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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Unfortunately, what you see is the way Corporate Canada perceives CFL fans.
  2. It looks really nice in Hamilton. Like plus 10 or something. Checked Env Canada website, says it's plus 1 there. Sure looks warmer than that.
  3. Good luck today, Bombers! Avenge the Labour Day Sunday Weekend game. Avenge the 1972 Western Final. Break those Priders hearts at home. Let's do this!
  4. Not going to debate this with you. Other than to say that I never bring a player or coach's family into any discussion, I never brought it up with Nichols. You did. Discussion over.
  5. A big act. All for show. All for ratings. Promoting the Don Cherry Brand. That's all this was. Talk tough. Act tough. Say what they want to hear. People will love you. I saw through this 30 years ago. His arrogance just got worse the longer he stayed on CC & the older he got. Notice he wasn't wearing drapes for suits yet.
  6. Agree. ratings, I guess. When he'd go ff on Euro hockey players or Russians back in the 80's people loved it. The same with the soldiers. All that praise fed his ego.
  7. I won't disagree with that but you show total disdain for Matt Nichols. I don't ever talk about LaPo like you talk about Nichols. You called him a coward because of his parents genes & the way he was raised, You made it personal. You have trashed his character, his family & his ability as a qb, I have never done that to LaPo. family should always be off limits to fans. I have never brought LaPo's family into it. I just said his offense is very mundane, predictable & that he doesn't call a good game. That's it.
  8. He's from Vancouver where they love the Seahawks.
  9. I think in Cherry's case it wasn't so much racism as it was his ego. Over the years CC became all about Cherry & his larger than life personality. The suits he wore & the buzz he got knowing people were tuning in to watch what he was going to say. That fed into his already huge ego. He felt he could say whatever he wanted & that it was relevant when it really wasn't. Cherry is a narcissist. Everything is about him. He turned a symbol of respect & remembrance that was at least 65 years old for veterans & the wars they fought into a political circus. Like, if you aren't with me then you're against me mentality & that's wrong. Not from the viewpoint of being a racist but from the point of being a narcissist thinking he had this huge influence over people when he didn't. Had the CBC & later Sportsnet put their foot down with Cherry years ago when he talked out of turn then this event likely wouldn't have happened. He needed a host that would have reacted negatively off camera to when he said something outrageous like, "Don quit being an ******* & shut up". Or at the very least give the guy grief after a segment aired for what he said. That never happened. Cherry needed a tight leash & was never given one.
  10. Hodge was a stronger personality than MacLean. The pen flip proved that. He'd have never let Cherry get away with the things he has said over the years like MacLean did. The CC segments would have been different, I think. MacLean should just stick to hosting. That's his strong point. He works well with Hrudy, Elliott & whoever else is on the panel. Just let him do that.
  11. Cuthbert is okay although Suitor does bring him down a level or 2 as a football broadcaster.
  12. Tired of Skunk shitting on Nichols. He treats the guy like he plays for the Riders. He isn't the greatest qb in the CFL but he isn't the worst. We were doormats when he came here in 2015. He elevated this team & deserves better than that.
  13. YOU get tiresome with your constant shots at Nichols. So, if you don't like it then STFU.
  14. God gave you a brain. Unfortunate that you never use it.
  15. At the Old Mosaic Stadium in 1974, a drunk Rider fan broke a whiskey bottle & held the thing like he was going to stab me. I did some fast talking & convinced the guy I was a Rider fan. Priders aren't very smart as it was obvious to everyone but him I wasn't. In 1988 at another Labour Day game, I had a beer poured on me from above as we left the stands at Mosaic. I was wearing a Bomber cap so I didn't get wet much.
  16. Why should the Bombers help him? If LaPo can neuter Nichols then O'Shea can neuter this ass clown.
  17. Yeah, he was a tight end. If he lined up wide then he'd have been a flanker or split end. They had no slots in those days.
  18. Only TSN will subject us to that. What will be worse is if Rod Black does this game & they keep flashing Father Fajardo on the screen for him to gush over constantly.
  19. I actually hoped he get his Hollywood break as then he'd never come back.
  20. Throwing your friend of 30 years under the bus is. Cherry made Maclean. Not the other way around. I never would have done that to any of my friends but then, I'm not Ron MacLean.
  21. Eight seconds left. Boys will be boys.
  22. MacLean is spineless. He was right there nodding his head in agreement & giving Cherry the thumbs up. Then 24 hrs later he was throwing his friend under the bus. Cherry's comments were dumb but I have no respect for Ron anymore. At least Orr said how he felt.
  23. Bobby Orr comes out in support of Don Cherry. SJW's want him removed from HHOF.
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