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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. How do you make a turnover on downs worse? Lose a challenge and a timeout to boot lol
  2. Things keep going the way this game is going there's gonna be a logjam top of the West.
  3. Gotta say Houston seems like a good guy. Saw him walkin' around at the Fan Day event when we picked our replica rings. Hadnt even officially made the team yet at that point and was already putting in his dues
  4. What is the French word for "spanked"?
  5. Ah, always the age old question... Tune into Montreal's le breudcast, or the insufferable 620 CKRM... Pick your poison...
  6. Man I feel for those Tabby fans, absolutely epic collapse.
  7. My 3 stars, which is also a Haiku: Jefferson Greg Ellingson, stud Dalton Schoen HH - whoever stepped in for Couture bc that is not an easy thing to do.
  8. Shoutout to LaPo for going 2/2 on bad clock management to end the half. Absolutely stunning.
  9. There are certain things Dru Brown can do. QB Sneak is not one of those things.
  10. Harris was better at picking up the blitz, and we are gonna miss Adams' blocking ability unless someone else steps up. Too bad about Saunders would've been nice to retain Adams, was one of my fav players. C'est la vie.
  11. To be fair RE: the run game, OTT D looked pretty good out there stuffing them, always hard to tell this early on if it was our O being underhlwhelming, or a stout D from the RedBlacks...
  12. Can't count to 12? These idiots can't count to 3!
  13. Glad to see other offenses struggling out of the gate too. Hope things will gel for us as things progress...
  14. I think we are gonna miss Harris more than I initially thought.
  15. Just stopped by to thank LaPo for the most atrocious clock management at the end of the first half.
  16. Prukop deserves a shoutout for making good on all his sneak attempts and making something out of nothing on his botched FG snap lol
  17. Actually, it's math. Which is why their fanbase doesn't understand it lol.
  18. Fun fact: The Bombers have been back-to-back Grey Cup Champions 3 times in their history (1958-1959, 1961-1962, 2019-2021) in the history. The Riders have never been back-to-back Grey Cup Champions.
  19. How's this for weird trivia? The last time the Redblacks scored a touchdown at IGF was Aug 17, 2018. The two top recievers for each team in that game (WPG - Adams, OTT - Ellingson) now play for the opposite team.
  20. Sometimes with cuts like that I wonder if it is maybe an attitude problem
  21. Their initial report listing cuts to the CFL got rejected because they tried to cut those pesky goalposts lol
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