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Posts posted by Rich

  1. Interesting that on Hustler & Lawless last night, when they were interviewing Taman, he said that as a joke they gave Khari half his per diem per day, telling him he better get used to it, implying that the Bombers are cheaper then the Riders (no idea whether this is true or not on the per diems).  He also said that the Bombers have not asked permission to talk to Khari.


    Now nothing is official, but by playing that joke, it sure sounds to me like Khari coming is a done deal, just no one will officially say anything until they are allowed.

  2. Why would anyone want Kavis back ?

    Has he ever been successful in any position anyhwere in the CFL ?


    While I'm a big fan of Dunigan, not sure how comfrtable I'd be with him in the dual role. Actually the more I think about it, him being given either the HC or GM job doesn't sound right. Forde and his 200k can stay with TSN.

    Lapo is an X's & O's guy, there more to being a HC than that and IMO it's why Lapo failed.

    Stubler lost the Argos locker room rather quickly, which isn't something that should be overlooked.

    Cortez can run an offense, but again there's more to being an HC.


    Still don't understand all the hate for Buchko.


    Plain and simple the hate for Buckko stems from him signing a long term deal for broadcasting rights with CJOB then suddenly becoming president of the club.  It is the epitime of the "old boys club" of the board.  You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours


    And in hind sight, he wasn't the right man from the job.  From the fiasco of the stadium being a year late (not his fault, but shouldn't have made the promises he did) to the opening night problems, to hanging his hat on Mack.


    I'd love to know what discussions there was between the Bombers and TSN 1290 before CJOB got the broadcasting deal.  You know TSN would have been ready to pay for the radio rights, lots of synergies with the TV rights.   If CJOB out bid TSN 1290, then I have no problem with the deal.  But somehow, with the way this club has been run, I don't have any confidence that that is how is went down.


    And now we can get back to Kavis Reed, don't mean to de-rail the thread.


    Interesting notes from Penton in the Sun prior to this game, saying he talked to Khari, and something is obviously up 'cause he never stopped giggling the entire interview. Also said the CFL brass at this game all fully believe that Miller/Walters are taking over the football ops dept and will just hire a new coach. All can't believe no move has been made on Burke yet.

    Also, Go Stanps Go.....ABS.

    Its fine if they want to wait until after the Cup to announce a new HC but if they have decided to fire Burke, why let him twist in the wind?  Unless they've already discussed it with him and he's agreed to stay on.



    It is also possible that they have discussed him being fired and he agreed to wait to release the news.

  4. http://www.cfl.ca/article/canadians-dominate-divisional-player-awards


    Up against Jon Cornish from the West.  Does he have a chance of winning?



    This year’s winners are:

    Most Outstanding Player:
    Jon Cornish (CGY) | Ricky Ray (TOR)

    Most Outstanding Defensive Player:
    Charleston Hughes (CGY) | Chip Cox (MTL)

    Most Outstanding Canadian:
    Jon Cornish (CGY) | Henoc Muamba (WPG)

    Most Outstanding Special Teams Player:
    Rene Paredes (CGY) | Marc Beswick (HAM)

    Most Outstanding Rookie:
    Brett Jones (CGY) | CJ Gable (HAM)

    Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman:
    Brendon LaBatte (SSK) | Jeff Keeping (TOR)


  5. This reminds me a lot of the year that Dave Ritchie came in after Reinbold was fired.


    The team was bad, the season ticket base was decimated, the team was in debt up to its neck and on the verge of bankruptcy.    And within 2 years of Ritchie coming on board, in 2001 we had our 14 -4 season and going to the Grey Cup.  The emergence of Khari Jones and Milt Stegall, Charles Roberts soon after that ... the addition of Doug Brown and the franchise was rejuvenated.  



    This city loves a winner, is starved for one, and if they can turn it around, the fans will return in spades.  


    The question is, is Wade Miller the guy to do it.  And if he can't, with the debt this team has racked up, can the club survive until the next guy gets dumped in there.

  6. NFL Pick 'Em Pool


    Week 9 opens up on tonight with the Bengals at Miami.  Get your picks in before game time:
    Current leader board can be found here:
    CFL Pick 'Em Pool


    Final week of the regular season opens up with Montreal at Toronto.  Get your picks in before gametime - Friday @ 6:00PM:
    Checkout the current leader board here:
    NHL Pick 'Em Pool
    Saturday November 2nd starts off with the Chicago at our own Jets. Get your picks in  before Saturday @ 2PM:
    Checkout the current leader board here:


  7. Not that I agree that this poll is mutually exclusive, but the debt payment amount is constant.  Therefore in 5 and 10 years, as ticket, concession,  and TV revenues rise due to inflation, the percentage of the Bombers revenues that go to debt repayment will lessen.


     So there is a point that the organization will feel more pain in the short term paying for the stadium as opposed to 5 and 10 years from now.

  8. I voted for the new stadium, but I'm also not convinced these two options are mutually exclusive.  If you can guarantee that there would only be a couple of years of futility for a brand new stadium, then it is a no brainer.


    The problem though is that this team has been a bad team for a long time.  The issue is not the stadium, it is the board and how this team is managed.  I've compiled the winnineg percentages of all the teams over the last 5 and 10 years (with this season included):


    Last 5 Years:


    Calgary 68%

    Montreal 62%

    BC 56%

    Saskatchewan 50%

    Hamilton 46%

    Toronto 43%

    Edmonton 42%

    Winnipeg 34%


    Last 10 Years:


    BC 63%

    Montreal 60%

    Calgary 59%

    Saskatchewan 53%

    Toronto 47%

    Edmonton 44%

    Winnipeg 39%

    Hamilton 37%



    We have been by far the worst team in the league in the last 5 years.  In the 10 year picture, Hamilton has been worse then us, but not by much.  Players, coaches, GMs, scouts, have all been changed in that time frame.  Only the board is constant.


    Sorry to derail your thread, but this team was bad in the old stadium.  The reason we are bad now is not the debt, is not the new stadium.  It is now in the DNA of this team.

  9. NFL Pick 'Em Pool


    Week 8 opens up on Thursday with Carolina at Tampa Bay.  Get your picks in before game time:
    Current leader board can be found here:
    CFL Pick 'Em Pool


    Week 18 opens with the Bombers visiting the Argonauts.  Get your picks in before gametime - Thursday @ 6:30PM:
    Checkout the current leader board here:
    NHL Pick 'Em Pool
    Saturday October 26th starts off with the Oilers at the Coyotes.  The Jets are also visiting the Stars!  Get your picks in  before Saturday @ 3PM:
    Checkout the current leader board here:
  10. do they tho? they are the only summer sport in town of any worth... have a rich history and a brand new stadium and have a dedicated fanbase.. they also know that this will eventually turn around...

    now, should they flaunt that and say such things as mentioned? no, of course not but i also have to assume the person calling was being a little uncouth towards the team and the cust service reps bosses..


    I know JPan has said that he mis-read the tweet so this is probably a moot point, but this kind of thinking will bankrupt the Bombers, and your unwavering support to the Bombers here is misguided.  Any business that doesn't care about its customers will lose them in the long run.  You think people need the Bombers in the summer?   No.  There is plenty to do in this town (and out of town with cottages) that peoople don't NEED the Bombers.


    The so called dedicated fan base is already starting to erode.  Fan apathy is already at an all time high .... and that is with people on this board.  Imagine how the average fan feels.


    No business can take their paying customers for granted.  To suggest that it is okay for the to do so because "they are the only game in town" is ridiculous, even if someone is being "uncouth".   People have limited dollars to spend for the whole year.  Are they going to spend it with the Jets, where they get fan satisfaction and fan experience or the Bombers, where lately they have had one blunder after another.


    I will continue to support the organization, buy my season tickets, but many fans will not.  This organization has a lot of good will to win back in the community.

  11. There is no excuse for any customer service to tell you that your business is not important to them, no matter how much flack or bitching they have been putting up with.   That is their job - customer - service. 


    Telling you that they will not be sorry if you left is a slap in the face, especially after this season.  At the end of the day the Bombers need the paying customer, for the paying customer this is nothing but entertainment, and entertainment dollars can easily go to other places.  They don't need the Bombers.


    The Bombers should be kissing everyone's ass to come back next year.  They need to be doing everything possible to bring people back.


    How does a coach not use any of his 2 timeouts when clock time is going to be an issue, especially on the time count play.

    He did use one time out on the play after Foster took a knee. It was the same play where the command centre reviewed a catch.



    Isn't that a forced timeout when there is an injury, or is that NFL I'm thinking of?

  13. NFL Pick 'Em Pool


    Week 7 opens up tonight!.  Get your picks in before game time:
    Current leader board can be found here:
    CFL Pick 'Em Pool


    Week 17 opens with the Stampeders visiting the Eskimoes.  Get your picks in before gametime - Friday @ 8PM:
    Checkout the current leader board here:
    NHL Pick 'Em Pool
    Saturday October 19th starts off with the Canucks at the Penguins.  Get your picks in  before Saturday @ 12PM:
    Checkout the current leader board here:


    What picks do we gave this year? I know we just traded our second round to the Riders, but not sure about the rest.


    Interesting question. Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_CFL_Draft , I make it that we have:


    Round One: 1 pick (probably the #2 overall).


    Round Two: nothing.


    Round Three: 2 picks (ours and Toronto's).


    Round Four: 1 pick.


    Round Five: nothing.


    Round Six: 2 picks (ours and Edmonton's).


    Round Seven 1 pick.


    So we have a total of 7 picks. Only problem is that over half of them are Round Four or lower and I keep hearing that it's not going to be a very deep draft.



    we have 3 picks in the first 3 rounds and 4 picks in the last 4 rounds.... You think we'll end the year with a better record than Edmonton?



    Ottawa gets the 1st pick in every round this year.




    I think it suggests that we are going to have people compete for jobs next year and the best players will win.


    No one is going to be handed a job.  And based on the way this team has played, no one should be.

    but isn't this what has been said for the past several years?



    I have to hope that a new GM means it will be a reality this time.  If not, this team will continue on the path it is now, which is not a good one for the long term stability of the franchise.


    Or the other side of that argument is that there has been competition for spots on this team, the coaches we have though just can't maximize the returns on that talent. The list of players who have really progressed on this team is really really short, but the list of guys who have seen their play regress is quite lengthy. 



    Agreed but I also think there has been positions where there was little to no competition in camp over the last few years.   O-line is one of those areas, especially at the import OLine spot(s).  Mack seemed to love bringing in receivers, D-Linemen, and somewhat DBs.  And I think he was successful bringing in talent in those positions (receiver is hard to gauge with lack of quality QBs throwing to them)


    Lack of competition at OLine, kick returner, and some years linebacker (do like some of the additions from this year) have come back to bite us.


    QBs is a different story.  Can't deny he tried with bringing in new options, just haven't had much success.  Whether or not that is entirely on the talent brought in or the schemes from the coaches, will never know exactly the cause.  I don't think many non-CFL vets would be successful in the offense we ran over the last couple of years, but that also doesn't mean that the QBs brought in were good.  They just really weren't given much of a chance to succeed to find out.


    I think it suggests that we are going to have people compete for jobs next year and the best players will win.


    No one is going to be handed a job.  And based on the way this team has played, no one should be.

    but isn't this what has been said for the past several years?



    I have to hope that a new GM means it will be a reality this time.  If not, this team will continue on the path it is now, which is not a good one for the long term stability of the franchise.

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