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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. Gotta say ever since we turfed him post-2011, he's regressed.
  2. I always find it weird how in the CFL you want players that are as good as possible, whilst still getting cut by the NFL. You want to see players that got their big break up here succeed, but it'd be something if Matthews got cut and came back to us. The boost of Adams and Matthews together would be awesome. Sadly, I don't think Matthews will be looking north anytime soon.
  3. In theme with the lean era, Chris Matthews was bright while he was here, even though he was surrounded by garbage and a revolving door at QB.
  4. We've all been guilty of forgetting about that disowned cousin that reads at a 5th grade level before... apparently the CFL does so too from time to time.
  5. Style points for Odell Willis kicking off for the Eskimos hah
  6. Edmonton going for it on 3rd and 14? Did O'Shea hijack their playcalling?
  7. Man, Edmonton looks like a force thus far this year.
  8. You're missing my point - comebacks do happen obviously; it is part of the game. That said, how many other times has a team been playing with the lead, set up a prevent D and it has worked? It's boring, its passive, and it chews up the clock. When run properly, it wins games. Just like anything else there's a fine line between playing with the lead and playing too conservatively. You argue the Als lost that game playing Prevent D... I argue the Lions won last week by holding us to a 50-yard field goal.
  9. In most situations, the Prevent D in that situation, up by multiple scores, minimal time on the clock... works. If it didn't work... teams wouldn't play it and would do other things as you're suggesting.
  10. It was really interesting to see the entire atmosphere at IGF change after they recovered the onside kick. Up until that point, the crowd had been pretty noncommittal. That said though, there were countless times at IGF last year where Drew Willy would rack up yards and TDs in garbage time only to fall short of anything meaningful.
  11. If it's any consolation, his parting words on the pregame were that he wanted to make his deadline (for his newspaper column) ... nothing like 13 points in the final 100 seconds to botch his column I'm sure.
  12. The ball was tipped back in bounds by Lewis whilst the ball was in mid-air. When he did so, Lewis hadn't stepped out of bounds yet and thus was still in play. In the CFL, when a loose ball (fumble) goes out of bounds, possession is given to the last team to touch the ball when it goes out of bounds. It is too bad a bomber defender didn't see it sitting on the turf as if he had just tapped it out of bounds, it would've been WPG ball. Short answer- yes, a fumble that is up in the air but knocked back onto the playing field by a player whilst the player is still in bounds (while in the air) would result in the fumble still being live... honestly though like 90% of the time Lewis would've been better to just bat the ball out of bounds and let Montreal retain possession.
  13. I know the officiating in our league is bad, but I think even they would've given the ball to the Alouettes, not the BC Lions.
  14. Lost in it all part III: Although the D didn't have a particularly spectacular night, they did stuff the Als on 1st and goal from our 1 after the crazy fumble recovery by Cunningham at the end of the 3rd. The extra 4 points from a TD would've meant the Bombers (hypothetically) would've needed 16 points (still a 2-score game), instead of 12, and that would've only tied it.
  15. As much as the Al's D let up on the Lankford TD series, kudos to Lapolice and Nichols for effectively managing what little time the Bombers had left. Sure, they had some help along the way (the roughing the passer call, the onside kick). On both those drives though, as soon as the play was whistled in, there was maybe 1 or 2 seconds off the clock before the ball was in Nichols hand again.
  16. Alternate fun fact of the day: Riders are 6-15 under the legendary defensive guru and likely nominee for head coach of the year - Chris Jones.
  17. How about Arceneux's phantom "catch" last week? O'Shea had to waste a challenge on what was clearly a blown call... obviously they got it right on the challenge... but we still essentially lost a challenge that O'Shea basically had to throw away. As for the reffing overall, I agree it has been atrocious this year.
  18. He most definitely kicked that FG twice, and made the first one.
  19. There was a convert after the final touchdown, the Bombers just QB Kneeled (victory formation) as they didn't need the extra point. If you were still in the stadium, you were probably going bonkers at this point as the Bombers were up 41-40 with 0:00 on the clock. They did a QB kneel because even with a point-after convert, there is the very small chance Montreal could've blocked the convert attempt, ran it back for a TD (which would've been worth two points, same as if the offense scores a TD on a PAT attempt). Basically, securing the win Vs. Montreal was worth more than earning the 1 extra point for the point differential. Also, kicking the PAT with 0:00 would've kinda been a **** move anyways.
  20. That play was way worse than the one on Ricky Ray at the end of the Bombers/Argos game, and the Bomber player got fined for that.
  21. I think it's a bright idea.... I'll show myself out.
  22. July-27-2017 Most fans left to beat the traffic, Another loss thanks to thick Nik, But thirteen points in a minute, Left the Bombers to win it, All thanks to an onside kick
  23. 2017-07-27 Bombers down by twelve? Until fat referee sings, The game is not over!
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