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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. you should watch the time glenn had vs the time willy had. and the strength of his pocket. Our play calling was fine? how many touches did harris have in the first half? Willy had 2 poor over throws. He also had a drop in the endzone to go with another that would have been a first down. he was sacked in less then 2 seconds twice and was able to get a throw away another time while being contacted in under 2 seconds. Thats not good protection. When pressure comes fast up the middle there isnt alot a qb can do. He didnt play well, harris and a couple wrs are some of the few who did on off.
  2. I was highly critical of willy in the chat and posts last night and have re watched the game. You clearly havent and missed much while watching. There is a lot of blame to be spread for the performance last night. Not nearly as much goes on willy as early play call, OL blitz pick up and protection.
  3. The nature of it? When the qb is playing like t martin sure. Cant put this all on willy. If you want to talk about just accepting the nature of sports, whats the nature of winnipeg football never winning? should we accept that too? Or strive for better hmmm Say what?! before the 4th our longest completion was 14 yards. And we still couldnt churn out first downs with a high completion percentage. We ran the shortest patterns possible for the most part. Several times guys were covered, several times the pressure was instant. Sacks in less then 3 seconds. Willy didnt hold the ball too long last night, he never had a chance to hold it too long. Wrs played really well aside from the drop in the end zone. Every wr caught a pass save for JFG, none looked bad. There was some really good down field blocking from the wrs too. first we need to establish the run early and often. Prevent the D from pinning back its ears and coming after willy. second we need to use that strong run game to play action. We hardly did pa passes but when we did they worked very well. third we need to do a better job of play calling. reverses and hb draws up the gut into a 7/8 man front on 2nd and short isnt a good way to convert. fourth willy has to be comfortable in the pocket. Set his feet and throw. Know when to step up and when to scramble. fifth the OL needs to play and communicate better. There was alot of trouble picking up blitzers especially down the middle. But thats not a huge surprise with such a green starting centre.
  4. Adequate to lose i guess. Even with 90% of the game being dump passes and short routes he still got hit a ton in a fraction of the time glenn had. There is no obvious 6 man rush situations. The als showed switched between showing and dropping the entire game. Theyd show 7 man fronts and rush 3 plenty. Glenn wouldnt have been sacked 3 times unless he would have slipped twice. We had a couple border line late hits that doesnt mean he was close to being sacked. Flushing a qb like glenn doesnt mean you are close to a sack. Glenn got hit harder? Maybe the one hit bass laid on him forcing the under throw pick was the hardest hit on any qb. But willy took a TON more hits and total damage. Have you re watched the game? Or are you just going off your already established opinion? Like i said no such thing as an obvious blitz situation. They got pressure on willy rushing 3 men only several times. If you dump the ball instantly because the defense shows blitz and they drop? pick 6.
  5. It is if your gonna point fingers and call for peoples jobs. Not to mention the difference between technicalities and being wrong.
  6. Average fan has no idea how long protection has to last in order to complete a pass over 15 yards is most of it. The Ol played a good bit better after we started running the ball half way through the game but still lacked in pass pro.
  7. Release doesnt change the amount of protection he got. Read the comment. He had multiple 8 second no hold pass protections. Willy averaged under 3 through 3qts.
  8. wbbfan


    The ufc has marketable fighters, they started this search at a tough point in PPV sales they are not just throwing it on the market because its going to dip. PPV can be a lot higher then have been and steadily rise not drop. Brock is coming back for 1 fight for ufc 200 as they try to make the anniversary events big. If they wanted to just capitalize on popularity they would have picked up Batista when he tried mma or countless other celebs. Or have a legends division. Etc.
  9. Actually you blame it on the guy getting lit up nearly every game since hes been here. And you see many qbs who play with under performing OL go through that. Khari went through it, ricky ray and ac had it. Ac had it a lot before he landed in mtl with an OL that could block. Any one who want to bench willy or put him on notice needs to go back and watch the time glenn gets vs the time willy gets. Nearly double.
  10. you should re watch the game then. Because he was sacked twice up the middle with in 2 seconds of the snap. When we are throwing short passes the entire game and still giving up sacks, thats not the qb holding the ball too long.
  11. what pray tell do you think hes going to audible to? There isnt time in the cfl for that, nor the personnel on the field to call an audible to counter blitz. We ran short outs all game. Only 2 passes made over 16 yards. Thats exactly what you throw against a blitz. Quick outs. You would change your primary read to the hot read and get rid of the ball. He was sacked 5 times with 0 coverage sacks. Hit in the double digits. They didnt establish any run in the first half to prevent mtl from just blitzing. And our ol was giving up pressure down the middle. Re watching the game right now, through the first half hes getting well under 3 seconds of pocket protection before they are on him. Thats only enough for timing routes. His foot work was struggling, didnt set up and throw well, threw off the front foot a couple times etc. Stuff that happens when a qb hears foot steps.
  12. 5 sacks, none coverage. hit double digit times. Yeah lots of time...
  13. No joke. They seemed to stop blitzing and harris really started to get touches and grind in the 3rd qt. But when it counted, when we needed first downs, yards, an answer to montreals momentum we got nadda.
  14. the worst 400 yards of offense in football history.
  15. couple inches of height wont make your hands work better.
  16. A lot of late hype it wouldnt be but i think it was 100% made up. Laine all the way! and tsn will be talking about the leafs first over all pick even during our 2nd first round pick xD
  17. I think the als will be better then the riders too, but if glenn goes down all that changes.
  18. bob irving; "TOUCH DOWN BLUE BOMBERS!" after that its officially summer for me.
  19. wbbfan


    PPv numbers went up with brock and back to similar with out him. Any fans he brought were temporary or negligible. The ufc needs marketable fighters less now then ever. The sport has developed and shown that developing that is worth while. McG, gsp, RR etc have all done that. They dont need market fighters who cant fight. That just takes away from credibility. I dont think he will bring as much as toney. At that point people still debated how a top boxer would do. James toney was a world champion and one of the most under rated defensive boxers of all time. But its not far off. Kimbo type hype might have been possible if punk went viral and pushed social media like kimbo did. But then hes a terrible person to follow for mma prototype. I honestly think a good portion of this move is because punk and dana/et al are friends. The rest is the hype. I dont think they expect him to win or do any thing but look bad. The only way he becomes a marketable asset now is if he actually does win and talks mad ****. Becomes a ufc heel. Tons of people tune in hoping to watch guys like chael sonen, bisping, and diaz bro's fight because they cant stand them.
  20. wbbfan


    I dont think he would have or will bring in any big shift in PPV buys. People tune in to see brock because hes a massive musclebound freak athlete in the power division. Not because he was a wrassler.
  21. league has done great in many years with out the argos doing well.
  22. pretty not great. Neither team is running to save their life either. The era of ricky ray being in the best tier of qbs in the cfl is probably over though.
  23. better or worse then the first?
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