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Everything posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. worst endzone celebration in a long time. first thing i thought of was the cheerleaders in the music video by beck "loser"
  2. Jeff Reinbold needs to go, tho selfishly I hope he sticks around for 2 more weeks
  3. 1 quarter and 3 mins and this game is over... can't wait to play the ticats in 2 weeks
  4. i was thinking the same thing when they announced that at the beginning of the game
  5. is there a way to get the stickies back to the top of the list, i use the fantasy thread as my link to manage my team **edit nvm, I selected the grid layout and it's basically like the site was before hand.
  6. so far down in the basement, they apparently aren't even worth mentioning
  7. I'm really starting to think you don't like much in terms of the bombers and/or cfl. Other than the around the league thread and reg season bomber thread, most of your threads are negative towards the bombers and/or the refs; GDT vs Mtl starts with stating we have average NI's and how DD > Nichols..etc What would it take to fire a Coordinator Causes: 2 & Outs, late game fading, jekyll & hyde is it time to professionalize refs - complaining about refs that you thanked in another thread for gifting the bombers a win from the heavens Now I'm not saying people shouldn't bring up the negatives, or put their head in the sands, but you've really become habitually fixated on only the negative side of things
  8. Just went and saw Atomic Blonde. Overall the spy game aspect of the movie is pretty good and Theron does a convincing job with the action/fighting scenes but man that 80's soundtrack overkilled it and then some. Listening to 99 Luftballons while a fist fight is going on just totally sours the mood. I get it's supposed to take place in 1989 as the berlin wall is coming down, but the music was so unnecessary and too often, songs like New Orders Blue Monday, Nena's 99 luftballons, george michaels Father figure, Queen/David Bowie's Under Pressure etc... ugh.
  9. this is laughable. 25K in the dead middle of summer on a hot night and against an east team is a pretty good turn out. It's a good thing were on the road next week, or all those at the lake for august long weekend will be due to Matt Nichols ridiculously gold shiney cleats
  10. so Thomas got a pick last week, Jeffcoat with on this week... ball hawking defensive line?
  11. The bottom line is, we're above .500, we have a winning record at home. Harris saves me a strike. Bombers winning gets me a point in the pick em, and my new jersey is now 2-1. Bring on the redblacks!
  12. I was actually thinking this is right up there with milt's miracle TD
  13. the onside kick was nicely executed but 1/4 in the last 2 games is concerning. When we were down 5 points with a few mins left in the game, I think for the first time since he's been a bomber I felt disappointed with Medlock. Those 6 points were huge at that point (even tho Logan scored a TD later). He definitely redeemed himself with the onside kick, but I wonder if these trick plays (like the fake field goal last game) have screwed with his kicking
  14. when your missing your starting WIL/SAM/HB we should expect the D to get lit up from time to time. That said I think we have a few rookie keepers on D, Walker continues to impress, Alexander has been pretty solid and Jeffcoat. What did we finish with 5 sacks tonight?
  15. 1. Jeffcoat, pick and 2 sacks I believe, guys is making it awful difficult to sit once Okpalaugo is healthy. 2. Nichols. Despite taking a hell of a beating tonight, 34-43 358 yards 2 TDs and some of those throws (like to adams in the 3rd). This guys grit is exactly what Glenn lacks 3. Harris. speaks for himself HH the receivers. Hard to single one of them out, but Adams, Dressler, Denmark, Lankford, Thorpe, JFG all had crucial moments throughout the game
  16. this is the dumbest issue I've ever heard of. Let him shave and when he shoots M.I. put a fake a fake stash on him. Pretty sure cinematic make-up and cosmetics have gotten to the point they can replicate facial hair
  17. i remember this moment like it was 10 years ago... that standing O and Stegall Chant for like 5 mins solid was awesome. Hope the bombers give us something huge to cheer about tonight!
  18. "F***'n Father Time".... it's crazy to think he played for the bombers 11 years ago already and still plays at such a high level
  19. do those stats factor in Montreal's played 1 more game than the bombers?
  20. It's clear Nichols is livin in Kyries head rent free, by saying such mean and disrespectful things
  21. Based on that D line up I would run up the middle a lot and put a speedster on Cox at HB
  22. not really; The only person that really has a say is Oshea because it's his staff. Walters would just be the guy to carry out the termination. As for the media and the public, they have no say in anything. The media will get a scrum to explain the move that goes something like there being a difference in philosophies, going in different direction..yadda yadda. The public will keep going to games
  23. then to answer your question, it would take a meeting, an email or a text to inform them their services are no longer required. Not really sure it takes a whole lot to fire someone
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