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Everything posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. Reading the article i linked it sounded like with Del Toro they made Hell Boy into a fantasy style of movie where as the graphic novels that gained Hell Boy much of it's popularity initially is a lot darker and edgy which is the direction they are hoping to take it with the reboot. As such I can see why they would want a fresh cast to pull that off. I don't have my hopes up for anything mind blowing, but I'll definitely give it a chance, unless the trailers are just awful
  2. I'm having troubles copying tweets, but carter also put this in a follow up tweet to his rule change thoughts; Up until last game I was starting to think the same thing about him.
  3. Some early rumors on the next Bond movie (25th) is the working title is called Shatterhand, where Bond (Craig) will face a blind villain. Supposedly based on some elements of the 2001 bond novel "Never Dream of Dying". http://screenrant.com/james-bond-25-title-villain-blind/
  4. here's some other Cinema news... Apparently Perlman is out and David Harbour is in for a Hell Boy reboot; this time directed by The Descent and Game of Thrones Neil Marshall. Apparently there will be no Perlman cameo either http://screenrant.com/hellboy-reboot-ron-perlman-cameo/
  5. the first order... tho i'd like to see the rebel alliance crush these mofos too
  6. whats even better about this tweet, is posters over at RF are saying Dickenson and Bo are gonna have hissy fits over this change, yet here is their hero of the day chiming in
  7. He was definitely seen as part of the riders revamped improved NI content, but I think them picking up Eddie Steele and Minter made him expendable from the get go
  8. June Jones seems like a bit of a reach. At 64 he is no spring chicken to be a long term solution, hasn't played in the CFL for 35 years (never coached), I'm interested in hearing the reasoning behind it. By comparison to other coaches in the league; Wally Buono: 67 yrs old Marc Trestman: 61 yrs old Jacques Chapdelaine: 55 yrs old Kent Austin: 54 yrs old Chris Jones: 50 yrs old Mike Oshea: 46 yrs old Rick Campbell 46 yrs old Dave Dickenson: 44 yrs old Jason Maas: 41 yrs old
  9. Welp, he *may* be familiar with the CFL seeing as he was an Argo's QB back in 1982, he has a pretty long coaching resume though. Looking at it however, seems as though he's going to wrong direction (NFL to NCAA to HS). Will be interesting to see what control he actually gets with Austin still as the main HC
  10. IMHO they need to eliminate challenges altogether and just put a direct comm link between the ref and command center and each play they are talking over potential missed calls or wrong calls. for example play happens, refs miss an illegal contact or something, CC radios in saying they noticed an infraction between #XX and #XX, flag gets tossed. Or ref makes a call, CC looks it over quickly, and if they see if was wrong radio that in and the ref tosses his flag saying there is no infraction..etc
  11. I believe Tony Stark put a "training wheels" protocol on Duron's twitter to limit what he can and can't do until he shows some maturity for longer then 1 game
  12. I like the change, but I hope there is still a loss of time out if it's an unsuccessful challenge. I think the current format (or previous if this change is immediately in effect) was your first challenge was a freebie the 2nd cost you if wrong
  13. I erased a post that was mentioning Gondolas pizza yesterday because I haven't really had it for like 10 years since power 97 stopped offering it up as the power lunch (I think they run the promo through Santa Lucia now) but I used to win that power lunch ever couple of months. It was pretty good back then, but after living a block away from a gondolas for a few years on vivian and st marys I kind of over killed it. maybe it's time to order it up again.
  14. I'd really like to see Khari Jones get a crack at HC somewhere (preferably east so i can still cheer for him to succeed). I think he's put in his dues as a coordinator and had pretty good success. I see Jones and Thorpe as the top tier of future HC's, re-run like Lapo, Hall, Chamblin..etc should be considered only if either/both balk at a current opening
  15. meh, we've put up more points (+5) then ottawa and we've played 1 less game than them which included that 10 point stinker we put up vs Calgary. If there is one thing the Bombers have shown this season so far is we can go toe to toe with most, if not every team in the league offensively. Defensive has been our issue giving up too much in return. That said, Alexander and Johnson in for Walker and Carmichael in the secondary and Leggett back at SAM should make us a hellova lot better this week defensively. Hopefully Medlock shakes off his last 2 outings and i can see us winning by 10
  16. Highly Suspect, first video is Little One, 2nd one is My Name is Human
  17. Rick and Morty started up again! After watching episode 2, I noticed another cartoon called Apollo Gauntlet which has 6 episode out right now. About a Winnipeg Detective that is kidnapped and sent to a medieval dimension who gets these magical gauntlets to fight monsters and other weird stuff. I've actually been enjoying it, reminds me of a cross between Metalocalypse and Kevin Spencer
  18. awesome to hear Leggett is back too, even though I like Walker i think having Alexander back at corner and leggett at SAM will be a decent upgrade to our D
  19. Oshea said Johnson was back practicing at least.
  20. I like Slices at the corner of Valour and Portage - not so much the one around grant and stafford
  21. Steve Pearce with his 2nd grand salami walk off in the past 3-4 games. I think i heard somewhere just getting his 2nd puts him in an elite list with 3 others to have ever done that, let alone done so close together
  22. pretty much the only reason i've continued to watch since the end of the first was to see how high calgary can go.
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