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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Again, if a player grabs hair they're going to pull it which is legal. I don't understand your argument here as it makes no sense. Grabbing & pulling hair is legal.
  2. The game is secondary right now with all the interviews.
  3. That certainly is a major part of the problem as we tend to spread the field horizontally by throwing all over the field. LaPo likes a ball control type offense instead of a quick strike offense. (Don't know why we can't do both). It is a hinderance if we get behind or is a slump like we are now. However, our receivers just aren't good enough.
  4. It can't be as hair is a part of the body like an arm or a leg. It's treated the same way. Players need to cut their hair if they are worried about their own safety. Players are vain & obviously not concerned wearing long hair.
  5. Tells you just how bad we are & how things need to change. The Stamps have contacts all over the US through Huff & his son. Their US scouting is far superior to ours.
  6. Coaches that do these fishing trips & lose a challenge should have a 15 yard delay of game. This is why I don't want more than 1 challenge per team per game because of garbage challenges like that.
  7. The Stamps are down three receivers & they can still throw the ball deep to a depth receiver better than we can with our starters.
  8. Yes, agree. To play football with your hair in dreads covering your name or even the top part of the numbers is insane. But that's the way it is today. Players wear smaller & tighter jerseys as well as smaller pads so they can show off their biceps, tats & hair. If they want to do that & get injured that's on them.
  9. You're going to pull if you grab the hair. I don't follow your logic. Again, if players want to grow their hair extremely long then the locks are fair game. As Milt Stegall said about that play... "Cut your hair". Long hair is a lifestyle choice. It is a safety issue but no one tells players to do it. And it isn't against the rules.
  10. I didn't say that. Read again what I said. The media, special interest groups & politicians all lie no matter what party. People are tired of it.
  11. Piss poor effort by #35 of the Ti Cats on that Beggelton reception where he took the ball to the 3 yard line. Powder puff contact & then whiffed the tackle. #benchhim
  12. That's a choice by a player to grow his hair halfway down his neck. No one forces them to grow their hair long. So just like an arm or leg, hair is part of the body & can be used legally to tackle. And it was.
  13. The #MeToo movement has become a political one using past victims for their own agenda. Going after guys from nearly 40 years ago is pathetic especially when that person was a 16 year old. Rape was a crime back then as well & men went to jail back then like they do now. I'm not debating whether Kavanaugh should be a US federal court judge or not. Just debating how this "conveniently" popped up now. people are tired of being lied to by the media & all political parties.
  14. I still have a bit of positivity left but it's fading fast.
  15. My question always is, who out there the last 3 seasons was available & better? There wasn't anyone as far as I was concerned. For what is & was out there, we still had someone better in Nichols. Now, this off season some veteran qbs are (hopefully) going to be available yet I don't see Reilly or Mitchell straying too far from their respective teams. I believe Trevor Harris may be a free agent. Do we go after him in a trade? Lulay is virtually finished as a player. Not a fan of any Argos qbs. Pipkin is still too green but I see the Als signing him long term eventually. Jennings isn't going anywhere now with Lulay injured again. Masoli is a fixture in Hamilton so really what is out there? Pretty risky to give the keys to the car (franchise) to Streveler next season with such a limited body of work. So, what do the Bombers do? No easy answers.
  16. Like 2 points for us is a given??? Man, not really. Now we'll see the character of the Bombers. Do they pull it together & fight or just give up? Going to be very interesting.
  17. Well, I won't argue about Streveler not getting a chance to play until last game. If he starts Nichols & he doesn't play well then the fan reaction will be even worse than last game.
  18. Michael Bishop could run & throw but so what? It means nothing if you have sand between your ears as a qb. Jennings will look like gangbusters for a few games & then look like total garbage after that. Other than the first 1 1/2 years as a starter Jennings hasn't done much. More losing than winning. I mean, Wally benched the guy earlier this season for poor play.
  19. If he did something bad she could have come forward before now. This is all about politics & litle to do with decency. The guy was a kid. Bet there's more than a few members here who could have that sexual misconduct accusation hung on them when they were teens as well.
  20. Jennings has single handedly killed the Lions with his qb play as well.
  21. How great would the Jets look if they came up with a dark Heritage home version of those jerseys to go along with the white roadies they wore at the HG at IGF? (Even though in the 70's the white jerseys were home).
  22. I'm no Trump supporter but funny how this woman surfaces nearly 40 years later when the guy is going thru the confirmation process just weeks before the mid terms. And people wonder why Trump still has a lot of support within his base. This just smells so bad & smacks of desperation from the Democrats.
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