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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. Based on Cauchy's play .. I'd be all for this .. Glad to see Douglas is back .. going to be a bit before he is in game shape but he can only be an upgrade over Boatman at this point.
  2. Bob Irving ‏@BobIrvingCJOB 4m Mcknight Showing off big leg at bomber practice, launching 55-yard field goals.
  3. It's a positive thing that we are looking to improve and address areas where we've seen far too many lackluster performances. Will it pay off? Who knows. He may flame out or simply not adjust to the Canadian game but I'm glad they are bringing in guys to push people who may have gotten complacent.
  4. Where should the receivers come back to? The defence is sitting is short zones and daring our QB's to hit a window, which they've done few times. If we had a QB who could make a read and a throw, you could put the receivers down. There is nowhere for receivers to come back to. We don't throw deep, our veteran QB can't handle a blitz and teams are just sitting in the middle of the field and short zones daring someone to beat them, which makes it almost impossible to run the ball without tossing in everyone to block. We're probably the easiest team to defend in recent CFL history. Word on the street (ok, heard it from Rick Ralph) is none of our receivers are running the correct routes, and TE is the only one actually performing on game day like he does in practice. Haven't watched many of the games (only listened) so can't judge. Is it really the vet QB can't handle a blitz or our OL is just that awful? Little of column A .. little of column B ..
  5. They aren't going to hire a new head coach (or put a new one in place) until they hire a new GM. No GM will want the baggage that comes with this team and its staff. Burke lasts the season.
  6. The point I was trying to make actually was that having a strong arm doesn't mean a guy will be a top QB. Yes Bishop and Jackson had more success that Dinwiddie but there are also QBs who weren't overly blessed with arm strength who have had a lot more success than Bishop and Jackson. Doug Flutie immediately comes to mind. Hell, Jeff Garcia didn't have a cannon for an arm either and still had a great career in both the CFL and NFL.
  7. Considering how often he is hurt, he should be a backup QB's wet dream. The backups in Wpg have had every opportunity to take the job away from him and failed, from Jyles to Brink to Elliott and now Goltz and Hall. Lack of reps has not been the problem with Buck here. The lack of practice reps has been though. When you consider how Pierce dominates reps throughout the week in preparation for a game .. only to get hurt .. then the backups are being thrown into the fire without adequate preparation .. how can you expect anyone to excel? As a backup, in that situation, you don't get a chance to develop chemistry with your receiver and you don't get the bulk of the practice reps as packages are implemented for that week - especially when Buck's availability is still in question and he's still sucking down reps in the off chance he can go. Not exactly a recipe for success. That's a coaching blunder. Every QB should be getting some reps with the starting unit in practice, even if it's only a 2 minute drill like MB is doing now. Getting a handful of reps at the end of practice isn't the same thing as getting the starter's reps. The starter is going to dominate reps in practice. He needs them to prepare and to get a grasp on what is being done offensively for that week. That's the nature of the beast. But Buck, being the band aid that he is, can't be relied upon to finish a game let alone be available from week to week. So all that prep time goes to waste. Even if you were to split reps 50 / 50 between Buck and a backup, you're not giving the starter the best chance for success. They NEED those reps and the problem is amplified if the backup is a young, inexperienced quarterback.
  8. Considering how often he is hurt, he should be a backup QB's wet dream. The backups in Wpg have had every opportunity to take the job away from him and failed, from Jyles to Brink to Elliott and now Goltz and Hall. Lack of reps has not been the problem with Buck here. The lack of practice reps has been though. When you consider how Pierce dominates reps throughout the week in preparation for a game .. only to get hurt .. then the backups are being thrown into the fire without adequate preparation .. how can you expect anyone to excel? As a backup, in that situation, you don't get a chance to develop chemistry with your receiver and you don't get the bulk of the practice reps as packages are implemented for that week - especially when Buck's availability is still in question and he's still sucking down reps in the off chance he can go. Not exactly a recipe for success.
  9. Click on Leaderboard when you go into the Pick Ems menu option.
  10. Darren Cameron ‏@Darren_Cameron 24s Max Hall will start Saturday in Guelph against the @Ticats #Bombers.
  11. Wpg Blue Bombers ‏@Wpg_BlueBombers 1m Blue Bombers sign veteran defensive back Bo Smith http://tinyurl.com/kuhvf4j
  12. The one thing I sincerely hope is that the media (TSN especially) stops parroting this false idea that Buck Pierce gives this team the best chance to win. His play, over the last season and a half, has been absolutely terrible. His inability to stay healthy robs the team of any chance to develop chemistry / timing with his receivers. It cripples any other quarterback's ability to prepare week in week out. Look no farther than this season. They finally take the leash off Pierce, let him play his game .. let him be mobile .. he gets hurt. We simply *HAVE* to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough .. time to move on.
  13. I would extend that really to any and all free agents the Bombers end up courting. Winnipeg isn't exactly an ideal landing spot right now .. no continuity from a coaching standpoint, no stability from an organizational standpoint and no real direction or identity. We're Hamilton circa 2005-2008.
  14. We only have three quarterbacks on our roster. We *have* to dress three for game day. Pierce would never have played.
  15. Bellefeuille did say this wasn't an ideal situation for himself professionally and that he didn't want to take on the OC role. He did say thought that, when he joined the organization, said he'd do whatever it took to help us be successful .. this turned out to be whatever.
  16. Reilly throws a nice ball .. Edmonton competitive so far
  17. That's flat out wrong. The toss to Kohlert (for the TD) is a perfect example of him anticipating where the receiver would be.
  18. But for all Goltz's mobility he still can't hit the broad side of a barn (overstating his accuracy issues I know). He's also been run down (easily) more than once in read option situations and hasn't demonstrated the same level of athleticism of a Collaros or LeFevour. I don't know if it's the offense that's handcuffing Goltz from not show casing more of his physical tools but, to date, his athleticism and mobility have been overrated.
  19. Beasts Shout out to the fans who came out to support this train wreck. Hall. I know the offense struggled in the second half but there are blocks to build with. He played with poise, showed good anticipation and grit. Showed some smarts leaning on his veteran receiver. Edwards. Guy was determined to help this offense move forward and put his QB in a position to succeed. Bums Desia Dunn; picked on all night long and was a step behind most of the night. Creehan. Love his intensity as a positional coach - why doesn't that translate to his defensive philosophy as a co-ordinator? Jekyll and Hyde defense only shows improvement when Burke takes a direct hand in influencing its direction. Second half offense. The inability to make adjustments at the half kills this team every week. I actually think Hall's arm strength limitations are being overstated by some. He has an average arm. He showed that the ball sails a bit when he tried to drop it in over the Hamilton coverage .. also doesn't have ideal zip on some of the deeper patterns. That said, his game is about rhythm and timing and that type of quarterback *can* be very successful in this league. There are positive things to work with there. You could see the timing with his receivers getting better as the game progressed. You could see the touch and anticipation on display with that toss to Kohlert in the end zone. At the end of the day, you don't need a guy with a cannon. You need a guy who can march the length of the field. Is Hall that guy? I don't know. But he's the best of the bunch we have right now.
  20. I will .. it was brutal .. both ways .. so wildly inconsistent .. it's embarrassing that games like this get broadcast in the US .. not a good way to sell this league.
  21. This will be the first game I've missed in about 10 seasons. I shudder to think what this means for me if they pull out a win tonight
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