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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The entire discussion was about Cherry telling people to wear a poppy. Apparently he got the message across in a negative way. So then, this discussion is about poppies & how people celebrate Remembrance Day. So don't say it had nothing to do with that or Cherry never would have said it. I just pointed out that society seemed to care less & less about remembering our veterans compared to when I was a kid as we were one generation away from our parents & family members serving in WW2. We were taught in school to remember the sacrifices our family members made overseas & the Remembrance Day Act in Manitoba reminded us of it. I'll tell you, up until Canadians served & were killed in Afghanistan, most Canadians were apathetic about Remembrance Day. Most did not care because the wars this country served in were long ago & a majority of veterans had passed away. It took Canadians dying in the Middle East fighting terrorism to wake up Canadians with a jolt to appreciate what our military people do. Yet, no one wants to go back to the way it used to be with retailers & businesses closed. I would welcome those days again. Since I never talked about Cherry I have no idea why your feathers are getting so ruffled. Maybe you should chill & just take in this conversation with a deep breath. I neither support or criticize Don Cherry so why do you seem bent on having a verbal fight? He said what he said & now he has to live with it.
  2. For sure. I was just pointing out how things have changed since I was a kid. The people who get upset when someone doesn't wear a poppy is seemingly okay to go shopping on Remembrance Day as stores are open. I find that contradictory. I don't think I even mentioned Cherry so I wasn't defending him. I honestly didn't hear what he said so it's difficult for me to criticize or defend the guy. However, I do feel strongly about freedom of speech vs political correctness today. Reminds me of the old adage, "I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight for your right to say it". We've certainly got away from that.
  3. Of course, you won't address the "rant" about business hours on Remembrance Day. That's because you want to be able to shop & do the things you want to do when you want to do them. Soldiers who fought & died for your right to do that never had such freedoms. Your somewhat heated response tells me that you just don't get it. The reason everything was shut down was to symbolize sacrifice. If you needed gas & didn't fill up the night before, you couldn't have it. Bars, pubs & restaurants were closed. If you wanted to eat out on Remembrance Day then forget it as you didn't. If you needed groceries & didn't go shopping the day before then you didn't shop & went hungry. If you wanted to see a movie then you couldn't. Good & services were not available so the general public could get an understanding of what sacrifice was about. Over the years, as people aged & the WW1 & 2 veterans passed away, commercial & business interests took over Remembrance Day. Why shouldn't retailers be open, they asked? Why shouldn't stores be allowed to sell everything? Why shouldn't people be allowed to watch a movie or go to a restaurant? And governments bowed to pressure & relaxed the Remembrance Day laws. Sacrifice means nothing today. Yet, we're hung up on wearing poppies. Maybe because that's the only thing left.
  4. Nothing wrong with the other site (TEP). Don't know why people can't post in both.
  5. Only if MOS is back. Otherwise, I can see a qb change or upgrade if a new coaching staff is in place.
  6. Okay, to everyone here who criticize people who don't wear poppies. How come people who do criticize don't get upset when businesses make their employees work on Remembrance Day but can have an extra day off at Christmas in exchange? When retailers are open? Grocery stores that are open? When I was in elementary school, the only businesses allowed to stay open were grocery stores & all they were allowed to sell was bread & milk as those were considered food staples. Gas stations were closed. I worked in insurance industry as a claims adjuster for many years here in Calgary. I had to work on Remembrance Day. We got an extra day off at Xmas instead. Being the son of a WW2 veteran & having family members who fought overseas, I wasn't very happy & resented having to work. I didn't care about an extra day at Xmas. I thought it was disrespectful to work on Remembrance Day. The company's head office was in Montreal & apparently (true story) they didn't care about about Remembrance Day so they made us work. If it was up to me, the old rules would apply for what can be bought & sold: bread & milk. No companies would be allowed to be open. You couldn't fill your vehicle with gas. Couldn't go shopping. If companies were , they'd be subject to heavy fines. Yet, no one thinks buying groceries or doing business on Remembrance Day is disrespectful. Remembrance Day was never meant to be a holiday. But it's treated like any other. Where's the outrage for that? The way I see it, our veterans sacrificed for the right we have to choose to or not to wear a poppy. In other word, freedom of choice. just like they sacrificed for freedom of speech. Which we don't have anymore. Political correctness has replaced freedom of speech today.
  7. I think Bo Levi felt they'd ever lose to us in the playoffs. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
  8. I actually think this could kill him. He has been the centre of attention for 30 years & suddenly it's been taken away. At 83, that could be a huge shock that he may never get over.
  9. But that's a part of being over confident. You know how teams can be. They come in with swagger & the underdog punches them in the mouth & that changes everything. We have waited 29 freaking years & I don't want a bunch of cocky players going to Regina thinking the Riders will just fall down & let us win. I want us focused & get the job done.
  10. If we win a Grey Cup then I'm okay with that.
  11. There's an entire thread for that. You can go over there & ask.
  12. Because you can & it's done all the time. People are being called out on social media for what they did & said years ago all the time. Especially politicians. Look, I don't take Cherry seriously & no one else should. Coaches Corner morphed into Cherry's huge ego where he felt he could act & say whatever he wanted. It didn't help that Ron MacLean was spineless & Cherry never really respected him as a partner. Look at his suits. If that isn't a narcissist, I don't know what is. His ego finally caught up with him. He decided he didn't want to stick to hockey. That he had some kind of a pulpit from which he could speak on any subject. Well, he couldn't. I'm sure he was told to watch what he said but he didn't listen. But he's 83 & it should have been over years ago.
  13. The same people that called for his hide are the same ones who didn't seem to care about Trudeau's blackface. As long as their boy got in, that's all that matters. Liberal hypocrites. As far as Cherry goes, immigrants have served this country & do wear poppies so he's wrong. But he's 83, he should have been retired a decade ago.
  14. I think some of us are a bit over confident. We may hate the Riders but we have to respect them. No swelled heads by the players. Hopefully, O'Shea & the coaches keep the team grounded.
  15. William Powell can run the ball as he was a thousand yard rusher. They have some playmakers at receiver. This won't be an easy game but I expect we'll win.
  16. Yeah, we have more than a legit shot at beating the Riders Sunday. We never should have lost to them on LD Sunday. I feel like the qb position was lost but now it's been found again. You could tell this team is pumped, confident & walking ten feet off the ground. Riders have to be doubting themselves today after watching the Stamps get taken apart yesterday.
  17. Jefferson must be 7 or 8 years younger. Like you say he doesn't fade away.
  18. He was used correctly. LaPo didn't try to make him something he isn't.
  19. Nope. Ain't apologizing either. All 3 still have a ways to go this season. We'll see how it all plays out.
  20. the game totally changed when he started using Streveler in the second half.
  21. I was 10. I remember watching that game on television with my family at my aunt & uncles house. That was the first year that I started following the CFL as a fan.
  22. I think 1965 in the third game of the Western Conference Final. I have a pic on my laptop of the Ploen to Ken Nielsen 109 yard TD to win the game but I can't put it up here. Nielsen put a move on Stamps corner Harvey Wylie, deked him out & was wide open. I think that was the last playoff game we won in Calgary until today.
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