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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. I envy you. Having a knee replacement this summer really screwed up going to a Bomber game this season.
  2. Maas will be done after this season. How does a coach take 2 seasons to get his team disciplined?
  3. Why would a team trade for Evans? How many first rounders & starters you willing to give up? Masoli will cost money but not starters or draft picks.
  4. Free agent. He won't re-sign in Calgary where all he'll do behind Mitchell is short yardage.
  5. That RedBlack team is disgustingly bad.
  6. Sigh. For about the hundredth time Evans is going nowhere. He is under contract to the Ti Cats. It's Masoli who will sign elsewhere.
  7. Khari & all coaches on every team are very busy. They don't have the time to be teachers & can only do so much. These qbs attend film sessions & are at practice everyday. They are expected to know the playbook cold. But the coaches priorities are to win games. They can't spoon feed young players & they need to put in the time to get better. Which means hours of work off & on the practice field. Yeah, they can develop qbs to a point but it's also up to a player to pick things up on his own. Just like a teacher in school can only bring their students along so much. Work ethic, intelligence, studying & talent also come into play as well. In the end, they have to make it on their own.
  8. Rod Black doing figure skating this weekend. There is a God, after all.
  9. Second game of the TSN triple header @ BMO. Played in front of the players families & closest friends.
  10. Okay, you got me. You win the Prize.
  11. Name me one game where Pipkin has played well or actually went in & won a game on his own? Remember his fumble on the goal line in BC where he cost the Als the game? I get he was nervous but he had to make that play. Other qbs thrive under pressure. Forget Streveler, I won't get into it with you.
  12. Schilz sliding gets a hit to the head by Rico Murray who plays up the crowd. This shouldn't have to be challenged. This should be an automatic review by The Eye In The Sky. Not a challenge.
  13. Dustin Nielsen comments about getting Antonio Pipkin some playing time. Dunigan says there's no needs because the chance of him ever coming in because of injuries to Adams & Schilz is practically nil. I agree with Matty on this one. Besides, every time Pipkin does play he screws up big time so why put the game at risk? Surprised Khari still has him on the roster.
  14. A dominant regular season & Grey Cup run changes everything.
  15. This is such a toxic thread. I only came here for the election. I've had enough & I'm out. Going to concentrate on the Blue Bombers & the CFL. Hopefully a Grey Cup run.
  16. Just as I suspected, Montreal has lost all momentum by resting Adams & other vets. You don't do this for a home game. Fans have shelled out good money to come watch & they finally are excited. Fans are coming back finally & Khari rewards that by resting his vets.
  17. He's too busy setting up combines in Zimbabwe or some other far flung place.
  18. He looked like he punched Evans so I think it was warranted.
  19. All qbs struggle at times. He certainly exceeded expectations.
  20. I get why Khari took out Adams to play Schilz to get him in the game but Adams still needs to be sharp for the playoffs. Also IMO, if a coach takes the foot off the gas & starts treating games as not being important enough to win & they lose... all the momentum that has built up is lost. I think it's a big mistake to rest so many starters especially in the 17th game of the season. maybe you can do that in the 18th game but not the 17th & at home.
  21. Refs need to be accountable. Why the hell the Eye In The Sky can't notify the refs on the field to call a penalty is beyond me. You know they see it. Why even have it if it can't be used on missed penalties?
  22. The last time was Trudeau who imposed another 5 years of equalization payments without consultation last year. Don't you think it's time for Manitoba to move out of Alberta's basement & make it on your own? You guys want to kill O & G yet still expect Alberta to pay for the things you can't afford on your own. Can't have it both ways. Oh sorry, this is Canada where the welfare state is alive & well.
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