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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. So, they go after the guy for something he may or may have not done as a teen? That's just crazy.
  2. All the babble in the background... These mic'd games are getting stagnant.
  3. He never used to do that. The man is stressed. You have to wonder why he came back.
  4. Is John Lu as stupid as he sounds describing the injury to Lulay? His shoulder popped out & the doctors put it back in but he'll be okay???? LOL.
  5. We just got the look back we all wanted for years. I think there'd be a lot of pissed off Bomber fans if they redesigned our whole look again. There are teams that have gone back to or maintained their classic look with maybe just minor tweaks. People still buy their jerseys Bombers Argos Steelers 49ers Packers Jets Giants Raiders Chargers Eagles Bears Saints
  6. Lulay needs to retire for his own good. He can't stay healthy. It's time Travis. It's time.
  7. Sometimes numbers & a nameplate can really spice up a jersey. These jersey need some spicing up for sure. So, we'll see what they eventually look like.
  8. WTH did they do their logo on the Als helmets?????
  9. Does Wally have any flesh left inside his right cheek?
  10. Manziel is probably finished in the CFL. I expect he'll be released in the off season.
  11. I have the Heritage jersey, a Hawerchuk away jersey & a Winnipeg Jets 2.0 jersey. Will I buy this one? I have to see it in game action with names & numbers to get an idea if I would. It looks bland & boring to me.
  12. They had a great 3rd jersey from the Heritage Game. Fans loved them. So, of course they'll never wear them again.
  13. I didn't say you weren't. I just know I had a lot better time celebrating Kavis's ST gaffe that cost you guys a championship than you did watching your team rub our nose in it last week.
  14. I'm so waiting for your team to disappoint you like they always do. So, I can laugh the way I did when you had 13 men on the field & lost the Grey Cup. How hurt were your feelings that day? That was maybe the funniest thing I ever saw as a football fan. All the Rider fans that day crying at the end of the game. Awesome!
  15. Great returners cut the field down making it easier for the offense to score. I'd say Rainey would be a major upgrade over Fogg.
  16. Again, we don't bring in CFL veteran talent during the season. As crazy as that is. Other teams sign players & yet we sit pat happy with who we have on the roster. Players get very comfortable playing here.
  17. The black has spoiled the Stamps uniforms. Maybe a little would have been fine but they're ugly now with the black pants & stripes running up the side of the jerseys. Can you imagine if Wade Miller started incorporating black in our uniforms & helmets just because he liked black? Ugh.
  18. Ed "Big Guns" Hoculy retired. 2017 was his last.
  19. John Hufnagel said recently at a fan forum that he likes black & it'll stay in the uniforms. He's Team President so what he says goes. A lot of Stamps fan just groaned. They want the white pants back. To get rid of the black helmets. Younger fans like the black while older fans like red & white.
  20. I remember back in the late 80's when Cal Murphy put a Coke machine in the locker room. The players were upset because they had to pay for their soft drinks. That story got the attention of the national media & the team was ridiculed by fans & media types from other cities as well as the local Winnipeg media. Murphy was GM & he was accused of being cheap & not treating his players very well.
  21. My previous post made it seem like I blamed Walters for Geoff Gray not being signed. Didn't mean it to look that way. Gray & his agent will come up here when he's ready Mbeef with Walters is we don't bring in players during the season who could help us. It seems other teams aren't afraid to make personnel moves if they think it will make their team better. Yet, we seem to stand pat. Why would Davier Posey want to sign with BC when that team is struggling as well? Money. So, are the Bombers all in to build a winner or do we still pinch dimes to save a loonie? We all know that Winnipeg has always had a huge rep as a cheap organization. I thought perhaps we had shed that image. Maybe not.
  22. He's been starting at guard all season. Why wouldn't Geoff Gray come up here now that he's cleared NFL waivers & try to work himself into the starting lineup? If any team needs upgrades at multiple positions it's us yet what does Walters do like he always does? Nothing. Unlike other teams.
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