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Everything posted by Mike

  1. 160k a year for Ouelette. Not great, not terrible.
  2. The agent wouldn’t be keeping that quiet
  3. Chances are if you’re not being told, it’s because SSK got themselves a deal.
  4. Walker sounds like he’s leaving football behind
  5. Players are coming to the CFL because it beats getting a 9-5. Do you think everyone who enters the league makes responsible choices in every aspect of their life? There are absolutely guys who sign contracts thinking “wow this sure beats having to apply for full time jobs, I’ll **** around for now and figure it out later”
  6. Dalton Schoen (which is what I was asking about earlier) not being named one in 2022 should tell you everything you need to know.
  7. Did you see his interview this year on the first day of training camp? 😂
  8. I’m sure he loves basketball and just hates most of the work that goes into it outside of the 48 minutes of game time lol
  9. Lots of guys just play because they’re good at it, not because they enjoy it. Most of them just won’t say it out loud because of the fan reaction lol it’s just the reality of things, I’m sure lots of lawyers/doctors/whatever else don’t love their job either. To suggest otherwise is just oblivious. Just because pro sports gets glamorized doesn’t mean everyone who participates enjoys it. Hell, I have a good job that pays me on par with all but the high end CFL players but I’m not excited to be the best at it and I sure as hell wouldn’t do it for free. It’s just a job.
  10. I mean, yeah … you’re meeting them at coaching clinics. Do the math, those aren’t typically the guys who just view football as a job and nothing more. You don’t think it’s a reality for players? Look at Nikola Jokic in the NBA. 2 time MVP, defending champ. Hates basketball.
  11. Let’s not forget the age difference, which is massive when you’re discussing an introduction to pro football. Haba played most of his games before he turned 24 years old. I’d expect him (and Garbutt who I don’t think is much different) to take a little more time to acclimate than a guy like Fox (obviously not a direct positional comparison) who just turned 27. I personally like Jamal Woods to beat out Fox in camp.
  12. Did Tunde Adeleke sign with the Argos? Farhan says he did but he said it so casually that it seemed like a mistake because I haven’t read about it anywhere else
  13. I’m pretty sure we’ll be bringing Castillo back. There isn’t really another team who needs a kicker.
  14. I’ve met a lot on both sides of the argument. Some care plenty. Some look at it as paid overtime they didn’t volunteer to work.
  15. Boy do I have some news for you. Most players don’t care anywhere near as much as you or I do.
  16. What’re you going to tell me next? You probably think every player cares a bunch about whether they win a Grey Cup or not too right?
  17. Yeah. Pretty much. If someone pipes up and says “hey so and so gets a bonus if they win that this year”, you best believe anyone who hears that is gonna vote for the guy. Obviously I’m not suggesting they’re going to vote a guy like Shayne Gauthier, but these guys aren’t hitting the film room to break down the film before they decide between Adam Bighill and Cam Judge, as an example. You want more evidence it’s just a reputation, “you’ve earned it with your longevity” type vote? Go look who WASN’T a CFLPA all star in 2022.
  18. Yeah. That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. Do you really think they care? Lol These guys basically play opponents once or twice a season, they watch film throughout the week and that’s about as much CFL as the majority of them consume. Do you think these guys take their ballots home and think it over with a nice glass of whiskey? It’s all locker room talk. It’s a reputation award. Ask any player. I would bet less than 10% take it seriously. Two years ago, I remember talking to a current Bomber and it came up that he had filled out his ballot that afternoon. Hockey locker room talk. Somebody asked him who he voted for. “I forget”
  19. The Biggie apologists are wild. He’s barely passable as a starting linebacker at this point. The biggest thing he brings to the table at this point is his ability to read things pre-snap and get himself into the right spots but he’s probably the slowest linebacker in the league and is nowhere near the sure tackler he used to be. CFLPA all star aka the reputation award. Doesn’t mean anything for actual on-field performance, we all know that and just pretend we don’t when it’s convenient. Bighill has been awesome and he definitely had a bit of a resurgence at the beginning of 2024 but his play fell off a cliff in the second half of the year.
  20. You pay a guard that much money because he’s beyond elite and you can pay your import tackles far, far less
  21. I don’t expect much activity whatsoever, to be honest. Looking through what’s left out there, I bet we have some room to add but it’s not going to be anything notable. I see very little out there that I’d be interested in. Jamal Davis, Shawn Oakman (who I sense is going back to the XOXOFL or whatever the hell they’re calling it these days) and I suppose maybe a guy like Christmas or a depth DI type like a Shaq Richardson would be the only players I have much excitement for beyond our own.
  22. Always loved Briggs. Underrated player for sure, was far more of a contributor in key areas fans never really notice.
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