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Everything posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. the thread title specifically says what would it take to fire a coordinator, so I think you are advocating the removal of one (at least). We complain about generally a couple plays not the entire game plan other then maybe seeing more run for example, but thats just fan POV. These guys are the ones paid to sift through tons of film and game plan accordingly. I trust what they devise is better then most arm chair coaches could draw up
  2. 1 thing I will say about Carmichael is it was nice to see him actually looking back to the ball vs BC. Seems in the first few games he was constantly playing the man, getting beat then trying to play catch up in hammering out the ball. While he still got beat playing the ball this past game, at least he got a pick, tho I don't think our O did anything with it
  3. yeah I should have reiterated on preppy dbag, i think it depended on the night, but for the most part it was akin to U4ia back in the late 90's
  4. I spent a lot of time in Brandon i guess coming on 2 years ago now, every time I went to play VLTs at the Royal Oak (next door to Houstons) it was always full of what appeared to be preppy dbags. It turned me off from ever wanting to go for drinks there. Spent more time at the Keystone motor inn for the peelers or the 40 if i was out see live bands
  5. There's currently a band that plays covers in the tailgate area but it lacks the appeal of seeing an actual band playing their own big catchy tunes. I do enjoy their rendition of Fight for your Right by the Beastie Boys tho
  6. In fairness, I was told Ekakite got a little over hyped based on his film vs what we've seen of him in TC and PS. The only way he would have seen significant time this year is if Poop didn't pan out and Thomas was the entrenched starter, and even then would be spot duty to give Thomas a breather. We got him inked for 3 years, no real need to rush him at this point.
  7. That will help our secondary out a lot, Jackson, Lewis and Cunningham still need to get shut down
  8. that is true in terms of getting those fans hooked on football, but the way I see it, is there are a lot of people who generally wont watch football on the game alone, but will tune into games like the Grey Cup or Superbowl strictly because of the half time show. I'm sure if a market like Toronto had the side appeal of a band like Billy Talent or Vancouver had i dunno lets say Theory of a Deadman as part of a regular season game day appeal they would increase ticket sales. I'm sure the organizations don't really care why the people are there, they just want them there period.
  9. there's also a lot of band on the cusp of big things around canada that would love to play a packed stadium of 20-30K. IIRC The Glorious Sons played Ottawa's home opener at half time a couple weeks ago, and I gotta say I've been digging their music for a while, since 92 started playing them the last few years. I would have probably went to that show regardless of a football game being the main event. I'd love to seem them or Monster Truck
  10. yep only song i really remember by him what shake that thing back in 2002. But I'm not talking about Sean Paul specifically, other then he got me thinking, but what about other bands? post game shows either at the stadium(s) or a joint promo for a post game performance by said band at a local venue they may be scheduled to perform at anyways? like Present your game day ticket at the burt and get in free or half off..etc that kind of stuff.
  11. So Apparently Sean Paul is playing the halftime show during the Edm/BC game. While I'm certainly not a Sean Paul fan, it got me wondering if the bombers (or any club for that matter, especially with the ones struggling for attendance) would we see better turn outs at games if this type of thing was a regular occurance? how much would you figure it would take to hire a band to perform and be offset by the extra ticket sales?
  12. Thank god stangby saved my ass in this past game, after his sideline to sideline run around that he ended up pulling a few yards short of a TD in the last game, I was certain i was getting strike 5 tonight
  13. I really hope they put alexander back in the secondary, but that latest tweet makes it sound doubtful
  14. yikes. I'm surprised Alexander was put at SAM over Carmichael. IMO Carmichael had a decent PS playin in for Leggett, and so far Alexander has been the better DB than Carmichael
  15. I really hope Leggett is back for this game, i'm sure he would be drooling at the mouth at the chance to steal some of those ducks DD's been lobbing up this year. If our ballhawks are ready for thursday they could single handedly be the difference makers
  16. super stoked for TWD season 8. the "All out War" was probably the best part of the comics imo and if they stay true should make for good tv. I like that they included old man rick with the cane at the end of that trailer, gives me hope they haven't deviated too much in the story. kinda meh on FTWD, only really been watching it because I believe the payoff will be them intertwining the stories with TWD as the next part of the comics after All out war, but judging by that trailer, FTWD is still like 4-5 years behind TWD timewise and they will need to speed it up after this fight with the nation
  17. yep, but it does instill some confidence that we were able to go toe to toe with a team like BC. Even though we lost, I'm not sure how many people thought we'd be in the position we were until the 4th quarter meltdown. I'd prefer a loss like that then say our loss vs calgary or the way the riders lost last night. Both those games the losing team looked utterly inept, at least we can say we blew it on fri
  18. Heart breaking loss in Vancouver, but a lot of positives to take away from the game. I hope letting that one slip away just woke up the beast. Ironically enough we head into week 6 at a better record than 2016 (2-2 vs 1-4) and week 6 is where we suddenly found our legs last year kicking off a 7 game win streak. With a schedule of Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Edmonton, Montreal, Sask, Sask I see us with an opportunity to get quite a few W's. It all starts Thursday. I really hope not to see Carmichael starting anymore. I get he's a rookie, who is only starting due to injury but he is the biggest liability this team has, and there's no way around it, he's costing us big time in the secondary. speaking of said injury, has there been any update on Johnson's rehab? Leggett?
  19. Hindsight. I bet if you rewind the clock to october 2016 many RB fans were complaining just as you have been all season long after every loss, which occurred more than they won. and despite the gaps between the rough riders - renegades - redblacks ottawa fans have dealt with futility for long periods as well (last winning the cup in 1976) and some **** owners like the gilbermans. IMO as much as it would be nice We don't need to be the best team in the league, we need to be competitive, which other than the calgary game this year we have been. Just make the playoffs and beat the riders every chance we get. It's not asking for much.
  20. I assume you mean 2014? BUT.. I really F'n hate when people use the Redblacks as a measuring stick of where you should be... I'm sure if every other team got to draft players off opposing rosters they would likely be better sooner than later as it cuts out the need to scout quite a bit as your acquiring CFL experienced players immediately. They might have sucked in year 1, had a good year 2, but in year 3 they won the cup they weren't even a .500 team (8-9-1). If there's anything Ottawa should be an example of is, as long as you make the playoffs and get hot for 3 (or 2 in ottawa's case) games even mediocrity can be rewarded with a cup
  21. agree. At the time of that failed fake punt I was saying how bad Medlocks previous few punts were... like 20-30 yard punts, I wonder if that played a part in why the decision to gamble in your own zone was called... just a lack of trust in medlocks punting at that point. Something seemed off about Medlocks leg strength last night as evident with coming up short on a 50 yard fg as well. Despite Carmichaels INT. he needs to go. period. I don't care if he's a rookie, he's gettin beat like a dirty rug out on the clothes line so far 3/4 games and constantly. If we need a stop gap until Bruce Johnson is back then call up Ryan Phillips, he can't be any worse then Carmichael and he will have good knowledge of what the Als (our next opponent) do offensively. My 3 Stars yesterday were; Adams Knox The onside FG kick (never seen that before)
  22. no doubt, I like our schedule more then theirs before LDC/BB; Sask: vs Calgary, Toronto, Back to Back with BC, (BYE) edmonton Wpg; vs BC, Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Edmonton, Montreal
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