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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. That hasn't helped us much. If having a 1,300 yard running back means a bunch of 400 & 500 yard receivers then no thanks. The offense is too unbalanced. We have no vertical passing attack. Defenses don't have to worry about us attacking the field. Don't know why we can't have both but we don't.
  2. He's struggled because of LaPo. So, has every qb & receiver. This offense is one of the worst in the past 20 years. We're just lucky our defense & ST's have helped out with touchdowns of their own.
  3. At the expense of everyone else. Other teams can run the ball & pass effectively. I think our top receiver is #22 catching the ball. Why can't we have both thousand yard rushers & receivers?
  4. Wolitarski will never be a star player? I disagree. He has never been used the way he would be in other offenses. He'd be a thousand yard receiver if he didn't play in the stinking pile of hot garbage offense we have now.
  5. When we waste player talents & we certainly do that offensively then that is all on LaPo. One hundred & ten percent. Hoping things change this off season.
  6. Well, you can think it's dumb & it makes you angry but it's real.
  7. The one good thing the CFL did & now it's probably finished. Well done, CFL. Well done, Randy Ambrosie.
  8. A journalist said it at the very end of the Global election broadcast as they were signing off. The bubbleheaded bleach blonde said, "We have 12 years". Just as they were signing off. Greta Thunberg was preaching same here in Alberta. Kids in school are being told the end is 12 years away. So, please stop. It doesn't help.
  9. Wow, it's not often I'm glad to be 64 but after what you just posted I feel fortunate to have been around long enough to see some helluva great teams in the past.
  10. Well, if I don't trust the UN or the science behind climate change then why would I trust being told we're all going to die in 12 years. Or is it 11 now?
  11. I'm a Conservative. I prefer to not trust the science of climate change because most of it is backed by the UN. Probably the most corrupt & lying organization in the world. I don't trust anything that comes from them.
  12. Layton was popular but he couldn't win. Probably not. The Conservatives either won BIG in the West or a close second in the East but the PPC were obliterated everywhere. No. That reference went away when the PC's & Reform merged.
  13. Maybe we need to find some Scottish players...
  14. Try being 64 & realizing I was 35 the last time this team won & some people around here are preaching patience. I've been waiting half a lifetime for another championship. The way this team is going we'll have colonies on Mars before we win again.
  15. Great theory but in practice it doesn't work that way.
  16. There are some good young qbs that will be free agents that won't er-sign with their current teams in February but we know the Bombers won't sign one which is both disappointing & frustrating. Nope, just same old, same old.
  17. Zach better watch out for strong wind gusts to the head. He may get concussed.
  18. Show me a guy who doesn't hate losing & I'll show you a guy who will never win. That goes for Trudeau as well.
  19. Hey now, what a terrible lack of class & good sportsmanship last night when Scheer's concession speech was interrupted 30 seconds in by Trudeau jumping on stage to make his own "I WON" speech. The different political leaders used to let each other speak out of respect for each other & now they can't even do that. That is just how low politics has sunk in Canada. And yeah, Scheer walked out when Singh was still talking but he had already had 20 minutes to say what he needed to say & looked like he was nowhere near finished. However, what Scheer did wasn't right & should have let Singh finish his speech. I've never seen anything like that before.
  20. I think Harris would have something written in his contract regarding a bonus if he wins the rushing championship.I think he'd be upset if he didn't play & lost the rushing lead.
  21. Terrible news for Dale & his family. My prayers & best wishes are with him at this time.
  22. Watch, O'Shea starts Streveler even if he's injured. That is how this guy works. If he can walk then he'll play. That is classic O'Shea. You'll hear quotes from him in the media from, "He says he's ready to go so he plays" to "Even injured, he gives us the best chance to win".
  23. Well, I hope Conservatives do form the government again but I have my doubts.
  24. Sure, that's why if you take out that 34 yard TD pass, Streveler finished with 105 yards passing. I haven't written the kid totally off yet. I'd like to see him succeed but I've reached my breaking point with this offense & with this coaching staff. My patience is exhausted. I have no faith at all anymore in O'Shea & especially LaPolice. I was literally screaming at the tv on Saturday out of total frustration at our ineptitude throwing the ball. In the 4th quarter I just threw up my hands in despair & any support I had for that entire coaching staff was gone. Our quarterbacking sucks. They get absolutely no help from Lapo or Pierece. We get locked into one guy because of our head coach & then ride him until he's broken. See Willy. See Nichols. Now see Streveler. Our HC anoints stating qbs & then stubbornly refuses to play anyone else even if sticking with the starter means losing games, entire seasons & getting qbs injured. I want coaching changes. I want what's best for this team & not O'Shea's huge ******* ego. That's what I want. I'll get behind Streveler if I know he's our best option. Right now, we have no idea if he is.
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