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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. A tense moment on the Blue Bomber bench with quarterback "Indian" Jack Jacobs & Head Coach George Trafton at Osborne Stadium in 1953.
  2. The west side expansion of Winnipeg Stadium done during the off season prior to the 1972 CFL season which raised capacity from 22,000 to 25,210 seats.
  3. Buck Pierce sure took a beating when he played for the Bombers...
  4. Tim Burke didn't say it outright but he sure showed it. Whether it was the sad eyes or just shrugging his shoulders when asked if he had any answers as a head coach. The 2013 season couldn't come soon enough to put him out of his misery.
  5. okay thanks for clearing that up.
  6. Sixty five women? What else could it be? But of course, we just don't know, do we?
  7. As you say, we go away from what works & the offense goes into a shell. We have a run game going & then inexplicably stop using it. Misdirection works & then we go away from it. We become conservative in situations where we need to be aggressive & cute with stupid trick plays that don't work when we need to be physical. We throw short on second down & rely on the athletic ability of our receivers to get a first down. We refuse to stretch the field vertically. Yes, it does come down to LaPo.
  8. So, a teenage serial rapist? Is that what this is?
  9. Or try 63 yard field goals. Then the head coach says he has no regrets & that he'd do it again.
  10. Seems I remembered the Lions didn't want to deal with Mack probably because other than a draft pick we had nothing they wanted. I seem to remember that the Esks had an opportunity to talk contract in the days before free agency.
  11. The Lions committed to Lulay. They knew Reilly wouldn't sign in BC. They wanted to acquire some assets before he became a FA a few days later. So, trading Reilly to Edmonton was just part of the understanding that both sides came to. No way Edmonton trades for Reilly if they didn't think they could sign him. BC did this while Reilly was under contract to them so there was no reason for the league to overturn an above the board trade which it was. Wally gave BC permission for Reilly's agent to talk to the Eskimos. Again, all above board as both sides wanted this deal to go through.
  12. The Lions & Esks made a secret deal. The Esks would have known they could sign Reilly. So, the trade was made.
  13. We never played the Riders last night yet you keep talking about Nichols on this thread when your qb clearly sucks just as bad. How many overthrows, missed targets & picks did he have last night?
  14. No qb wanted to be here back then as we were a rolling train wreck as an organization.
  15. I'd take Harris as I know the other 2 aren't going anywhere.
  16. Yeah, okay Prider. You, your team & your fanbase is so cocky even after your qb poops a turd at home. Why not spend time with your kind on Priderfans? Why come here? You need to worry about the poor qb play of all of your qbs instead of always talking about ours.
  17. A HC needs to be flexible. To adapt to changing situations whether it be during a game, practice or because of injuries. Not to be totally rigid, stubborn & refusing to make changes. I've seen this dog & pony show for nearly 5 years from O'Shea & I know I'm tired of it. Cal Murphy was a stubborn Irishman like O'Shea. The difference between the 2 is he won championships. Lots of them. When the situation called for it, he did show adaptation. He knew what it took as a coach to win. Our current HC is as flexible as a two by four after so many years & still hasn't figured it out.
  18. Do you have kids? Like playing hide & seek in the aisles of a grocery store with a 10 yr old. You zig & they zag. Kinda like that.
  19. You'll never win with Collaros. The entire league knows it except delusional Rider fans but carry on.
  20. I used to disagree with you about LaPo but not anymore. We need to overhaul our OC & DC. The HC will be a part of that as well if things don't improve. I look at other teams & I keep asking myself why can't we do what they do? The answer always comes back to LaPo.
  21. It's been a rule for a long time. Cut your hair.
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