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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. That's flat out wrong. The toss to Kohlert (for the TD) is a perfect example of him anticipating where the receiver would be.
  2. But for all Goltz's mobility he still can't hit the broad side of a barn (overstating his accuracy issues I know). He's also been run down (easily) more than once in read option situations and hasn't demonstrated the same level of athleticism of a Collaros or LeFevour. I don't know if it's the offense that's handcuffing Goltz from not show casing more of his physical tools but, to date, his athleticism and mobility have been overrated.
  3. Beasts Shout out to the fans who came out to support this train wreck. Hall. I know the offense struggled in the second half but there are blocks to build with. He played with poise, showed good anticipation and grit. Showed some smarts leaning on his veteran receiver. Edwards. Guy was determined to help this offense move forward and put his QB in a position to succeed. Bums Desia Dunn; picked on all night long and was a step behind most of the night. Creehan. Love his intensity as a positional coach - why doesn't that translate to his defensive philosophy as a co-ordinator? Jekyll and Hyde defense only shows improvement when Burke takes a direct hand in influencing its direction. Second half offense. The inability to make adjustments at the half kills this team every week. I actually think Hall's arm strength limitations are being overstated by some. He has an average arm. He showed that the ball sails a bit when he tried to drop it in over the Hamilton coverage .. also doesn't have ideal zip on some of the deeper patterns. That said, his game is about rhythm and timing and that type of quarterback *can* be very successful in this league. There are positive things to work with there. You could see the timing with his receivers getting better as the game progressed. You could see the touch and anticipation on display with that toss to Kohlert in the end zone. At the end of the day, you don't need a guy with a cannon. You need a guy who can march the length of the field. Is Hall that guy? I don't know. But he's the best of the bunch we have right now.
  4. I will .. it was brutal .. both ways .. so wildly inconsistent .. it's embarrassing that games like this get broadcast in the US .. not a good way to sell this league.
  5. This will be the first game I've missed in about 10 seasons. I shudder to think what this means for me if they pull out a win tonight
  6. I'll drink Heineken if I can't have a Grolsch. That's acceptable drinking. ;-)
  7. Haven't even opened it yet .. going to guess .. Institutionalized? Heh.
  8. Not a GIF but Essential Game Day Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxcJW6bs5os
  9. How I'll feel if we give away another game to the TiCats.
  10. #FearTheBeard But seriously though .. looking at his raw stats (and I'll readily admit I haven't dug too deeply into this) .. he doesn't seem to offer much more than we have now. Change for the sake of change?
  11. Shhhh! No influencing potential designers!
  12. My money is on the guy following the Bombers the last 40 years .. you know .. the one with a clue. ;-) I still expect Hall to struggle at times through the game .. it's just the nature of the beast .. but these guys HAVE to be allowed to play through it.
  13. Except Ford is terrible as a returner and his roll on cover teams could easily be filled by one of the Canadian RBs. Let's be honest, if Simpson were to go down to injury, Ford wouldn't be the guy I want carrying the load.
  14. Healthiest our defense has been in awhile. Hopefully we're in for a good night on that side of the ball. Especially if the vets show up to play like they did last week.
  15. There were flat out drops that killed us in that game .. coming out of the shadow of our own goal posts .. also in the BC red zone .. receivers (Matthews) squeezes a couple of balls and the game could have been much different. The simple fact is Goltz is a young quarterback. He *IS* going to improve with playing time. Pierce, on the other hand, is not only starting to break down (physically) but mentally as well. He is holding onto the ball way too long. He's taking unnecessary sacks. He's inaccurate . injury prone and killing this team because he can't finish games.
  16. At some point that organization needs to turn the page .. he has to accept that .. he doesn't have to like it .. but he does have to accept it.
  17. http://blogs.montrealgazette.com/2013/08/14/als-sign-former-nfl-qb-smith/
  18. No issues in either IE or FF for me as well.
  19. Not a fan of this move to be honest. If he was healthy, I feel he brings more to the table than what Ford does.
  20. From what I've been reading .. Bilukidi isn't going anywhere for awhile ..
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