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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. I wonder how long before sports journalists, sports radio personalities & others in the broadcasting biz start facing layoffs?
  2. There are still people out there who think this is no big deal. That it'll blow over in a couple of weeks.
  3. Nobody wants NHL in July & August. Except diehards. If they did play from end of June until almost September expect a shortened 48 game season to start in January.
  4. Yeah, we were looking forward to it but what can anyone do? I just hope health officials get a handle on what is happening in Seattle. Please stay safe.
  5. Have to do the same thing here. One of the reasons we aren't going to Seattle to visit my son & daughter in law.
  6. Will she self quarantine?
  7. I'm sure the AAF was committed to finishing their season, too. We know what happened with that.
  8. We'll see about that... Glad the players & coaches will be paid.
  9. Alberta has 23 cases of the Covid 19. All large gatherings of over 250 people will not be allowed. Anyone who travels internationally is being urged to self quarantine for 14 days upon return even if no symptoms. Alberta Chief Medical Officer doesn't recommend anyone from Alberta travel internationally & that includes the US. My son & his wife live in Seattle. We were planning on driving down for a visit next week but have cancelled. The province is discussing closing down the entire school system but haven't decided yet. Spring Break for public schools in Calgary is the end of next week. I fully expect that they will be & we'll be off a month. I drive a school bus so this affects me directly. What bothers me is where is our federal government? The Provinces are taking the lead here not the feds. I could make a few comments about our Great Leader who is now in self quarantine about the borders remaining open but I won't.
  10. A few days ago, Alberta had no Covid 19 cases. Now, there are 19 with 14 in the Calgary region. The province's health authority has issued an advisory saying people over 65 should not travel internationally, including the US. The Province is also urging anyone who has travelled internationally to self quarantine for 2 weeks.
  11. Take it down a level? The NBA suspended it's season this evening. Italy's borders are shut. Trump just closed the US borders to anyone from Europe. This is unprecedented. Do you think this will just last a few weeks & be over with?? We're a year away from a vaccine. This will get far worse before it gets better.
  12. When are the Flames going to clue in & play in an empty Saddledome?
  13. I was joking earlier that I'm glad we won the Grey Cup when we did as there may be no season. Unfortunately, that could really happen.
  14. Thirty or 40 years ago fans accepted cartoon characters like Hillbilly Jim, Kamala & Kimchee, The Bushwackers & others. Today, teams like the Viking Raiders fall into that category. They're cartoonish. WWE is all about cartoon characters. Fans don't accept these kind of gimmicks anymore. WWE doesn't change even though the fanbase has. I think fans want realism. Something they can believe in. Like Drew McIntyre. Fans believe in him. They believe he can beat Lesnar. They never believed Riccochet could. Nobody cares if Riccochet gets squashed. But what does the WWE do? They keep feeding fans those kind of matches.
  15. Look at last night on Raw. Aleister Black was attacked by Rollins, Buddy Murphy & AOP last week. Last night, Rollins asked Black to join him & he said no. So, they had a match. During the match, AOP & Murphy attacked Black. The Viking Raiders & The Street Profits came out & save Black. Then the Street Profits & Viking Raiders challenge them to an 8 man tag match. Black disappears like he never was even there. You'd think he'd want to be a part of the tag match but he wasn't. I was thinking, what was the point of this match?? Black would have been an interesting addition to this feud that would have caught my interest. Instead we get the same old, same old. Whoop De Dooo. Another week, another boring match. Oh & Kevin Owens gets buried again. No wonder ratings are down 23%.
  16. The product just sucks. The writing is so bad. They have a PPV match & then do it again the next night on Raw. It's just a rehash all the time.
  17. Money doesn't automatically buy happiness but it helps.
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