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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. He cracks ribs then he gets penalized. The new rules have taken Lofler out of the game completely. I never see him or hear his name anymore. Not fast enough to cover the field & be a finesse type safety..
  2. Nichols has to play better & I hope he turns it around.
  3. All I know is that Clements wife & he were lawyers. She was his agent & she represented him in talks with the Bombers. I know they went to Chicago but I guess he decided he didn't want to play anymore. I have no idea how & why he gave up his law practice to coach. Would be interesting to find out.
  4. Willard Reaves left the same way. Murphy wanted to cut the salaries of Reaves & Clements. Hufnagel left as well. Nothing was ever said. These guys other than Reaves signing with the Redskins for 88 was all left in silence during the off season. The Bombers have never had any special day for Clements. But as good as that 87 team was they didn't win a GC. The 88 team did with Sean Salisbury at qb & Tim Jessie at tailback. Go figure. However, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.
  5. This team has to make a huge jump to get with Calgary & even Edmonton. I just can't see it happening.
  6. I saw the documentary about Samoa Joe last night. He was out of character the entire time except for a so called skirmish after this past Smackdown in the back after he read a letter in the ring on the show saying AJ Style's wife questioned his commitment to his family. Styles went after him & had to be restrained while Joe shouts insults & threats at him. it was pretty obvious it was a work. Why would the WWE show him with his mother, his family, his co workers, other wrestlers joking around having fun to then suddenly put him in character at the end? To me, makes no sense. Don't show the other side of the wrestlers as human beings only to do that. Just my thoughts.
  7. The Shockmaster. "Oh God", said Sid Vicious. LOL. That was WCW bad...
  8. Tom's 65 & he's never coming here. He's an NFL lifer as a coach & why not? The money is phenomenal. I'd be a lifer too if I could coach Ben Roethlesberger & Aaron Rodgers & for an added treat win Super Bowls. I do wish we'd honour Tom, though. He left after the 1987 season because of a contract disagreement with GM Cal Murphy. The first Bomber qb to win a GC after Ken Ploen & 22 years deserves our thanks.
  9. If we don't win a playoff game this season I think the time will have come to evaluate keeping MOS on as HC. That will have made it 5 seasons as HC & no playoff wins. All bets are off if we miss the playoffs. After games like last night fans have to wonder if he's the guy that can win us a Grey Cup as HC. He took over a very bad football team & made them contenders. Maybe another coach can lift the team higher. I just remember the Ray Jauch years 1978-82. He lost in the playoffs in 78. 80, 81 & 82. He left for the USFL but by that time the team was looking to make a change at HC anyway & he just hastened the process. Cal Murphy took over in 1983 & won a Grey Cup in 84 with most of Jauch's veterans on that GC team with the exception of Dieter Brock who was traded to Hamilton for Tom Clements. I have a feeling that MOS can only take this team so far & someone else may have to come in & finish the job.
  10. We can't recruit receivers. The guys we have now can't match up to other teams. Been a problem for years. Individually we have one or two that are game breakers but overall they aren't as good as some other teams. That was my point about Walters built it. I should have been a bit more clearer.
  11. I don't think he saw the field as a receiver. I wasn't there so maybe someone else could answer.
  12. I read Matt's comments on twitter. They were unfortunate as he totally misunderstood the situation & why fans were booing. All I can say is that what happened was completely Mike O'Shea's fault. The fans wanted to see Streveler play. He came in & looked good & then inexplicably was pulled by O'Shea. Fans were surprised & unhappy & they booed when Nichols went back out in the middle of the drive. They were booing the decision & not Nichols. I've seen some really stupid coaching decisions over the years but this one really takes the cake. There was absolutely no reason to put Nichols back in at that point. Not only was it ridiculous to pull Streveler but now Nichols has lashed out at fans because he thinks they were booing him when they weren't. O'Shea may have caused irreparable damage with his decision. Two questions now are will fans forgive Matt for his outburst? Will Nichols be happy playing here even if they do? Let's give a slow clap to Mike O'Shea for that Brainiac decision & the fallout from it. Seems that it isn't the players that still have a lot to learn. It's O' Shea himself.
  13. Colljns could start here & be better than who we have now.
  14. I always thought we gave up on him too soon. I guess the situation here wasn't good for him.
  15. You know Lankford will play next game & Petermann will sit & the game after that etc because as I've heard a thousand times... "That's how O'Shea rolls".
  16. Our receivers aren't very good. We've known that now for 3 seasons. Meanwhile we cut Kenny Stafford.
  17. Then he needs to go as it isn't working. I'll say again it's Year 5 1/2. I'll be a lot harder on O'Shea for what's going on than Nichols.
  18. Playing Lankford over Petermann was another head scratcher. Everytime he's in he's a sparkplug & makes plays. Lankford is an average receiver who doesn't make plays. Bad decision.
  19. That is the HC. He has the final say. He'd say to LaPo that it's time for a change. LaPo says no or yes. Then MOS agrees or not. That is always the HC's call.
  20. Playing the fourth quarter after it was evident the game was over isn't rushing him. It's grooming Streveler by letting him have actua lgame experience.
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