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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. I think our 2 biggest problems are evaluating talent & the type of receivers we need to play in our offense. We can't find the talent to bring in. When we do we can't seem to coach them up. Or they don't have the ability to stretch a defense. Other than Adams, we are a team of possession receivers because that is what we do. LaPo runs a possession type passing offense. Control the ball, spread it around & take time off the clock. We don't even try to go vertical that much. We have a one dimensional passing attack yet Calgary can do both. Spread the ball around or go deep. Why do we have to be an either/or passing attack? This is the first time I've felt that LaPo needs to go. This offense isn't going to go far with the offensive philosophy LaPo believes in. I think a new OC with different ideas is needed. We really see how ineffective it is when Dressler is out. It shouldn't be that way.
  2. We should beat Montreal but after that don't get your hopes up too much.
  3. Rules say hair is an extension of the uniform. I thought it was legal because hair is a part of the body. I did know it was legal to pull hair. Okay, so I went to the same law school Saul did.
  4. I can tell you that Collaros scares no one either.
  5. Coaches all want to move up or be in charge.
  6. Willie Jefferson & Charleston Hughes were invisible tonight. So happy to see those 2 asshats lose & not have the opportunity to act like clowns in front of the cameras.
  7. The Rider OL have played better up to tonight. But Collaros isn't much better than Nichols.
  8. Some fans will never be satisfied I guess. I'm sure there are some deranged fans in New England who think Bill Belichek is a lousy coach & Tom Brady is overrated.
  9. The Bombers are an OC, qb & receivers away from a Grey Cup as well so....
  10. Turns out you were right! You deserve some kind of prize for that call.
  11. Elizondo going LaPo again. Unfreakingbelievable.
  12. What a bunch of garbage. No safety... Was that cover 0? Why would Thorpe run a Cover 0?
  13. So, if you don't hit someone how is that rough play?
  14. Suitor sure wants the Riders to win this challenge
  15. I love watching the Riders struggle. It's so envigorating.
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