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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. This is the best Trevor Harris has looked all year. Keep it up.
  2. Taking risks or shortcuts? Trying to be the hero instead of part of a team. I sense a lot of individuality on the Riders D. Not a lot of TEAM.
  3. Rider fans booing Collaros? What classless fans.
  4. gainey is like most of the players on Rider D. They are selfish & Me players. they want all the glory. They like to strut but aren't willing to put in the work every game.
  5. And not only are we in last place in the West, Andrew Harris rushing lead is evaporating away.
  6. As good as he can be he can also be very bad.
  7. Yeee haw! William Powell 69 yards. Looks good on those Rider pukes.
  8. What is Suitor talking about saying he understands Elizondo going conservative on 2nd down because the Riders are hot having won 4 in a row. What a bullshit thing to say. You don't win playing not to lose.
  9. Jaimie Elizondo going all Lapo on that 2nd down play
  10. Hughes has become another cocky Rider...
  11. Someone from the #MeToo Movement was able to dig up dirt on the guy from 38 years ago just as the confirmation hearings are going on so it reeks. At least to me. And I'm no supporter of ultra right wing conservative judges that Trump appoints.
  12. I don't know how it can't be any clearer. When it comes to lying I'm talking media, special interests, politicians & political parties. Doesn't matter what side you're on, they all lie.
  13. Have to wonder how the RedBlacks could have lost to the Lions.
  14. The SSK O looks as inept as it did against us after the first few series.
  15. Ottawa punt & kick cover teams look dreadful.
  16. Jefferson is just your typically cocky & arrogant self centred Rider player that just makes it so easy to never like or ever pull for them.
  17. Thigpen with a 97 yard KO return TD for the Riders to start the game...
  18. I just explained it twice. If you fail to understand then I won't explain myself again.
  19. Chad "Retread" Owens. Some guys just get chance after chance after chance while their skills diminish every year.
  20. Don't talk to me. Why don't you send the Commish an email with your concerns? I can't change it.
  21. Sigh. Hair is not equipment like a facemask is.
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