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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Yeah, the comparison to Bighill isn't reasonable. This is poor on Wilder's part. He signed a contract and knew the terms when he put his name on it. Honour it and then focus on what's next.
  2. Agreed. Special teams have been much better this season. Aaaaaand the Jets fall apart in their own end and give up a goal. That was ugly.
  3. Well, he didn't. Armia got it. Great start by the visitors tonight.
  4. Seriously, couldn't you just do us all a favour and deactivate your membership here?
  5. Yeah, nobody said that. Funny how you continue to twist what others say and then respond with deflection and ignorance.
  6. ISS's Canadarm2 gets an upgrade during today's spacewalk: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/canadarm2-spacewalk-1.4499626
  7. https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/01/23/5015789/ Fantastic read.
  8. Ha! Stormy. I see what you did there, Mr. Adler.
  9. Well, for the first time in quite a few years, he'll have an actual O-line in front of him. He'll also get to work with LaPolice, with whom he had considerable success. He's also joining a winning team as a backup and isn't being expected to lead a dumpster fire. But sure, feel free to ignore all of those factors. And we all know Kavis Reed never talks out of his ass. Oh, wait...
  10. You're welcome. Sorry someone took a piss in your coffee this morning.
  11. Comedy is subjective, like many other things in life.
  12. Yes, it does. But the image was posted simply to highlight the historic aspect as well as Trump's Twitter history coming back to bite him in the backside. Anyway, the lights are back on in DC: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/shutdown-talks-us-senate-monday-1.4498038
  13. I could see him ending up in either Montreal or Ottawa. He's a Gatineau boy and it wouldn't surprise me to see Reed throw a bunch of money his way.
  14. Connor Hellebuyck name second star of the week: https://www.nhl.com/jets/news/hellebuyck-named-second-star-of-the-week/c-295172188 Nathan MacKinnon and Brad Marchand were named the week's first and third stars, respectively.
  15. Because it's comedy and meant to be funny.
  16. 2 or 3 points to close out the pre-ASG schedule would be most good.
  17. Glenn's broken arm will forever haunt him - and us fans here in Winnipeg. We'd likely be talking about a decade-long drought had Eiben not jumped on him in that East Final. And that bolded part is a pretty unfair assessment. Durant's 2013 playoff performance was one for the history books: 3 GP, 60 COMP/ 77 ATT (77.9%), 795 passing yards, 8 TDs and no INTs. 2013 was hands down his best season in the CFL, post-season inclusive.
  18. Sure, there were worries after two pretty ugly injuries way back when. I'm pretty sure they've been put to rest in the four seasons he's played since then, though. Anyway, Durant's addition to the QB corps is a considerable upgrade over LeFevour or Davis - or any previous QB in recent years on this team. I just hope said addition came at a reasonable price and won't hinder the roster when it comes upgrading key positions like MLB and receiver.
  19. Nichols has a history of injuries...? He's missed all of one game the last 4 seasons. And QB depth is crucial for any team, regardless of the starter's injury history.
  20. Nah, that GC100 loss was on more than just the QB. The Stampeders have choked in two Grey Cup games since parting ways with Glenn, too.
  21. You could apply the same logic to Glenn, though. Longevity is a factor to consider for any QB who's had a lengthy career. This is true. Glenn's already responded: Even if this has nothing to do with football, making vague statements on social media will get varied reactions. Leave something open to interpretation and that's what happens. He should've just kept his "random thoughts" to himself.
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