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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. We really need another legit deep threat to with Adams. Lawler showed flashes but isn't re-signed.
  2. Well yeah, okay... In Cochrane, AB last week a Dairy Queen refused to sell a Birthday cake that said "Happy Birthday Lesbian" saying it was offensive & that kids would read it. It made the news headlines. Apparently after this store refused, the customer drove 20 minutes to Calgary where another DQ did it for her no questions asked. The owner of the Cochrane DQ fired the supervisor who made that decision & said that should never have happened. He also said he was very, very sorry. I take his apology as sincere. That was an employee making that decison. It wasn't a store policy. Another stupid religious alt right conservative trying to push his moral values onto others.
  3. Trevor Harris should have 45 TDs a year with the receivers he's always had & yet he seems to underperform at critical times in a game. Missing open receivers in the end zone, picks at inopportune times & not seeing receivers open. I mean, Collaros would be drooling if he had the weapons this guy always seems to have.
  4. He'll have 5,000 yards between the 30 yard lines & 500 in the Red Zone...
  5. Six is enough Super Bowls. I want to see Mahomes & Andy Reid win again.
  6. Funny how some of you have written the guy off as a backup. I think he'll start in Hamilton.
  7. When you play football & are just one injury away from never playing again I think a player should listen to other offers & make a judgement from that. What's the average career something like 3.5 years? But like I said, it's ultimately Masoli's career & he can do what he likes as \i don't really care. #devilsadvocate
  8. Lol because maybe I'd get more than he thought. My take is he could have signed with the Cats anytime, right? I'm just sayin'. Truthfully, I'm just playing Devils Advocate here in the interests of discussion. If he wants to sign with the Ti Cats I could care less.
  9. If you're happy at the job you're at would you not listen to any offers from competitors who wants you to work for them? It may take a lot for you to leave but what if a company met or exceeded those needs? It doesn't hurt to at least listen. The Ti Cats will still be there in a few days. If I was going to wait this long to sign, I'd have waited 2 weeks longer.
  10. Our guys who took less money will all start whereas no guarantee Masoli will. Or if he does, that after a couple of bad games he won't be benched for Evans. That's when the unhappiness starts, Why not go where the money is & be the undisputed starter? At least listen to offers.
  11. I promise I will give this a read when I have time in the next few days.
  12. The guy who just retired from the Stamps today, Shane Bergman. I believe he was a 6th round pick.
  13. When he has a bad game & is benched for Evans we'll see how how handles it.
  14. Kenney is fist waving but the reality is we can't just go cold turkey off of oil.
  15. Transistion to what? Everything you use is because of petroleum. I didn't say we shouldn't transition. But it will take decades.
  16. Trudeau's climate policies are insane in a pandemic when we have to get the country rolling again. Oil & Gas still is one of the biggest contributors to our GNP providing thousands of jobs across canada not only in the Resource sector but ancilliary industries like manufacturing in Ontario. . We will be reliant on oil for the next 3 or 4 decades at the very least. We aren't ready for an oil free economy. Part of me hopes the Michigan Governor shuts down Enbridge Line 5 which sends Alberta oil to Ontario thru Michigan. That'll get Ontario's attention. This is supposed to happen in May.
  17. Masoli & his agent are nuts. He could have gone & been the man for another CFL team with more $$$ thrown in. Instead he took a Hometown Discount to be looking over his shoulder at Dane Evans chomping at the bit to play. Having 2 qbs like this is a luxury in the CFL because at some point there will be in juries & the Cats will be locked in with 2 expensive qbs to pay (CFL standards). Waitng another couple of weeks for offers to come in wouldn't have been a bad idea. O|ne or both of those guys will be unhappy at some point this season.
  18. So, a coach can leave when he wants but a player can't. He got paid to do zip with Edmonton. The Colts should be paying Edmonton compensation.
  19. Then these clauses need to be removed. No other league gets shitted on like our does by the NFL & our Commissioner & BOG's let it happen. Brock Sunderland's cum by ya comment that Milanovich is still his friend must sound so good to Eskimo season ticket holders. Coaches can come & go as they please while under contract but players can't. Huff wouldn't release Holley the Stamps all star line backer or their corner as they were under contract. Finally after months they relented yet anyone in management can just **** off if they want to go to the NFL.
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