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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. Was talking about some of the new WRs with a buddy yesterday and we got to thinking, Who’s your all time cut you were sold on? Mines for sure Russ Michna. My 18 year old self thought we’d finally found the answer. Abraham Morlu for about 30 seconds too.
  2. Argos/Bombers imo are neck and neck for best scouting in the league, and as much as I hate to say it, Toronto’s actually done better than us there over the last 2 years.
  3. I think it was to Bob about something Mitch said. I remember hearing “That’s bullshit Bob” but I could be wrong. Ngl, Zalnasky would have been easier to swear at
  4. He should have been fired the second he swore at Bob Irving.
  5. A few buddies and I sat behind the Esks bench and spent most of the game screaming at Jim Daly(he was their STC at the time) Not my finest hours as a Bomber fan, to say the least lol.
  6. I had a blank #21 jersey from the 80’s and one with the Murphy NOB. I lost the named one to a mouse infestation and drunkenly ripped the other one hulkster style in frustration after watching Alexis Serna blow a FG to lose the 2009 season opener in Edmonton.
  7. Throw the book at Kelly and John Murphy. There’s no place in society today for that kind of crap. Especially Murphy, enough’s enough already. The guy’s just an *******.
  8. I had a navy lightning bolt Brad Elberg jersey in grade 5 lol Also back then I had a sweet jersey style 3/4 length shirt that someone at my Dads work made for me with 88 Bolton on the back. (For whatever reason Nathaniel Bolton was my favourite Bomber)
  9. Edmonton for one. The loss of Paul Jones and his scouting department to them after 1996 set the Bombers back 20 years.
  10. Taman was the most bush league GM in modern CFL history. Not all his fault mind you as the club was broke, and being run by the inept BOD. If not for Milt, I sincerely believe the team would have folded by 2005, and if not for Wade Miller would still be a bottom feeder now, if even in existence. In retrospect it’s amazing they made it through.
  11. Yeah they were running it on the cheap back then. The facility was super rough too. I don’t think we retained a high-end FA for nearly a decade. After 02 it was the big 4 (Milt/Blink/Brown/KJ or KG) with little to nothing else talent-wise. When they hired Doug Berry, Taman was able to bring in a few good vets on the tail end (Simpson, Bolden, Armstrong, ect) to make a short run. Point is, you’re right. There was never anything foundational for a sustained run on top before Wade took over.
  12. Nah, it’s fine the way it is. I’d even be ok with the playoffs in December like way back when. I mean, I’m in the minority I guess but I love cold weather football. Nothing more Canadian than a 3pm start ending under the lights with snowflakes falling. Not to mention avoiding the weekly lightning delays that come with late spring/early summer games.
  13. It’s ok if you’re directly in front of the arena while there’s an event on. Anywhere else, don’t stand still or talk to anybody, and for the love of god don’t pull your darts out whatever you do.
  14. You’re not wrong. It’s the “our nerd” mentality though. You better live here if you want to rip on the city lol.
  15. For sure it was. Especially considering he did it twice. Doesn’t change the respect I have for his natural talent though.
  16. Agreed. I’ve smoked cigs and joints with Charlie Roberts. The way he played, with that lifestyle earns a completely different level of respect for me than anything else I’ve seen watching pro sports of any kind.
  17. Right. Part of the last great crop anyhow. I think Sellers came up the first time in 1995 as well.
  18. I’ve never seen a player at any spot in the CFL more dominant than Juran Bolden. The last great Cal Murphy/Paul Jones find here
  19. From 19-22 max protect was pretty much the only way teams could have any measure of success against the Bombers D. Especially when Hall would blitz into it constantly. I’ve said it before, I’m still surprised the ticats didn’t use it in the 19 GC, they’d killed us with max pro in both regular season games that year.
  20. That game should have been over on the strip sack earlier in the drive. The ball came out when Fajardo’s hand was next to his hip and the command centre called it an incomplete pass.
  21. It’s wild how quickly both Alberta clubs went to ****.
  22. Different topic, anyone else think the Stamps organization is in serious trouble? Dilapidated stadium and facility, super low and consistently dropping attendance. Lousy QB with a big contract, no marketable star players. Ownership doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. Huff getting older. Dickinson getting dumber by the year it seems. I actually think they’re on the thinnest ice of any team right now. Frankly, that stadium is pathetic.
  23. Agreed. Not enough to seriously compete for the west but they won’t be the joke they’ve been for the past few years. They improved at RB, OL and a couple spots on D. The new coaching staff there couldn’t be any worse. Still an underwhelming QB, mediocre receiving corps, not much of a DL. Plus, **** ‘em. 9-9 at best.
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