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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Don't know why we can't do both? Build pipelines to safely transport oil & gas to tidewater on both coasts rather than by rail which is more expensive & dangerous while developing renewable resources.
  2. Players seem to like p[laying for him. Is that because they like him or he just wins championships?
  3. Thanks for answering my question in the way I was hoping someone would. I agree with that. I'm not against change. I'm against the alarmist scientists, environmentalists & politicians like Elizabeth May who are claiming the sky is falling when it's not. I prefer a balanced approach but that is impossible. Once we have the technology we can wean off oil but until then it's foolishness to put Canada on a path to something that can't be done. I think irresponsible.
  4. Not every player friendly coach wins a championship just like not every taskmaster & intimidating "old school" coach wins either. First, a coach needs talent, second he needs a system for O & D & three the coaches to teach & implement that system. Even then, it's tough to win but 6 years should be enough time to prove it can be done. Jimmy Johnson in Dallas took over a 1-13 team in 1989.At his first training camp, he was putting his players through their paces doing endurance drills. He noticed a running back not participating. He asked the player what was going on. The back replied that he was having a hard time breathing as his asthma was bothering him. He told the player to report to the asthma field over there (pointing with his finger) & he was cut after practice. That same season, a tailback fumbled the ball & that fumble cost the Cowboys the game. That back was cut after that game. He installed a culture of no mistakes & no excuses & he won a Super Bowl. Was it fair? No. Was it the right thing to do? Obviously got the players attention which was the plan. It worked for Johnson as players bought in. Would it work for someone else? Maybe. Maybe not. Vince Lombardi was a taskmaster. Extremely hard to please & tough as nails. Demanded as much from his players as they could give & more. Yelled & screamed if they made a mistake in practice or a game. After a loss, the film session with Lombardi was supposedly brutal with his criticisms. Extremely physically tough practices. But inexplicably, instead of his players hating him, most loved him & they not only wanted to do well for themselves but also did not want to disappoint "The Old Man". Lombardi had the love & respect of his team & they would have smashed through a wall for him. Two hard ass coaches. Two disciplinarians. Two perfectionists who motivated their players to win in different ways.
  5. I'd just like to know how we can have so called hard target dates like, "by 2030" or "by 2050" when we don't have the technology to replace petroleum in not just vehicles & heating our homes but in everything that we do & use? I'd be all for replacing petroleum products if we had absolutely viable alternatives but we don't & we're decades away from doing so. Things, everyday things, like contact lenses, shampoo, soap, hearing aids, vitamin capsules, deodorant, shaving cream, toothpaste, lip balm, moisturizer, lipstick, perfume, dentures, nail polish, comb, brush, hair colour, plastic, ink, shoe polish, crayons, paper cup, wax paper, asphalt, tires, lubricants, bug killer, paint, roof shingles, cosmetics, hand cream, asphalt, & candles just to name a few. How do we replace these items & the thousands not mentioned here? If someone can tell me that, I'd be interested in hearing what they would have to say. I think most Canadians don't have a clue about these products & only think cutting out oil means just cars & trucks. How many Canadians are willing to stop vacationing to a warm & sunny destination in winter, flying off to a ski vacation or visiting family & friends elsewhere by plane, train or vehicle? How many Canadians are truly willing to sacrifice to save the planet? I don't think very many as we'd have elected the Greens in a landslide otherwise. Nope, most people don't have a clue. Obviously, most Canadians didn't believe Elizabeth May's dire predictions of an extinction event within a decade. Or that we are at war with Climate Change. You know when it comes to selecting a holiday or the Earth, that vacation to Thailand is way more important than Climate Change.
  6. I haven't given up as the ball bounces in strange way but to beat teams on the road in the playoffs takes a lot. Everyone at every position has to play lights out to do it. We have little or nothing at qb as I see it which means it's a monumental task. The 88 team meets your description. Sean Salisbury played his best football in the playoffs & Grey Cup.
  7. Exactly. The Trudeau brand going back to 1980 & the NEP. Before 1980, this province did vote in Liberals. But not many since then. Albertans looked at the 3 Libs elected in 2015 as puppets for Justin. One Liberal resigned his seat because of sexual misconduct leaving Sohi in Edmonton & Hehr in Calgary. Hehr lost his cabinet post with the federal Liberals because of sexual improprieties as a member of the AB Legislature earlier in his career. He used to talk dirty to women staffers. One former staffer said she didn't like riding the elevator with the guy at the legislature because of his mouth. Trudeau removed him from cabinet two years ago but he kept his seat as a backbencher. Most people I talked to think Hehr was a slimeball & were happy he lost.
  8. Yes, I admit the fact that I've been whiny the past few weeks. If you look around the league, other head coaches are doing as well if not better than O'Shea. I'm not going to hold back my disdain for the failures of this regime any longer & the way this team is coached as it's been 6 years. We see it every game & the same stuff is rehashed over & over. The coaches had their chance. If they lose in the playoffs O'Shea should go back to Toronto. At the very least if he comes back LaPo & Hall need to go. If that's whiny then so be it.
  9. I think Floyd means that nothing will change so why care?. Hall will run the defense he always runs & our secondary will get torched. LaPo will run the same offense with checkdowns to Harris. The only question I have is LaPo broke Willy, Nichols & Streveler. How many games... check that... series... will it happen to Collaros? All under the watchful eye of Mike O'Shea.
  10. No, the CBC, Global, CTV, City TV, postmedia & other news outlets everywhere. I guess when all you care about is the Jets it's easy to miss something like this. And it's Chronicle, not Chronical. If you're trying to be funny at least get that right.
  11. https://phys.org/news/2017-01-trudeau-canada-oil-sands-phased.html
  12. Justin Trudeau says he will always defend jobs & is dedicated to saving them. Worried about 9,000 potential job losses with SNC Lavalin in Quebec so he felt justified to politically interfere in any criminal investigation. Meanwhile, in Alberta over 150,000 people have lost their job & Trudeau is saying that he is dedicated to shutting down the oilsands in the name of climate change thereby destroying the AB economy & severely injuring the Canadian one. He & the Liberals don't seem to care about massive job losses out here. What would Trudeau do if Quebec faced job losses of 150 -200,000? There would be full blown panic & screaming in Ottawa. As well, cancelling Northern Gateway & changing regulations regarding downstream emissions which killed the Energy East pipeline. The 2 bills passed C48 & C69 regarding moratorium on tankers carrying ALBERTA OIL & changes to the regulatory process approving energy projects. Before that, Justin's Old Man Pierre brought in the National Energy Program which dropped AB into a recession until Mulroney cancelled it in 1985. Yeah, we voted Conservative out here & we're shut out of Justin's cabinet but even with 2 MPs here in the previous Liberal government, we were still shut out when it came to energy issues & became the target of Liberal & progressive scorn towards our resource industry. Both Amarjit Sohi & Kent Hehr as a voice for Alberta energy interests were as useless as **** on a bull. So who the **** cares if we're in Trudeau's cabinet or not? It wouldn't make a difference if we were, anyway.
  13. I'll never believe that statement you made. The UN is corrupt. https://www.newsweek.com/un-good-bad-trade-votes-secret-deals-little-action-harm-667209
  14. The US didn't fire the missiles that killed the Kurds. Hussein did.
  15. Skunk on a roll. Casts aspersions at Milt Stegall for supposedly looking unhappy signing a picture for his son. Then it's diminishing a $10,000 donation by Nichols to the Children's Hospital. Has to be reminded by others here to quit being an asshat.
  16. Nah, don't agree. This is a run first offense. To the detriment of our passing game. Nichols could make it work but Streveler can't. Now maybe Collaros can if he stays healthy.
  17. Bo Levi knows his offense cold & can read defenses faster than Streveler so standing in the pocket works for him.... until it doesn't & he gets hurt.
  18. I have no problem with you wanting to see the backup qb play. I wanted LaPo & MOS to play McGuire just to see what he could do. You never know, right? But that never happens with this coaching staff. They stick with a qb until they absolutely break him. Streveler was struggling so naturally their solution was to keep playing him even when he became ineffective throwing the ball. Now he's injured. He should have been replaced with McGuire. Sometimes standing on the sidelines helps sort things out for a qb. But again, our dumbass HC doesn't know that. He killed Willy's career, neutered Nichols & injured Streveler.
  19. We've seen this offense for 4 years so I don't know how you can say that. A battle plans start with the Generals not the Lieutenants. Our underperforming O is on LaPo.
  20. No exaggeration. No retraction. Your Boy that you pumped the tires here for a year & a half while mocking Nichols constantly to the point of making just about everybody want to puke ain't ready for prime time yet. He may never be. He's looks like he's just another Justin Goltz.
  21. You know, I really don't care if a player leaves & then does well somewhere else. I just care about the players we have & the inconsistent play on offense every game. The subpar passing performances we are subject to every game. I care about receivers being virtually ignored or under used. That could be better utilized but aren't. I care about our qb who can't throw the ball past 7 or 8 yards effectively & shows no sign of improvement. Yet is trotted out game after game in mostly losing causes. We don't even consider playing McGuire which is insane. That's what I & other fans here care about. Not what former Bombers do elsewhere.
  22. I have no idea what your point is there considering Saddam Hussein was a war criminal who did gas thousands of Kurds in Northern Iraq. He got what he deserved at the very end. The man was an evil butcher.
  23. We won't know until LaPo leaves. I have so much disdain for his offense that I just insult it any chance I get. I'm just so sick of what I see every week no matter who plays qb. What's maddening is we have the talent to catch the ball. It's just not being used the way it should.
  24. With the offense & special teams helping out. And with Matt Nichols at the helm. You know that useless, good for nothing qb that led us to a 7-2 start but in reality was playing with smoke & mirrors who should have been benched because he was no good? That qb. The guy that just can't win.
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