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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. No no misinformation he's the best and has a long future in this league with the 'Riders.
  2. For everyone saying Castillo is the answer he is kicking 78.3% right now for FGs. Legghio is 82.6% on the year. For converts, Sergio is 8/10 (80%) and Legghio is 25/29 (86%) Legghio also has a better punting average (47.4) compared to Castillo (38.5) though I'd attribute that more to our STs play being better than the Elks. He's no world beater, but Legghio is Cdn which matters, if you want to airlift someone else in, you have to factor in where you'd start another Canadian into those decisions.
  3. Rules question: To score a rouge, does the ball have to land in the field of play? If not, why not simply lineup a punt instead? You get an extea cover guy from the holder.. They were kicking into the wind too.
  4. I am so bad at this but it's still so much fun.
  5. Bo can't throw in the snow. They lost to the hapless Riders in the West Semi last year...
  6. No no no I want continued mediocre success with CoFaj to allow the fascade to continue and keep the tire fire alive and well. First round exit via crossover or getting blasted as the 3rd place western team would be ideal.
  7. I've never understood when fans watching their team play on the road are total dicks to the other fanbase in the stadium. Like, we both enjoy the CFL, just cheer for differing teams, why ruin someone else's gameday experience by being a jerk? I remember going to McMahon for the 2019 Grey Cup sitting next to an Edmonton fan, he was a cool dude and we talked CFL.
  8. HH to Calgary for inept clock managememt to end the half... They could've really used that field goal and burnt a timeout unnecessarily
  9. Well I mean tbh with the inept East division, at this rate they could go .500 the rest of the way and likely snag the crossover to stumble into the playoffs... Then what? There's good reason no crossover team has even made it to the Grey Cup.
  10. Teams prepare for him more, when he gets double teamed etc. It just opens someone else up. He may not get the sexy stats of prior years, but still makes guys who play around him better and an integral cog to our D.
  11. To be clear, I don't expect Streveler to return... I just don't think the Jets are the best place for him to prosper as a QB. As for him trying to stick in the NFL.... Can you blame him? Most players make at least double what they would up here, often more.
  12. I'm just worried the Jets inept upper management will break Streveler. They have been horrendous managing QBs the last decade or so.
  13. Is that CAD$ or USD$? If thats USD then its closer to 3.1M CAD when you consider foreign exchange
  14. Dolegala listed to start for SSK over CoFaj. https://www.tsn.ca/jake-dolegala-saskatchewan-roughriders-toronto-argonauts-1.1828579 CoFaj listed on depth chart as "ILL"
  15. HH to the coaching staff for keeping this team focused and disciplined. 3 penalties for 30 yards is absolutely astounding.
  16. (In David Attenborough's voice) The Elk defender, unfamiliar with the territory or defensive structure, is massively outgunned. He flounders and attempts to recover, but it is futile, his prey slips away, galloping towards the endzone for another touchdown.
  17. Ham playing with fire with that 2QB package. What's worse than Dane Evans throwing a pick 6? Shiltz registering an incomplete catch on the play too lol
  18. Lol imagine Collaros handing off to Strev and just using him as a RB to bowl over people lol... Not what CFL had in mind probably lol
  19. Yikes TSN 1200 broadcasters getting heckled by their own fanbase that thought they were the command centre
  20. Hollllyyy smokes why are they reviewing this stuff. Also what is the point of challenges if you're just gonna review everything pivotal anyways.
  21. I like how even when Proulx makes a mistake he screws up announcing his mistake and correction
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