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Posts posted by Rich

  1. They say that the opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference.


    This is what I'm seeing on this board and I feel it too.  I don't even get mad after a Bomber loss anymore, it is now expected and gets a simple shrug of the shoulders.   Missed last weekend's game because of a family thing, didn't even care.  Didn't even bother taping the game to watch later, what is the point.....   Missing the last game of the year as well, going to watch the Jets instead.   I shutter to think what the in house attendance will be for that game.


    I hope the Bombers are paying attention to this, because this apathy is the absolute worst thing that can happen for the franchise.  You can ***** and complain about people not being "true fans" all you want, but it is just people being honest with how they feel.  And you can't fault them for that.


    I never understood fans who say they would boycott games to "teach" the club a lesson.  At least in those instances people still cared and showed passion.  What I'm seeing here is worse.  People don't want to teach the club a lesson, they just don't care anymore.


    I don't think all is lost.  The fan base here is a pool of gasoline waiting for a spark to set them off.   They need to provide that spark before the gasoline dissipates away.  They need to show they are making changes in the off season.  They need to clean house, including Burke,   If they bring him back and there is more of the same next year, this club is DOA.   


    Realistically, I'd be happy with 6 - 8 wins next year as long as the club is competitive in the games they play.  If these blowouts continue where you know by the end of the 2nd quarter that the team has absolutely no chance of winning, there won't be a revolt.  People will walk away, and it will take a long time to get those non-hardcore fans back.


    Picked a bad year to open a new Bomber site.....

  2. Hall is gone no matter what, so would you be happy with picking Neufeld with our 2nd round pick.  Getting the 4th is a bonus.  I don't know anything about Neufeld, but our OLine does need depth, and he should be more ready to step in then anyone we would pick in next years draft.


    The one thing I don't like is that Neufeld is from Regina ... so does he just go back when his contract is up...

  3. This will be Week 1 of the MBB NHL Pick 'Em Pool.


    This will be a weekly event where the Saturday games are picked,  Entries must be in before game time of the first game.  This week that is Saturday October 5 @ 6PM.


    I will start folding reminders and summaries for this into the existing weekly Pick 'Em Pool thread for the NHL and CFL pools, but wanted to get this out in its own thread to kick off Week 1.


    Get your picks in here:


  4. I don't know.  Luxury boxes are one of the life bloods of professional sports teams.  I would think not getting paid for one for a couple of year's is far from ideal.  The fact they have to deal that kind of deal with one of their Board members is not promising. 


    Or you can look at it as an interest free (not sure if it is actually interest free) loan from Asper so they can get a press box done earlier so they can host a Grey Cup and have a chance of getting some extra revenue from hosting a Grey Cup to pull them out of this mess.



    I do believe this closed board has to go.  They are running this organization into the ground, and quite honestly the way they mismanaged the stadium construction is absolutely ridiculous.  But how is that going to happen, who do they really answer to?  I'm also not a fan of the government getting in to decide how the board is run.    What alternative is there in this situation?   They've already borrowed from the bank for the other stadium upgrades.  Unlikely a financial institution is going to kick in more with their debt load.    

  5. NFL Pick'Em Pool


    Week 5 kicks off Thursday night with the Bills visiting the Browns.  Get your picks in for the week before game time (7:30 PM) here.





    Check out the current leaderboard here:




    CFL Pick'Em Pool


    Week 15 of the CFL schedule kicks off on Friday at 6PM with the Hamilton visiting Toronto.  So far 100% of entrants are picking Toronto.  Ripe for an upset?   Make your picks here:




    Check out the current leaderboard here:



  6. I did not care for the cheering. Buck the person is good but Buck the football player has set this organization back 4 years. He had looked just as awful with the more talent around him in BC as he did here. The mess that took place last night can be traced right back to Buck.


    It isn't Buck's fault the organization couldn't replace him or find better.  He never held the gun to their heads to keep him.  He didn't hold the organization back, it was management.  Can't blame the guy to keep the pay cheque as long as they were willing to pay it.


    To me, the cheering last night just goes to show how much this fan base is dying to cheer for something.   There is no hope for this team for this season.  The fan base is taking what they can get.

  7. Until we get a QB it doesn't matter how talented the rest of the roster is.


    I don't blame Tim Burke for losing. I blame Tim Burke for losing in the most ridiculous, frustrating to watch, uninspiring, unintelligent and disheartening way possible on a regular basis.


    Tell us how you really feel  :)

  8. Noel gets more from that team than is there so to me as more of a secondary jets fan it seems crazy that he's even on the bubble. I mean almost made the playoffs in the SE division, that's not much of an accomplishment but that roster isn't much just yet either. It's not going to be a playoff team in the west I don't believe, the level of competition is just so much higher. This is a team that still sees Jokinen as an option at centre, that means you don't have a good roster. There's some good pieces but it's not a playoff roster until some of them take a big step. 


    Don't disagree for the most part, and Jokinen has been a bust, but some of the problems with this team have been consistent over the last couple of years and some of them go beyond talent.  Most surround inconsistent play.  They show flashes of what they can do for a game or over a couple of periods, and then they fizzle making the same mental mistakes and let downs.
    The question becomes ... is that an indication of coaching or a young team.   Jury is out on that.  And that is why he got the "bridge" extension to find out.  Is it a guarantee that he will be fired if they don't make the playoffs, probably not as you are right, it is a tougher division and conference.   But if he can't push them past those same inconsistencies, or they regress, I think he is gone.  
    I like Noel.  He is a great interview, always entertaining quotes, but over the last year, there are times I wondered if he is the right man for the job.  
  9. has Gary Lawless written about him being a lame duck yet?


    I don't think he has, but Gary likes Noel.  They (can't remember if it was Gary specifically, but "they" as in TSN 1290) have insuniated that this is likely the make it or break it year for Noel.  


    They've re-signed the core players, Cheveldayoff has been given the nod of approval, the team almost made the playoffs last year, so if they don't make it in this year, you have to wonder if Noel isn't the one to go.  The extension basically screams that he has this year to show what he can do with the team, and if not, next year is basically his severance pay.


    So, lame duck not yet, but if the team doesn't perform this year, he is probably gone.

  10. I will be going to the game tonight and cheering on the team as always, but it is hard to get excited about it.  I've always loved this time of year, when the weather gets a little colder and there is a push to the playoffs.  Shows who really wants it, who can fight through it all.  But this team is a dead man walking, so there is none of that.


    With the NHL season starting up next week, the Bombers will be all but forgotten except for the die hards.


    Lets hope for at least a competitive game like last week.  Hate sitting through the second half when you know there is no chance.

  11. NFL Pick'Em Pool


    Week 4 kicks off Thursday night with the 49ers visiting the Rams.  Get your picks in for the week before game time (7:30 PM) here.


    View the current leaderboard here.


    CFL Pick'Em Pool


    Week 14 of the CFL schedule kicks off on Friday at 7PM with the Lions visiting the Bombers.  Do we see Buck Pierce suit up for the Lions?  Get your picks in here.


    MOBomberFan and myself are currently tied for the lead with 15, Tony Fresco in second with 14, and, JPan85 and TrueBlue in 3rd with 13.  Check out the current leaderboard here.


    Now if the Bombers want Tate then ask away.... Please.


    actually, i think they should. 


    Tate and Hall backing up Collaros (who you should make a big money offer to) would take you from the worst QB situation to one of the better ones. having a designated QB coach with those three should go without saying...



    Tate is signed to starters money already though, isn't he?   Not sure the Bombers could afford to make the offer to Collaros if they traded for Tate.  I'd rather have Collaros then live through Buck 2.0. 





    RT @garylawless: League source tells me #Bombers inquired about Bo Levi Mitchell in the last 10 days and were politely told no thanks.



    Strike 2.......


    Bo's not going anywhere. Are the Bombers that dense?? Clue in, Walters. The Stamps are going to protect him. Same with some of the fanbase here. He's not leaving Calgary.




    Dense?  What does it hurt to ask.  They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't turnover every stone.  Mack was bad because he didn't talk to GMs.  Walters is bad because has asks for things he should know he can't have.


    If Ricky Ray was traded, anything is possible.   This is silly to criticize Walters for this.


    Walters has asked more than once. He's been told no everytime. Why would the Stamps kill their future in a trade with Winnipeg?? Not happening. We need to concentrate on another qb.



    Who says he isn't.  It is possible to talk to more then one team at once.  In fact, with only 7 other teams, there is more then enough time to concentrate on all of them.


    I see no problem with being persistent on this, even if he is turned down every time.


    Not that I think he is going to get BLM, but this is the most silliest thing I've ever seen the organization criticized about.



    RT @garylawless: League source tells me #Bombers inquired about Bo Levi Mitchell in the last 10 days and were politely told no thanks.



    Strike 2.......


    Bo's not going anywhere. Are the Bombers that dense?? Clue in, Walters. The Stamps are going to protect him. Same with some of the fanbase here. He's not leaving Calgary.




    Dense?  What does it hurt to ask.  They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't turnover every stone.  Mack was bad because he didn't talk to GMs.  Walters is bad because has asks for things he should know he can't have.


    If Ricky Ray was traded, anything is possible.   This is silly to criticize Walters for this.


    there was a guy could be clearly heard on TSN on the 3rd down in OT screaming "Maybe you should take a knee" sums things up perfectly. Burke is a loser and the team is a loser because of it. What is he? 6-16 as head coach with so many games where the team was never ever remotely in it... he needed to be fired 2 or 3 months ago. 

    That was the guy beside me. Gave our whole section a good laugh thats for sure.


    Why was Boltus number two if Goltz was the guy they put in? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it? What an absolute gongshow. Burke should be fired tomorrow morning.



    My brother yelled this out last night.  We just listened to the broadcast and it sure sounded like him.  Are you in Section 229?

  16. Fans and objectivity are not synonymous. Hence the derivation of the term fan. Burke's argument was he had an ill prepared QB with just above zero playtime in the game with 25 sec. He made an objective decision. No one has commented on Burke's decision to play defence first in OT? A decision I am sure was also objective providing his QB more time to prepare. Perhaps the counter argument could easily be he should have rested and calmed the D after giving up the td for the tie. Isn't hindsight from an armchair wonderful.


    The decision to play defence first is because it gives you a huge advantage in the overtime format.  If you go offence first and find yourself on 3rd down, you pretty much have to kick a field goal.  By going offence second, you already know what your opponent did, so if they scored a TD, you have the luxury of knowing you have to go for it on 3rd down.  If they went FG, then you know you can kick the FG.


    Has nothing to do with resting defence or preparing your QB.

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