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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. It's his choice to pursue this matter the way he has chosen. When the virtue signallers have all gone away & he's wrestling somewhere then he'll have to deal with what happened. The WWE will just move on without him. Just like they've done with other wrestlers who were pissed off & left. Looks like the tee was a mistake by WWE marketing but he's chosen to go to war with the company.
  2. I just said he couldn't have made that play. Only a few qbs can do that. Nichols can't. Hell, Dieter Brock couldn't have made that throw. It takes a certain skill set to make a play like that. Russell Wilson made a similar play a couple of weeks ago. Flushed out of the pocket, rolled to his left under fierce pressure & threw the ball to the corner of the back of the end zone for a TD to Tyler Lockett. I thought he was throwing the ball away but somehow he saw Lockett running to the back of the end zone & he threw it in the only place he could have for a score. The Collaros throw was very similar except he scrambled & rolled to his right. The last Bomber qb I believe who could have made a similar type throw was Tom Clements as I saw him do stuff like that all the time. Scramble away from pressure & find a guy open with what looked like an impossible throw. That's what made guys like Clements special. That's all I was trying to say.
  3. This guy is on a mission to destroy his career.
  4. Let's get real. He couldn't have made that play so why ask? Maybe he runs the play in for a TD. Makes some guys miss or bowls over a player or 2 but throw it for a major? No way.
  5. Agree totally & if LaPo is replaced do the Bombers want another LaPo bringing the same offense to every game?
  6. So, Lana & Lashley are supposedly ******* themselves in a storyline. The WWE is against bullying yet every heel talks & acts like a bully. No one says anything about the exploitaion of women in wrestling yet get bent out of shape about this? I mean, how many black athletes does the WWE employ & I've never heard of anyone in the modern era complain about racism publicly . However, TUP would probably know a lot better than me as he is in the wrestling business. I'm sure there have been incidents among the wrestlers themselves because of where everyone is from but Vince has always given wrestlers of colour a chance. There have been racist in ring characters like Kamala that make you cringe but deliberately selling items that are racist are "bad for business".
  7. What about Pierce? Think he's ready to step up?? Different system.
  8. The RedBlacks may be the only team who didn't lose a starting qb contrary to popular belief. Even though Dom Davis did miss some time to injury but neither he, Jennings or Arndt are good enough to start on any other team. So, the RedBlacks may be the only team that lost their actual backup qb who started. The other point I want to make is remember how that asshat & smug Desjardins mocked the Bombers back in the 2013 Expansion Draft saying there was no Bomber he wanted to pick? Well, looking at that POS team he has this season, other than Sinopoli would there be any players we'd want?? Karma is sure a *****. I'm loving it.
  9. Yes, what do you think I & other posters have been saying for 2 seasons? LaPo & Pierce's qb coaching hasn't been as good as other teams. What would Dane Evans look like in our offense? Absolutely nothing the way he looks in Hamilton. He'd be struggling as well. Or at the very least his numbers would be half to 2/3 of what he puts up every weekend. I don't think any up & coming FA qb wants to play here. Why would they?
  10. Lots of great players are overlooked or forgotten because of it which is unfortunate. Younger fans, even older ones like me who never saw guys play as it was before our time just don't care because leagues didn't care back then. We have no idea who these guys are. It is what it is., I guess.
  11. It's been said here before by other posters but sometimes OC's outsmart themselves. We see that with LaPo & with Chapdelaine. Plus in meetings, Jacques can be condescending & intimidating which makes learning even more difficult. Expecting qbs to be PHD level smart to master a playbook isn't the best idea, I believe. An OC will neuter any talent his qbs have by having them think too much out on the field. Or suffer from a lack of confidence which leads to sacks & turnovers. It takes longer for them to completely understand the playbook & have their natural abilities start to take over. Posters here can say what they want about Dave Dickenson as a HC but he does foster a much more positive atmosphere for his qbs to learn & grow. Being a former qb he knows what it takes to play well in the CFL & he has a lot of success grooming young qbs.
  12. Maybe. I've seen great passers play on bad teams. So, not necessarily true. Jacques offense is not a qb friendly offense. He was never a qb. He was a receiver so he built his offense from a receiver perspective & not a qb. He tries to create matchup problems for the defense. It's a complex offense to learn & terminology is different from other offenses. My son played in it for a year at SFU. Jacques rejigged it for American football. All the qbs had a hard time learning it but they did. He would have liked to have played in it the following season as he felt he was beginning to master it by the end of that season. He uses the same offense in the CFL, rejigged back to 3 down football though. No surprise that MBT is playing better now than he did at the beginning of the year as he's feeling more comfortable with Jacques offense. Not surprised Franklin hasn't played well. Some qbs really struggle trying to understand it. Saw the same thing at SFU.
  13. He just killed it. Not with his wrestling ability but his career in WWE. Maybe I'm clueless but I really had to look at that & say the shirt promotes blackface. I mean, after I was told why Myles hated the tee, I went... okay.... I think?? Really?? Certainly wasn't obvious to me.
  14. I had a classmate who did **** like that... in grade NINE!!! LOL.
  15. As a HC he's been living off that one GC year in 2013. He may be a very good DC (debateable) but terrible as a HC.
  16. Just like Nichols & Streveler, put MBT in another offense with a different OC, better qb coaching & he will do a lot better.
  17. Hopefully a starting Canadian safety is available in free agency.
  18. Hey, we now got home & away uniforms for next season out of the deal. Make it happen, Mark Chipman!
  19. I envy you. Having a knee replacement this summer really screwed up going to a Bomber game this season.
  20. Maas will be done after this season. How does a coach take 2 seasons to get his team disciplined?
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