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Posts posted by Rich

  1. Ottawa will have a lot of cap room in free agency as well.   Be interesting to see if / how much they would have to over pay to attract the high end talent.


    A lot of teams have also let contracts expire with the purpose of making them not attractive in the dispersal draft.  How many agents will be telling their clients to wait till February now so they can at the very minimum play Ottawa's offers against other teams.

  2. Having a former official police the officials is like having a rat police a cheese tray.


    I don't view his job as "policing" the officials.  His job is to give guidance and direction.   Johnson was a good ref, hopefully he can take the years of seeing what worked, what didn't, and knowing where deficiencies in the system lie to improve them.


    On the other hand, you can take someone who knows absolutely nothing about the job with no experience and put them in charge.  Yes, I'm looking at you Mr. Buchko.



    I have no beefs with Andre Proulx. I honestly think people's negative view of him has a lot to do with his heavy accent. Not fluently English, so he must be dumb...


    I would say he has gotten better in the last couple of years, but before that there always seemed to be questionable call against the Bombers when we played Montreal.   


    When a game doesn't involve Montreal, I have no problems with him as a ref.



    Perception, or reality?  Most of the botched Montreal-Winnipeg games have been officiated by Murray Clarke.



    I'm not a fan of Murray Clarke either.

  4. I have no beefs with Andre Proulx. I honestly think people's negative view of him has a lot to do with his heavy accent. Not fluently English, so he must be dumb...


    I would say he has gotten better in the last couple of years, but before that there always seemed to be questionable call against the Bombers when we played Montreal.   


    When a game doesn't involve Montreal, I have no problems with him as a ref.

  5. If I am ever wronged and feel compelled to go to the media, I would never choose Gordon Sinclair.  I refuse to even read his articles on more.  On stories where I am knowledgeable of the facts, every time he completely twists the story and people's words to make his articles very slanted in whatever indignant way or point he wants to make that day.  This makes me question and dismiss any of his articles where I don't know the facts.


    It is a shame if what he is writing is true.  But because Gordon Sinclair is the author of the article, I place absolutely no weight into what he says.


    Maybe its as simple as they have better / more qualified people on their board.    Jim Hopson, their CEO also has a lot to do with their success.


    The boards job should really be giving guidance at a high level and making sure the right people are running the organization.   They shouldn't be hiring / firing coaches and GMs.


    The board should put the right people in place for the organization to run.  Lets hope they finally got it right with Wade Miller.


    I agree on all points.

    Rich, you and I have discussed this before, essentially all I want is accountability, the right people governing, not meddling in day to day ops etc.


    The fact that leaks are still occurring, nothing was done about the Mack leak, Mack being hired by the Board in the first place, certain members clearly having a lot of influence on the Board and are treating the Bombers as their own toy etc, is not sitting well with me. The Board IMO is just an knee jerky as some the fans, and yet realistically there's nothing we fans can do about it, because inevitably it would just lead to more knee jerk reactions or us fans hurting the team.



    Yes, we definitely agree on the bolded part. I don't think an entirely voted in board is the answer.  Just the logistics of who is put on the ballot, how do they campaign to get peoples votes, etc, etc.  I hate politics at the best of times, and I would hate for the Bombers board to become that.


    I know you are making suggestions to try and change the status quo, which hasn't been working, and I would be for any change that made the Bombers better..  I wish I had a viable alternative suggestion.  




    What Saskatchewan does is hardly different than what we've started doing. They allow the public to submit candidates who have to go through board approval.

    The only difference is they give shareholders a vote. The catch? Their vote is about as meaningful as the stock they hold. It holds very little weight in the process, it's more symbolic than anything.

    So how come Sask is doing loads better than the Bombers on and off the field ?

    I would assume leadership is part of it no ?

    we could talk about why they are doing better all day. but rest assured its not cause fake shareholders get to rubber stamp a nominee in some hokey vote.


    Not going to disagree with that, but their Board gets results both on and off the field.



    Maybe its as simple as they have better / more qualified people on their board.    Jim Hopson, their CEO also has a lot to do with their success.


    The boards job should really be giving guidance at a high level and making sure the right people are running the organization.   They shouldn't be hiring / firing coaches and GMs.


    The board should put the right people in place for the organization to run.  Lets hope they finally got it right with Wade Miller.


    Wade Miller did well on this one. We're going to be paying Burke peanuts.

    Is this only if Burke goes to T.O or elsewhere, or a favourable deal even if Burke decides to sit out the season ?



    Sounds like this is a done deal and not conditional .  He agreed to a buyout, so that is the end of it as far as the Bombers are concerned.


    I wouldn't mind Burke as our DC but it would be strange. Also, if Burke goes to TO does that mean the team is off the hook for his HC salary? Can someone clarify that?


    Presumably, as he's under contract with the BB, they would have to reach a buy-out agreement. 




    If they can lift Burke's contract off their books then that would be the best thing for the Bombers. If the new HC wants Burke, I guess they can pay him what he was supposed to be paid as a HC & refuse other teams like the Argos from talking to him which is an unlikely scenario.


    I believe what happens is it is either a buyout like BriceDream suggests, or they pay Burke his partial salary over and above what the other team would pay him to bring him back to the salary he signed for.


    Either way, if he works again, the Bombers won't be on the hook for his full salary.


    Hasn't all that talk about exhaustive searches reached the level of absurdity yet?

    Get over it already.

    Some people are being dicks about it, but it really is a legitimate issue to question. Pretty much everybody on this site wanted us to do it, until we didn't. Then it's no big deal, and as you say, we should all get over it.



    I think my issue with this is we really don't know what search went on or didn't.


    We hear bits and pieces of who we may have asked permission to talk to, who we have talked to and who we didn't talk to.  But no one really knows what has gone on.   Most teams have been out of playoff picture for weeks now.  It is possible that discussions, formal or not, have gone on with other individuals.


    And out of respect to people who didn't get the job, all of that should not be publicized.


    On the other hand, this organization has a track record of simply hiring the people / coaches who are present and / or interim solutions.   So I can most certainly understand people's skepticism.  


    I'm really on the fence on this.  It is another wait and see year to see what they will and can do.   If they strike out this time  though, I'm not sure how many more at bats they have before they start doing some serious damage to the fan base and retaining and attracting paying customers.

  11. Sad that HNIC will eventually be phased out on CBC, it's iconic and a huge part of Canadian tradition. Not liking the idea that the Evil Empire is getting complete control over the NHL in Canada. The money in this deal is beyond ridiculous, and I'm not sure Rogers will actually make any money, which I suppose is a good thing. While I'm not a fan of Sportsnet's panel, the NHL on TSN panel has become tedious and I absolutely loathe Duthie and McKenzie. Also I could see TSN going all out with the NFL and NBA, which IMO isn't a good thing, I really don't see TSN going full force with the CFL, even though we are TSN's biggest property now.


    I think they end up making money on the backend of this deal.   12 years is an eternity, and the fact they got the price locked in for that long as the game grows, inflation rises, and advertising dollars follow, I think they will be fine.


    I'd be curious to know how this compares to the top deal offered by TSN.

  12. I see a lot of people unhappy with the Walters hire, people wanting more experience in their GM.


    Personally, I'm okay with this hire.  I'm not ecstatic about it, but I don't hate it.  I don't really buy in to this being the easy hire either.  Miller has had 4 months to see how Walters does his job, strategize with him about the expansion draft, and see how he works, understand his philosophy.  Miller isn't going to hire anyone he doesn't believe is going to work.  People just don't do their job to fail.   Being his first hire, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here.


    I would have been okay with Higgins as well, but it would be the same thing, not ecstatic about it, but a wait and see attitude.


    About the only hire that would have made me ecstatic is Buono, Popp, or Hufnagel, which really wasn't going to happen.


    So, a simple yes or no question, how do you feel about the Walters hire?


    Since Ossama AbouZeid isn't heading the construction of any of these projects, it's a safe bet to say that all three stadiums will be completed on time, on budget and -- gasp! -- with the use of properly designed blueprints.

    Why was Abou Zeid hired & what experience did he have? He was fired, right?



    According to his LinkedIn he is president and CEO of Dunmore Corporation which I couldn't find any information on or a website, however it was mentioned in an article a couple of years ago as being involved in the new Winnipeg Police Headquarters downtown, which is not a project you want to be mentioned as being part of (way over budget and time).


    The story goes like this .... he was part of the Bomber board, left the board to head up the construction of the stadium, and now got his cushy job back on the board

  14. Interesting that on Hustler & Lawless last night, when they were interviewing Taman, he said that as a joke they gave Khari half his per diem per day, telling him he better get used to it, implying that the Bombers are cheaper then the Riders (no idea whether this is true or not on the per diems).  He also said that the Bombers have not asked permission to talk to Khari.


    Now nothing is official, but by playing that joke, it sure sounds to me like Khari coming is a done deal, just no one will officially say anything until they are allowed.

  15. Why would anyone want Kavis back ?

    Has he ever been successful in any position anyhwere in the CFL ?


    While I'm a big fan of Dunigan, not sure how comfrtable I'd be with him in the dual role. Actually the more I think about it, him being given either the HC or GM job doesn't sound right. Forde and his 200k can stay with TSN.

    Lapo is an X's & O's guy, there more to being a HC than that and IMO it's why Lapo failed.

    Stubler lost the Argos locker room rather quickly, which isn't something that should be overlooked.

    Cortez can run an offense, but again there's more to being an HC.


    Still don't understand all the hate for Buchko.


    Plain and simple the hate for Buckko stems from him signing a long term deal for broadcasting rights with CJOB then suddenly becoming president of the club.  It is the epitime of the "old boys club" of the board.  You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours


    And in hind sight, he wasn't the right man from the job.  From the fiasco of the stadium being a year late (not his fault, but shouldn't have made the promises he did) to the opening night problems, to hanging his hat on Mack.


    I'd love to know what discussions there was between the Bombers and TSN 1290 before CJOB got the broadcasting deal.  You know TSN would have been ready to pay for the radio rights, lots of synergies with the TV rights.   If CJOB out bid TSN 1290, then I have no problem with the deal.  But somehow, with the way this club has been run, I don't have any confidence that that is how is went down.


    And now we can get back to Kavis Reed, don't mean to de-rail the thread.


    Interesting notes from Penton in the Sun prior to this game, saying he talked to Khari, and something is obviously up 'cause he never stopped giggling the entire interview. Also said the CFL brass at this game all fully believe that Miller/Walters are taking over the football ops dept and will just hire a new coach. All can't believe no move has been made on Burke yet.

    Also, Go Stanps Go.....ABS.

    Its fine if they want to wait until after the Cup to announce a new HC but if they have decided to fire Burke, why let him twist in the wind?  Unless they've already discussed it with him and he's agreed to stay on.



    It is also possible that they have discussed him being fired and he agreed to wait to release the news.

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