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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The Bomber site you said you were booted from.
  2. One of the best was Tracy Ham. he could kill a defense with his legs or his arm. One of the best in the business. He really developed into a crafty qb later in his career.
  3. He does not. Only you would say something absolutely outrageous like this . No wonder you got kicked off The Extra Point. Now we're stuck with you.
  4. And if he has a stroke tomorrow it's still all shits & giggles? He needs help to get back to a healthy lifestyle. The teams he coached for all have nutritionists for the players & the best weight & cardio equipment, team doctors, etc. There's no shortage of help for the guy. They should be helping the guy & if I was his HC I'd be strongly encouraging him to get help to lose weight or his employment may hinge on that. I wouldn't want to chance being the HC on who's staff he died. . Although having said that, Wylie is a grown adult & should want to help himself as well.
  5. I agree that Streveler should get more playing time but not as a starter. MOS shouldn't be saying his time is capped because he got more playing time than he would have got had Nichols not been hurt. That comment by O' Shea is beyond stupid. It does give you an idea of his strange mindset.
  6. I wonder what our budget is for receivers compared to other teams?
  7. He can only get better by playing & not sitting. Making mistakes is how he'll learn & develop.
  8. Well, ONE person who keeps droning on about the same thing. No one else is.
  9. And you actually think Streveler will deliver us a Grey Cup? Do you come from an alternate universe? You should go back there as the Cleveland Browns have just won their 4th straight Super Bowl.
  10. So, in today's world is that funny or shaming? Especially the guy's laugh. I don't find it particularly funny knowing that Bob's health is at serious risk.
  11. That was Dennis Green of the Cardinals spazzing out after a loss to the Bears. Mora's rant is the GOAT.
  12. They're going into Calgary & then back to back to back vs Riders. This is no walk in the park or just by saying we'll be fine. The issues brought up here by some pretty knowledgeable fans are valid as far as I'm concerned. They're worth discussing. There are a lot of pluses on this team but there are negatives. Hopefully, these positives outweigh the negatives. I haven't given up on this team yet.
  13. Hall was fired as Eskimos head coach & run out of Saskatchewan twice as a coordinator. Yes, we should be "criticizing a man of his credentials" if he can't get the job done as DC. Have the Bombers become a damned country club where loyalty is rewarded over winning? Where deserving players can't get on the field because the coaches like other guys better or have their favourites so an air of politics pervade? Have (management & coaches) become complacent with just being a playoff team over a legit GC contender or winner? Are they willing to make tough choices & make changes when they have to? Has this team lost its will or it's belief that it can still win? Despite what our HC says about his belief that they can absolutely win games down 23 points with just 3 minutes left in last week's game? Is it all talk? I'm beginning to wonder.
  14. We cut Kenny Stafford as well who was mostly a PR player when he was here. He played a bit but didn't get a huge chance. I think you have to give guys opportunities to keep everybody on their toes. If a player has a bad game then he should be worried about someone taking his place not content with saying he'll do better next time.. Lankford hasn't shown much as a receiver or returner so how will it hurt the offense if someone else slots in at his position? It certainly would be a motivating factor knowing he could be replaced. This is why people criticize O'Shea with his stubbornness & we see it every game as well as his refusal to own up to his mistakes. It's going to be his ultimate downfall & maybe that's what should happen as he refuses to change.
  15. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/08/trump-apocalypse-now-veterans-meeting?mbid=social_twitter
  16. I usually like your takes on the Bombers & agree but I'm on the fence on this one. I hope you're wrong. If you're not then it's MIke O'Shea's job on the line. He'll be gone.
  17. New qb comes to the Bombers. Never played with any of the receivers. What's he do because he has no chemistry with anyone. Not throw the ball? Chemistry is okay but it's not that big of a deal. Chemistry develops the longer a qb practices & plays with his receivers. By now, Nichols knows what Wolitarsky can do.
  18. Well, I'm not going to summarize it any further as it's crystal clear to me in response to what you said.
  19. History shouldn't matter. Did Nichols have a history with Darvin Adams before?
  20. Whether you like it or not, the voters of Winnipeg have been included in this decision & whatever their decision is, you have to accept. It is what it is. What about 40 years ago? City councillors closed the intersection without a plebiscite. Had there been one, it never would have closed. We wouldn't be having this conversation today. Two or 3 generations of Winnipeggers have lived with the intersection being closed & now it's a question of whether opening or closing P & M will affect their lives & if they want it opened or not. And no, not every issue will be added to the ballot & you know that as there have been plebiscites before. Just make sure you vote.
  21. The Stamps playing without Shane Bergman really gave a boost to the Riders interior DL. They manhandled the Stamps OL. Off the edge & up the middle.
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