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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Ellingson is probably the more realistic choice of the 2 from a money perspective. .
  2. Nothing like a hundred million dollars to change one's mind. I don't think they have anyone ready to take over behind Rodgers. They have a 4 year NQRFPT hot shot who may have taken 50 snaps in that time.
  3. Anyone watching that game could see there was way more than 7700 or 8500, whatever the "announced" figure it was. Crazy the packers could get away with what they did by packing nearly half the stadium. But at the same time, I don't know what the Covid restrictions are for outdoor events in Wisconsin. I would think that the team violated State health laws.
  4. While I'm 65 & could retire now I plan to continue working while investing my CPP & OAS until I'm 71.
  5. I actually had a disagreement with a Packer fan on twitter who insisted that there were only 8,500 fans at Lambeau Field. I said it was more like 28,500 & he kept insisting it wasn't.
  6. So, after paying Milanovich to sit around & do nothing for a year he leaves. He got paid & didn't earn a penny. Especially during this pandemic when other coaches lost their jobs instead. I'd like to see the CFL take a stand with coaches that have itchy feet by taking them to court to get the team's money back that they paid out to anyone who does something like this. Milanovich & the Colts may have thought twice about doing this if they knew they might be held financially liable.
  7. I remember after a Bomber game on a Saturday night in either 1984 or 85, I had season tickets for the Bombers & took a friend. We went to the Bomber game & then afterwards to the Marble Club. The Bombers were the winners that night & they were partying with the team they played a few hours earlier.
  8. THAT I agree with. Cam Newton is on the fast track to becoming an NFL backup.
  9. He was a piece of work. That was a helluva moment breaking the Bambino's HR record. I happened to see it on tv. Not a lot of sports were shown on sportscasts back then. Freak
  10. If all the single players are going to do is play video games then what does it matter where they live?
  11. "Disability" great description. I have a feeling McConnell will find his 17.
  12. Or the throw to Darvin Adams back of the end zone vs Calgary. That would have been a sack. That was the official start of our GC run. When we all started to believe. The players too. Might have been the season's most important play establishing Zach Collaros.
  13. Back in my 20's & 30's the nightlife in Wpg was pretty damned good. A lot of upscale bars downtown & down to Earth pubs in the suburbs. Usually the women situation was pretty good wherever I went. The Bombers, Jets & out of town football & hockey teams "owned" the Marble Club & partied there so lots of ladies. Can I even say that now without offending?
  14. OLB & DE can't pinch in or he'll kill them with that reverse bucket step to the right. He made a lot of plays doing that & defenses should have taken that away after half a season. Getting **** canned a few times doing that would stop him from doing that so much.
  15. Guys will always sign here. It's the guys we lose that we don't replace that is the real issue. So, they move Stasny to wing? Put Dubois on the second line. Just saying Wheeler has a huge say with what goes on with this team, it seems. Maybe too much influence on a certain coach. I'm pissed off but I'll be okay in a day or so....
  16. Calgary with the mountains & somewhat warmer winter doesn't seem to have problems with players coming here. The tax situation is more of a problem for Canadian teams.
  17. Scheifle is worth the money but Wheeler sure isn't. It's now a bad contact on the books. Oh & let's keep him on the first line... Think they'll move Dubois to ist line Centre & demote Wheeler? What if he says no?
  18. I went into Superstore Thursday on the way home after work on 130th Ave SE here in Calgary. First time since last March. The place was packed. No one was monitoring how many people were in the store. It was like there was no pandemic. No one was disinfecting the carts. I saw just one hand sanitizing station. I got in & out as fast as I could. Not going back until this pandemic is over. These Big Box retailers can get away with it with no fines but someone who owns a small restaurant who has adhered to the health regulations for sanitizing & social distancing & is struggling to stay afloat can't reopen??? I wonder how much these huge stores have paid off govt officials to carry on as usual?
  19. Nope. Threatening texts. She said she hasn't slept well in a year because of the texts she receives. She also said that she has no job to go to. She said she has to "discuss" with her husband whether he'll let her reenter politics again. Well, duh??? She'll be running for the UCP in 2 years. No idea why her pro Trump, anti mask, get rid of every health restriction, right wing Libertarian political views makes her think people wouldn't react negatively. Well Diane, you play stupid games then you win stupid prizes. Interestingly, Calgary Sun columnist Rick Bell says he'd never let anyone run him off because they didn't like what he had to say. He's a conservative columnist who supports the UCP but since the travelling Xmas MLA scandal has turned against Kenney so he is getting it both ways now.
  20. With Chevy's track record, I have little faith in him re-signing here.
  21. Meh... It's been a crappy offense under Greg Roman. No surprise.
  22. Danielle Smith on 770 CHQR yesterday here in Calgary was telling everyone that hydroxychloraqine (sp?) has been approved by the FDA in the US & we should all talk to our doctors about that for long term treatment of Covid 19. I swear, it's alt right idiots masquerading as Libertarians like this who swear they are only trying to "educate" their listeners on the radio. She is dangerous & should be taken off the air for spouting misinformation like this. Thankfully, this woman who sews the seeds of dissension on her radio talk show by being an anti vaxxer, an anti masker & who believes the economy should be wide open with no restrictions is leaving her pulpit on February 19th because of threatening emails & texts. She calls them "The Mob" & while she blames them for disrupting her life seems to want to rile them up even more by calling them out on her show everyday Why would someone who is in fear continue to fire the people up who hate her? She should have been off the airwaves a year ago when this pandemic started. She knows her alt right dumb conservative base here & just plays to it everyday. In the meantime, she is Gospel to her minions in Alberta who listen to her every word.
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