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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. Oh don’t get me wrong, Malveaux was just immature, he had some great years here. Anderson was just a POS through and through.
  2. I don’t get the love for Milanovich. He won a cup in 2012 with a store bought team. Done zip since then. With Hervey as GM too, I see rough times ahead for them.
  3. No, I’m thinking of Malveaux in Calgary. Pulling out the sharpie and signing the ball after a “pick” that ended up being ruled a Stegall TD on a simultaneous catch. That would have been in 2002 iirc. Dwight Anderson played a little later 07 I’m pretty sure was his first season. He never grew up, ended up on the Riders for his last few years. Starting fights, conduct penalties til the very end.
  4. Kelly Malveaux yeah. He was a clown with Calgary. Grew up and had some very good seasons here and in Montreal. They also had Clint Kent (also dreadlocked) around the same time.
  5. Agree with the point about redzone turnovers. The critical blown coverages probably wouldn’t have happened with Rose on the field. The season-long roster management issues did cost us big time. I’d give equal weight to both as factors in the loss.
  6. After reading more about Oakman, count me out too. It’s a nice thought to have a DT that size, but he’s over 30 with a bunch of off-field issues. They still need to find a proper nose tackle, big time. Most likely will have to to be a rookie deal. Find a massive every down DT from the states and rotate Walker and all the other 3 tech guys in the other spot. Of course it would all be easier to set up if Osh would use the bloody Nationalized American rule.
  7. Robert Bean. Had a decent year in 07 then fizzled out. I think his wife got into it with another poster on here. BTW I love this thread. So many old names.
  8. Reminded me a bit of the 2021 WF the way the receivers bailed Collaros out in the 4th.
  9. It’s a sad state of affairs when 3dn is the best CFL coverage in the country. 4 of their biggest contributing writers are shameless homers for Hamilton and the Riders. One Bomber guy on the site and it’s “I’m nOt A bOmBeR fAn, I’m A cFL fAn” John Hodge. Too bad his brother doesn’t write for them, better football knowledge and far less self-promotion.
  10. Agreed, sort of. A possible angle is; They were ready before and we didn’t use them.
  11. After years and years of watching the Bombers not get the guy they wanted, I think we all know what it looks like. They wanted Buck first, full stop.
  12. Whose authority? Yeah, what is O’Shea, like 6 years older than Buck? He could coach for another 10-15 years yet.
  13. Right. The guy I was thinking of on our list forever was Andy Mulumba. We gave up the rights to Mace instead of Tom Canada for Zeke Moreno in 2008.
  14. I don’t mind Friesen now. He’s mellowed considerably over the last decade or so.
  15. Played for the Garden City Community College Broncobusters. Probably the greatest team name I’ve ever heard.
  16. I think Cole would be perfect. Parker has the skill set for it too, albeit a little undersized. He plays way above his weight though.
  17. Why must we be reminded of that piece of **** game? Get rid of this thread, I beg of you.
  18. The last 5 years or so the SAM spot is cycling back to a true hybrid. Closer to what the SS is in the NFL. Early 2010’s it was essentially a 3rd HB. Guys like say a Clint Kent would come up and tackle, but you’d see the dimes covering the SB’s deep a lot more. Can’t just stick any good DB there anymore. That spot needs some real aggression and tacking skills. Gotta be able to come down hard on screens and flat routes, and strong enough to tackle bigger RB’s consistently.
  19. If Buck goes, I wonder if there’s any chance we poach Costanza back to be OC Maybe he took a clock from Walters office or something..
  20. 2001 for sure. For fun. 93/94 had an equal or arguably better top end set of skill players. David Williams and Alfred Jackson were an amazing 1-2. I’d argue equal to Schoen/Lawler. Brady > Blaze Bryant/Richardson The depth kind of sucked back then though. Think Allan Boyko and Jamie Holland vs Bailey and Woli. I’d rank it 01-02, 23, 92-94
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