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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Earlier, on another thread we discussed fan reactions & I posted a video of a Vikings fans smashing a table. I said I used to be that fan & I never wanted to go to that place again. Well, that was the game. My mother invited me over to watch the game with her & my dad & have supper later. I said s ure so I came over. Well, it was a close game. Things went back & forth, very tense. With only a couple of minutes left we intercept Moon & it looked like the game was over. Then for some inexplicable reason the ref throws a flag & calls John Helton for RTP. moon had rolled tohis right to avoid the rush with Helton in hot pursuit. Near the sidelines Moon threw & the ball was picked off. Helton pushed his arm & Moon stumbled & fell. But it was one of these one, two, three, four & fell down out of bounds. He PUSHED him!!! And the ref threw the flag. I lost it. Started cursing & swearing. Then the esks run a few plays & Dave Cutler kicked a FG to win. The officials cost us the game & our entire season!! The thought of that tipped me over emotionally!! I started cursing & swearing, ranting & raving. I remember I threw something across the room but it didn't break. My parents got pissed off. I argued & had a shouting match with them. This went on for about 10 minutes. Anyway, I embarrassed myself & after stewing for about an hour I sheepishly apologized. I vowed I'd never do that again & so far I haven't. Thirty one years of marriage & I haven't lost it like that since. Gopd things as parents will always forgive but a wife may not. Lesson learned.
  2. Worst Loss: 1972 Western Final. Nothing comes close for me. The 2001 Grey Cup loss was bad but I was angry at the Bombers for that loss as they acted like entitled brats all week at the Grey Cup expecting the Stamps to not even show up. Worst week of preparation by a head coach & his staff. They had lost that game by Thursday. Best Win: 1984 Grey Cup win. The others that came after were also great but that 84 win was special. Now, if we win this year, I may have to update that only because the drought has been longer.
  3. I'm thinking this is to good to be true if you are a Blue Bomber & we're all being set up.
  4. I don't believe you just asked that question. Holy …..
  5. I'm sure the first thing they all do is come here to start their day. I also don't think they give a rat's ass what we think.
  6. I always found listening to an important Bomber game that meant so much to me on radio hard to take back in the days of blackouts or games not being televised. I'd have to turn the game off I was so nervous & then come back later praying we were winning. I find it far less stressful to watch a game on television or in person.
  7. This team, this city, we fans are overdue. Holy **** are we overdue.
  8. I have hated the Riders with every fibre of my being everyday, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, 52 weeks & 365 days a year ever since that loss. Any day is a great day when the Riders lose.
  9. There's lots of potential karma in this game going back 47 years & in that time that includes a Western Final & a Grey Cup.
  10. The HC at Laney used the "cultural experience" as a way to recruit my son. As in, a Canadian white boy from the arctic flatlands will have a unique experience understanding life on the streets in Oakland. We might have agreed until we found out there are no dorms at Laney. That my son would have to live in that war zone off campus. Uh uh. Never happened. He ended up playing JUCO at College Of The Siskiyous.
  11. You survived a game in Oakland & lived to tell about it. I've been to Oakland four times & was glad I never had to get off the freeway except where our destination was. Just hoping I didn't have car trouble. Laney Junior College in Oakland tried to recruit my son to play football for them. We went to a camp there at the stadium in the off season. Cops were arresting homeless people living under the stands at the football stadium everyday as the practices were going on. Each day as the camp ended as the sun was going down the head coach urged us to get to our cars & GTFOH as soon as we can.
  12. This is my ultimate revenge game as a fan. Who else remembers the 1972 Western Final? Who the teams were? Where they finished in the standings? The horrible way the Bombers lost that game? For us old timers with lonnnnnnnnng memories, just how glorious will it be if we beat the Riders in their home park? In front of their fans? And how good will it feel for us to break their hearts??? The teams are the same but the standings reversed. They're hosting instead of us. Pressure is on them to win in front of their own fans in their House in front of a big crowd. I've waited 47 years for this game. Please Bombers, wash the stench of that loss in 1972 away finally. FINALLY!!!
  13. I've never heard that Kap was lazy or a cancer in the locker room as a teammate. Starting the anthem protest by kneeling was a huge reason why the owners got rid of him as he was used as an example of what could happen if a player bucked the system. Therefore, he became a distraction. It wasn't about winning games anymore. It was about drawing social issues not only to him but his teammates. Meanwhile, with controversy swirling around him politically, he had trouble reading defenses. He couldn't get the ball to the open man after going thru his reads if he indeed even did that. He just wasn't seeing the field like other veteran qbs did. Look at the video I posted above. Two wide outs wide open with no one covering them & he never saw it. That's the kind of qb he became & why he was out of the NFL. Jim Harbaugh was his biggest booster. He got rid of Alex Smith to start Kap. He seemed to get the most out of him as a HC. When Harbaugh left the 49ers, Kaepernick's game just went thru the floor. It completely fell apart. I think had he played well in 2017, he'd have got his shot again but even now he'll demand big money to play & any team that takes him on will have to deal with all the distractions as well as the political baggage he has. That & no guarantee he'll be a difference maker at qb. Should be interesting if the Falcons sign him.
  14. It would be so funny if LaPo turned Reilly into a 220 yard per game passer.
  15. Man, I've had my share!! If you're gonna give it then you'll get it back. All good,
  16. He played down to the same level as Blaine Gabbert. At times, Gabbert was better than him. The anthem controversy just sealed things.
  17. Is this going to reignite the anthem controversy again as I'm not wanting to go through that again as a fan?
  18. Was he given a chance to apologize ir was he just run out on a rail by Sportsnet. If he had the chance & refused then that's just Cherry being a stubborn old goat. If they didn't give him that chance then Sportsnet is wrong.
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