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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. You'll have to speak up... its a bit hard to hear Rider fans yelling from the basement of the West division.
  2. I won't let Clime, or anyone else for that matter, spoil this mood. Did my old man proud by staying to the end of the game and watching that win in the stadium.
  3. HH to the idiot that pulled the fire alarm at IGF post-game, made for the funniest post-game interview with Matt Nichols ever.
  4. Whether it is subconsciously or intentionally, our coordinators change their style of play based on the lead. That inherently isn't a bad thing, as the plays called should always be effected by the situation (points ahead or behind, field position, current down etc. etc.). There is a "sweet spot" where you let the game situation affect your calling, but not dictate it. It's the difference between closing out games, sitting back whilst a lead slips away, or burning precious time when your kicker needs to be closer than 50 yards. That's not a knock on Medlock's kicking ability - 50 yards is sizeable task and he is only human. As much as the 3rd-and-15 call caused us to wilt against B.C., the clock management on that last drive was horrendous, the fact we even managed to have 0:01 left to even attempt the kick was nothing short of miraculous.
  5. If we win the turnover battle and punt on 3rd and 15 we should beat the Als.
  6. I'm pretty sure I use this forum exclusively for farting around and procrastinating.
  7. When asked about the 3rd and 15 fake punt call O'Shea said he wanted to try and give the D a bit of a longer breather... if that was the case, why did they run two passing plays, instead of calling at least one running play? Wish Irving had interviewed him as he might've grilled him about it a bit more than Kelley Moore, who had no idea what he was talking about.
  8. On the plus side, Carmichael wasn't offside for any critical plays in the B.C. game. We just need him to cover better than a hospital gown.
  9. Fair point, half the time I don't know what I'm talking about anyways. Hopefully the poor defensive play is a result of key injuries, and not a greater issue.
  10. This weekend was shot from the get-go Carmichael running to and fro, A Bomber loss, from a Medlock toss, Mike O'Shea should've just said "NO!"
  11. I think the problem is more an issue of scouting players, obviously with rookies it can be difficult to tell exactly what you have until they develop... but when you look at a guy like Alex Singleton sniffed out last year by the 'Stamps, and look at some of the rookie 'talent' the Bombers have dug up in recent years (i.e. Carmichael). You have to think that scouting, combined with O'Shea's tendency to keep guys with tenacious work ethic with sub-par abilities, only compounds the issue. That said, I don't think the sky is falling just yet, we played B.C. with several key injuries on the defensive side of the ball, I think we'll be okay once we get some of our starters back. Personally, of more concern I think is the fact that twice this season, Nichols has had the game in his hands (B.C. on Friday and in the Calgary loss) and he's thrown a pair of absolutely backbreaking picks. In both cases, you could practically hear the balloon pop for the Blue & Gold.
  12. After a tough Bombers loss, nothing cheers me up quite like seeing the Riders get spanked.
  13. I still don't understand how you make that call on 3rd and 15 though. Trick plays inherently won't work 100% of the time, but even if Jones makes that catch, he still has to get 15...
  14. Tough loss; but honestly we stole one last year at home in the regular season on Harris' ghost-fumble. We gave it back to B.C. this year by once again failing to close out the game.
  15. If this was the case, then maybe Medlock was trying to do too much tonight to redeem himself for the playoff loss last year. O'Shea took the heat for it though. Whether Medlock actually went rogue or the coaching staff called a fake on 3rd and 15, I guess we'll never know.
  16. Mike O'Shea was a 'backer, To some, a special teams hacker, But a gamble on 3rd and 15, Was foreseen, And was a Bomber back-cracker.
  17. 2017-07-21 Vancouver shootout Mike O'Shea is Icarus Overzealous tricks
  18. 1. Darvin Adams - was a beast 2. Special teams - Played well, they had that one terrible fake punt call, but that's a coaching issue not really on the players. 3. Medlock - Hope he doesn't get blamed too much for that miss, I think we've been spoiled by his consistency, and his punts were good. Plus the trick play (the converted one) was all on him. HH - Harris - When he was used, he was effective. Unfortunately that was never.
  19. Hamilton crashing harder in this game than the '08 recession
  20. Will Hill needs to take a chill pill or the Ti-Cats will fail to thrill.
  21. I gotta say any Bomber fan would say the exact same type of things about ex-Bomber QBs - Kevin Glenn, Khari Jones etc...
  22. There once was a Lewis named Nik, A receiver that can take a lick, But it was his catches, As he reeled in batches, His receptions are now 1,000 thick
  23. There is a team with Green Pride, With hillbillies and inbreds they ride, They're fifth in the west, They think they're the best; 4 Grey Cups in 100+ years? You decide...
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