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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. That decision was one of the most perplexing things I've ever seen. It made absolutely no sense.
  2. Just like we want Nichols to turn it around, the HC has to find a way to turn it around as well. It's on O'Shea as much as Nichols to have success. Making coaching decisions like he did with his qbs last night won't do it. Five & a half years here with no playoff wins. The HC has to wear the failures like a bad suit if there is another one at the end of the season. No doubt the bar for success has risen because of MOS but it may be his undoing as well.
  3. How about being tough on O'Shea & Walters? One built it & the other coaches it. That would be a start.
  4. O'Shea isn't showing he can win us a Grey Cup with some of the decisions he makes. For a guy with 5 1/2 seasons under his belt & he pulls a stunt like that? The handling of the Nichols/ Streveler situation tonight just shows how his stubbornness will be our downfall. Why did he put Nichols back in?? Why wouldn't he play Streveler earlier to get experience? Please don't say the game was still close & taking Nichols out would have meant we gave up. There was no way we were ever going to win this game. This would have been a perfect opportunity to play Streveler to give him much needed experience. One can only hope that Walters speaks to him about what happened & it doesn't happen again. Someone has to talk to O'Shea about this.
  5. You know, Nichols was upset just like we are. I think we need to cool off here before we crucify the guy. As deepsixtoboydsaid the booing is on O'Shea for being stupidly stubborn & putting Matty back in after Streveler threw two straight completions. The guy's had nearly six seasons to learn to be a head coach, the game was over, Nichols had been injured & yet he still pulls dumb stunts like that??? The more this **** happens the more I'm convinced this isn't the coach who'll lead us to a Grey Cup victory. The time for learning on the job is long over.
  6. Taking Streveler out was a head shaking moment by our HC.
  7. Matty should stay off social media criticizing fans as he's been treated very good by Bomber fans since he got here. It would be unfortunate if he said something he regretted later. He should talk to Dieter Brock about how cruel fans can be as he was called stupid & dumb for years by a lot of fans here. They were cruel & vicious. Good thing social media didn't exist back in the 70's.
  8. We are NOT a last place team. We are a one & done playoff team. just like the last 2 seasons.
  9. I'm not saying that either as he's the starter but tonight we got our ass kicked as a team, Take Matty out & let Streveler finish the game.
  10. We need hot routes. Get the ball away fast. Throw screens, slants etc. Instead Nichols was looking downfield waiting for the receivers to finish their routes.
  11. Yeah. My biggest beef & what pissed me off tonight was the fact MOS kept Nichols in to the very end & not giving Streveler the chance to play. I think that was a totally stupid decision. How does he gain experience? Just a dumbass decision. MOS does **** like that all the time.
  12. When our O can't matriculate the ball downfield ( I love that term) the defense gets tired & as the game goes on gives up more & more yards. One works hand in hand with the other
  13. You saw what MOS did to Streveler tonite so why would he start him. Better chance Earth is destroyed by a rogue meteor tomorrow.
  14. MOS has to be on the coaching hot seat if we don't improve. keeping him around for consistency sake isn't a good enough reason to keep him anymore.
  15. This would have been a great opportunity to give Streveler some experience but our dumbass HC won't do it because he's too stubborn
  16. I remember Ray Jauch couldn't do it but Cal Murphy took over & he did. And Jauch had some great regular seasons with Brock putting up huge numbers.
  17. At some point the discussion has to be about whether or not he is the Head Coach to push us over the top.
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