in Vancouver do business with the 'center of the earth', we always wonder why they want to get everything done by the end of the day. Most assume it's because they can't remember what they said the next day. Oh yah... we do roll our eyes. Bluto... If you want to do business with Vancouverites, Chill a bit and take things a little slower and don't call meetings at 9:00 AM eastern time, cuz we ain't getting to the office for no 6:00 AM meetings.
  6. Lots don't so they rent. Once you can afford to get into the market, you start small and work your way up. It's not like the Peg where prices only rise slightly year over year. It's even better than the price bumps in Calgary, so your home becomes an investment that you don't pay taxes on the gains. You have to change your mindset to live out here. Folks who try to recreate their prairie existence are the one's that end up going back 'home'. Those who 'buy in' to the Vancouver way of life end up loving it.
  7. I've lived in both Calgary and Vancouver. Calgary is more like Winnipeg. Cheaper than Vancouver, and you will NEED a car to get around. You'll be able to mostly afford to live your 'Winnipeg lifestyle' other than going out to the lake in the summer. Restaurants are much like Winnipeg's and no PST is a big advantage. The country thing it highly overdone during Stampede and there are other music options. Cold winters with some Chinooks to warm things up (If you suffer from migraines you will get a doozy every time). Ski in Banff. A little hard to make friends, but everyone is your friend during Stampede. Way better sports town than Vancouver. Vancouver isn't anything like Winnipeg. The best way to live here is to give up your 'Winnipeg lifestyle' and move into a small condo close to downtown. You don't go out to the lake in the summer, you walk to the beach. You don't drive to a restaurant or bar, you walk there and stumble home. The city is built with small neighbourhoods, each with most everything you need within walking/biking distance. Any further and you take the Skytrain or the Seabus. Lots of downtown folks give up their cars and use 'Cars to Go' when they need one for an afternoon. Restaurants are way BETTER than either Winnipeg or Calgary. Every conceivable type of food is available in most neighbourhoods. Cheap? Nope. Taxes are high as are fees and especially real estate. Winters are wet, but you don't have to shovel it and you can get rid of all your winter gear unless you want to go home for Christmas. You can ski on the north shore or take the train/bus/Rental Car up to Whistler. Vancouver is all about being outdoors. Everyone here is from somewhere else, so it's easier to make friends, especially if you sign up to play team sports. If you are interested in looking at the downtown neighbourhoods check out my website: http://terryburgess.ca/. I'd suggest the West End (close to beaches and restaurants (Also Pride central so avoid if that bothers you)), Yaletown (Aka Yuppietown lots of restaurants/bars) , or Kitsilano (Beach lifestyle to see and be seen) for 20 somethings. BTW: The hippies moved out of Vancouver years ago (other than the Profs at UBC). You'll find them on Salt Spring Island now.
  8. My prediction... No changes in the bye week. Little or no changes till the end of the year, then kaboom! Blow the whole thing up.
  9. The Bombers aren't going to make many changes, if any, that aren't based on injuries. They anoint Goltz as the starting QB and demote Buck to 3rd string. A week later, talk about moving Buck back up to #2 and no new QB in camp means they STILL haven't given up on Buck. Pretty much what I expected when they didn't cut Buck. Burke talks about being on the cusp and about waiting for the guys we want to finish with their NFL dreams. They still think they are on the right track and if they just keep on with their plan, the Bombers will magically become a better team. If we win some meaningless games late in the season they will say we are still on the right track and we just have to wait a little longer.
  10. Defence played better, but not good enough to get the win. Offence stayed on the field longer, but couldn't put anything together for the whole second half. Goltz played well in the beginning, then fell apart by the half. Should have been pulled late 3rd and replaced for a couple of series to calm down IMHO. (Hall not Buck) We forced a turnover (Lulay fumble) and had one given to us (Dropped Punt) and turned both into points or else this one wouldn't have even been close. BC made a lot of mistakes including a 3 yard punt with a 10 yard penalty that kept us in the game until the very end. Simpson was running well, even know the O line wasn't giving him many holes to run through, but we went away from him in the second half. Horrible play calling. 3rd and 2 handoff 5 yards deep in the backfield? Come on. OC gave Goltz a lot of easy passes to complete (5 yarders) to pad his stats, but never stretched the defence so BC didn't have to cover the whole field. When BC really needed a TD, they went middle deep and beat Cauchy. 1-5 two years in a row, yet folks don't want to make changes?
  11. A pass behind the LOS is only a fumble if the pass is thrown backwards so it becomes a lateral. Thrown forward, it's an incomplete pass that stops the clock. Two weeks in a row Edmonton takes the game down to the last play and loses. Two weeks in a row Winnipeg is out of the game at halftime. It's actually been more interesting to watch Edmonton than Winnipeg this year.
  12. I'd be happy to wait until the end of the year to get rid of Burke and Mack, but I'd rather change out the OC RFN and I don't want Burke picking him, because Burke already said he knows nothing about offense. I'm not the guy who finds the next OC, so I don't need to have a specific one in mind. It's the same reasoning when I eat out. I don't have to have a new chef in mind to know the current one needs to be replaced.
  13. Too bad. You should have hired a professional who knew what he/she was doing.
  14. Nope. What's stupid is continuing with someone who isn't doing their job. I didn't say it couldn't get worse, but I know it won't change unless we make a change. When things are as bad as our offense in Winnipeg, you make changes. You don't just keep doing the same thing over and over and hope for a different outcome. I understand that good coaches have jobs at this time of the year. I also understand that there are other coaches out there who could help us. Maybe it get's better. We won't know unless we try. Even if it gets worse, it won't change the number of wins we get.
  15. You're happy going forward with Crowton just because you don't know who to replace him with? A monkey throwing poop at a play chart on the wall couldn't do much worse IMHO. Keeping someone who isn't doing a good job is foolish.
  16. I hope we get an announcement today that we signed another QB with some CFL experience so we CAN cut Buck. It should have happened at this time last year or at least in the off season. I don't want an angry QB who thinks he should be the starter mentoring anyone. It's this kind of 'Vet Presence' that we need to get rid of, not keep around just in case the Goltz decision doesn't work out. It free's up some needed SMS room too. I'm happy that Gotlz is getting the starts, but the Bombers did paint themselves into a corner by announcing that Goltz is the starting QB for the rest of the season after his first CFL start. Lots of QB's look like world beaters in their first starts (Dinwiddie) then turn into 'what ever happened to?' guys. A better choice would have been to say that Goltz did enough in his first start to give him a second start even know Buck is 'probably' ready to go and could come off the bench if needed. The only downside, is we would have to keep Buck on the roster, but we are doing that anyway so no big deal IMHO. I am worried that changing out the QB will give Crowton a pass. It's a built in excuse to say 'we have to change the offense to match Gotlz's abilities' so we should give our OC more time. The bye week is the best/only time to change out OC's, but I doubt we do now so we will be stuck with Crowton for the rest of the year.
  17. Try the Shark Club before the game. I haven't seen any tailgating around the stadium. Leave your car at the hotel and take Skytrain.
  18. Montreal seems the most likely to work their way off of that list. The others will be fighting for the last playoff spot IMHO.
  19. Cauchy is what I thought he was... A young guy with a years starting experience who makes a bunch of mistakes. Some of them were hidden because of BC's great set of DB's, and they are more on display with our underachieving group. He is physically way better than Logan and can make up for some of his mistakes because of it. Younger, cheaper(hopefully), faster and Henoc's brother made him a good pick up, but he isn't a big upgrade over Logan yet.
  20. It's not just a football ops question. It's a question of which way are we going to go and it's completely valid to question the guy who is going to have to 'pull the pin' on the decision. I'd hope that Buchko would dance around the answer, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be asked. Getting his opinion on which way he is leaning is what the fans want to know. Young and Wetenhall are owners and I have seen Young asked questions about Hamilton's struggles. Buchko isn't. He is the president and CEO.
  21. Talking to the media, especially when your team is in the crapper is part of both Mack & Buchko's job. Mack to answer for the questionable coaching hires and talent issues. Buchko to answer the question "Are we actively looking for a new GM" (I sure hope we are). Good coaches and GM's have jobs right now, so we may have to wait until the offseason to actually make changes, but now is the time to start the process.
  22. I think we are going to see another full scale rebuild this off season anyway. We might as well start now.
  23. So you're suggesting that we make a trade for a top tier QB? Which one and what do you think we should give up? Hint: None are available and Mack wouldn't make a trade anyway.
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