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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Yeah, it's over. Biden wins AZ, Fla & Illinois & in 2 states it wasn't even close. He got wiped out in Florida.
  2. On the beach at Ft Lauderdale, Miami Beach or Panama, Fla.
  3. Just remember that pizza you order for pick up & is cooked may have been cooked by a person with Covid 19. Or same with the delivery driver. He may be sick as he hands you your food. I worked as a pizza delivery driver for years & I know the mentality of a lot of store owners & managers. They don't care if someone is sick just as long as they can work. No one from the health dept is going to be checking as the province or city doesn't have enough health officers to go around. So, Mike Spector can mock Trump. He won't get the virus from anyone at that news conference but from someone he knows. Or does business with. Or a perfect stranger.
  4. Yeah, so you think that they didn't? I know you're kidding but think about the people who think the moon landings were done at a movie lot in Hollywood. To them I say that I guess Columbus sailed over the edge of the Earth & floated off into space. Or Marco Polo went to his local Chinese food restaurant too? The guy that built that rocket to prove the Earth was flat & died trying? I hope one of the last things he saw was the curvature of the Earth as he plummeted down to his demise.
  5. Well, businesses are still running with more than 10 people. What about public transit? Or going to the store for groceries? I hate Trump & think he's an assclown but that's kinda petty. Our Chief Medical Officer for Alberta was announcing the stats at 3:30 pm this afternoon. No more than 2 feet away was a guy translating what was being said into sign language. Certainly they weren't following the protocols that they expect us to follow as mere humanoids during this pandemic. Should they be mocked?
  6. Yes, he is. To anyone who does not know, Collins was the Command Module Pilot who orbited the Moon while Neil Armstrong was Mission Commander & Buzz Aldrin was the Lunar Module Pilot* (although Armstrong flew the LEM down & back to the Command Module) did all the fun stuff on the lunar surface. I'm sure Aldrin couldn't have been happy how they portrayed him in the series compared to Armstrong who was shown to be strong & calm always. Aldrin was portrayed as jealous of Armstrong as he wanted to be the first to walk on the moon. So jealous that he complained to the real higher ups at NASA claiming the indecision to pick who walks first was creating dissension among the 3 man crew. If there was dissension among the 3 astronauts, it was never shown. So an annoyed Deke Slayton, the Director Of Flight Crew Operations acting upon orders from above called Aldrin & Armstrong into his office & made the decision in a 2 minute meeting to have Armstrong be the first out of the LEM & onto the lunar surface pointing out that Armstrong was the Mission Commander & should go first. Aldrin complained loudly to all that could hear about Armstrong's piloting skills when during a simulation he didn't act quickly enough to abort a landing when the Abort Alarm went off in the LEM & they crashed. He felt Armastrong was indecisive & slow to react. Aldrin is a very religious man & demanded he be allowed to do a religious Catholic communion ceremony upon landing. He apparently cleared it with Chris Craft who was Head of Mission Control but never mentioned it to Armstrong until he did it. They showed Armstrong surprised at what Aldrin was doing but never said no. As far as crashing the LEM in the simulation, he firmly told Armstrong that crashing was the only way to learn to be a better pilot (after he heard him complaining to Collins about the incident). He told Aldrin that he crashed deliberately to see how long the reaction time would be for Mission Control from the time the alarm went off to abort the landing to getting an actual order to do so & it never came. He felt that at sometime during the mission he may be forced to make a decision on his own in an emergency so he wanted to be ready in his mind to take over. He wanted to know how fast or slow an order would come. He advised Aldrin to stop making an issue about it as his complaints would get back to Craft & that he already had enough problems to deal with. Now that Neil Armstrong is dead, Buzz Aldrin is perhaps the most famous Apollo astronaut left alive. Was he not a total team player? Maybe a bit self centred yearning for the spotlight? Who knows? They did get to the moon, walk on the surface, collect rock samples & get back to the Earth alive. I guess it proves the 2 astronauts didn't have to like each other or be close friends to be able to work together as is true in all situations. How many of us don't like some of our co workers yet still work with them everyday? * None of the Lunar Module Pilots on the Apollo missions ever were assigned to fly the LEM. Only the Commanders did. So, even though they had the title of Pilot, they weren't actually piloting the craft.
  7. I just finished watching the mini series from 1999, the Tom Hanks produced From The Earth To The Moon on Crave. Really enjoyed the story of how we got to the lunar surface. I lived through all that. Most of those brave Apollo astronauts are gone now. The survivors are in their mid 80's to early 90's. I never thought that it would be half a century later & we've never gone back. Upon thinking back, I truly believed that there would have been a settlement on the moon by now.
  8. This is what the NFL Draft will look like this year. Can't wait to see it. No more Roger Goodell hugging the players. No more Deion Sanders thinking HE is the reason the NFL has a draft. No more glitz. No more glitter. No more screaming crowds. It's gonna be great. Just football. The CFL Draft is just a bit above this picture now. Certainly no glitz & glitter. CFL never has crowds. No Commissioner hugging players but he is going to give out free scarves.
  9. It's time for Vince to hand the reigns over to Hunter. If last night's Raw is the way he wants the show to be, no one will watch. I won't be watching Smackdown.
  10. Raw won't last with the format they had last night. The show was awful. It's not their fault with all the health restrictions. But it just doesn't work.
  11. Eighteen new coronavirus cases in Alberta the past 24 hours since Sunday, March 16th bringing the total now to 74.
  12. Expect the worst but hope for the best.
  13. It would suck for sure. But we should prepare ourselves for it so it wouldn't be as devastating if it did happen.
  14. Who are they kidding? One thing to have a plan. It's another to live in a Dream World.
  15. Wow, and these assclowns are running the country
  16. This has been going on for a long time. About 10 years ago, my son's high school receiver here in Calgary who went on to junior football with the Calgary Colts practiced everyday with the Stamps as part of a development program they had at the time. He'd go to Stamps practice in the morning & then to Colts at night. that isn't being done anymore. He told my son back then that just about all the Stamps receivers he practiced with smoked weed & weren't concerned about being tested at all. I think a majority of players smoke weed now. So, makes no sense to test them.
  17. School bus driver here. I'm in the same boat. if they close schools I can't pay my bills as I won't get paid. The schools remain open for now. Plus, there is no such thing as social distancing in my job. The problem is getting from where we are here... to that place called soon.
  18. Like what? Moving it to Latvia??? The WWE playing chicken makes them look irresponsible.
  19. I wonder how long before sports journalists, sports radio personalities & others in the broadcasting biz start facing layoffs?
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