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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. What the hell jersey is Edmonton wearing? Yikes
  2. When was his last really good game? Last years Banjo Bowl? Do I think he’s going to play like that every week? No. Are his bad habits as a passer becoming more prevalent? Absolutely. The pattern of regression is there going back to last year. Poor on the road mostly, average at best in the playoffs. Staring down receivers. Throwing dumb picks. Fumbling. Not progressing through his reads. Playing huck it chuck it football and having to get bailed out by receivers all the time.
  3. I’m better now, back in the day I couldn’t even play a game of Madden for days after the Bombers lost.
  4. How though? It’s simple, you should be allowed to bet on your own team to win. Straight up only, no spreads, no props, just to win the game. Anything else, you’re done, banned for life.
  5. I still can’t believe they put Suitor in the hall of fame.
  6. Hot, and probably unpopular take: betting on your own team to straight up win isn’t morally wrong.
  7. At this point I don’t think it matters actually. Zach looks at his first read which will always Schoen/Demski (or Lawler before the injury), if they’re not open he just pumps and pumps until one of the 3 breaks their route off back towards the ball, or he has to eat it. I was excited when they brought in Pokey Wilson, super athletic guy from a big school. Then I realized he’s going to get bargain basement looks and concepts. Best he can probably hope for is a short crosser or maybe a jet sweep if he’s lucky.
  8. I can’t watch games after Bomber losses, I could never stand it. Glad to hear BOLO is looking good, was always a fan. He did nothing but produce here with his minimal opportunities.
  9. We should develop a quarterback too..
  10. If they have a chance, they need to sign Worthy/Alford regardless of Chris Smith, they could always sign and PR him when healthy. They need a real returner for next game. I’ve said this before but Nick Moore was a great signing. Even though he didn’t do all that much, it was the big FA signing Walters needed at the time to show that the club wasn’t cheaping out anymore. First top-level FA to be willing to come here since god knows when before that. Christ, maybe Dunnigan. It opened the floodgates for ‘16 when they brought in Harris, Dressler ect. That all had to start somewhere.
  11. I’d hope so. They did release him outright, is there any confirmation or even indication he hung around?
  12. Worthy, Alford. Hell, Perry Floyd. Anyone’s better than who we have now.
  13. Yeah a day late, and the chipped balls were incredibly bush league. I’d be more upset if the offence had shown any notion of doing anything with the extra 5 points (3 missed FGs= 9, minus 2 singles and the safety) As it stands sure, put an asterisk in the record books. That loss should have been 27-16.
  14. I sometimes wish they’d used that money elsewhere quite honestly. Hindsight being 20/20, I was thrilled when they brought him back. Between the suspension and now on the 6-game he hasn’t really been worth it.
  15. Yeah. collarbone or wrist would have been much worse. With 2 higher paid guys on the 6-game now, plus Lawson, what are the chances they bring some experienced FA’s in? Worthy would be a worthy addition, and I wouldn’t say no to Mario Alford either. What’s Juwan Brescasin up to?
  16. No eye rolls here. If it was the Bombers I’d be laughing and saying “well, they could have stopped it instead of crying about it”. I’ve always felt that way about running up the score. Fair game. If the other team doesn’t like it, do something to stop it.
  17. I don’t think he has the ability to do that no, everything’s spinny, end over end line drives, and zero chance he ever kicks them out of trouble in bad weather.
  18. On top of everything else, the team is handicapped on ST with a crappy gimmick punter, and currently zero ability to flip thee field on returns. They’re going to be in a field position hole all year.
  19. L I agree with everything about Zach. I also think MOS has made some stubborn, overly loyal and quite frankly stupid decisions over the last 2 years. Both carry blame for what we saw last night. As Wilson is close to Jake Thomas territory now. It’s a shame we cut the 22 year old LB making plays all over the place in preseason.
  20. Oh big time, that’s pure incompetence on the part of the CFL.
  21. Hope so. If he figures it out we can still have an elite team. It’s gonna take making a few of his favourites sit down though, we’ll see. It will be easy to tell, by 2 factors 1- moving forward, not using Canadian backups as starters tor no good reason. 2- We see them give Streveler a shot at running the full offence if Collaros pukes all over himself again. The only thing I’d really question Walters on (besides not keeping Brown, but that’s super debatable still) is how they’ve significantly buggered up the ST this year with no returner and clinging to this global punter idea.
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