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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Agreed. Especially because he can actually make a read and throw a ball.
  2. And what does Cheeto 45 do? He blames the Democrats. That's an incredible demonstration of monumental stupidity.
  3. Besides being completely unproven at the CFL level, sure.
  4. I'd rather see the Riders not make the playoffs and set fire to Jonestown.
  5. Durant as a 2QB/short yardage/jumbo package option...? Uh, hell yes.
  6. And it would probably just end up choking on it.
  7. Randle and Heath were an excellent shutdown tandem. It was the other side of the secondary that got exposed easily and often, but I'm not sure what anyone was expecting basically rotating rookies there. I fully expect both Walker and Alexander to be better in their sophomore campaigns. We saw flashes from both but the consistency wasn't there.
  8. What better way to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Trump's inauguration than with a federal gov't shutdown. Oops.
  9. Why does it have to be either or? The HOF is meant to celebrate achievements by individuals. Passing for over 50K, something only six other QBs in CFL history have accomplished, qualifies as a pretty significant achievement, at least as far consideration into the HOF is concerned. Again, Glenn is by no means a slam dunk but I think he falls under the category of "consideration for induction" based on his individual accomplishments. Agreed.
  10. I don't disagree. But Bridge was re-signed and with the addition of Collaros, it makes me wonder if Adams gets released. If it were a question of choosing between Adams or Bridge, no doubt the latter gets my vote.
  11. Vernon Adams could be worth a look at the right price if he shakes loose.
  12. It's not hate. It's justified criticism of a group of fanboys whose team can do no wrong. Those same biased clowns no doubt all laughed at Collaros' and the Ti-Cats' struggles the last two or so seasons, but now he's magically the saviour in Riderville. And calm down, chicken little. Or go cheer for Jonestown if their depth is so much better than the Bombers' right now.
  13. The Riders crash and burn and Jones gets axed...? I mean, isn't that all we could hope for?
  14. By that logic, HOFers Dieter Brock or Sam Etcheverry aren't deserving as neither of them ever won a championship. I wouldn't say I'm a fan - I'm not sure what that would even have to do with rationally pointing out his individual statistics, anyway - but I also don't hate the guy, either. Despite playing on some mediocre to bad teams and being relegated to a backup position at times, he cracked the 50K passing yardage mark and has tossed nearly 300 TDs. And seriously, what else is the bulk of a QB's job besides throwing the ball?
  15. And just as many saying she's a treacherous murderer who should be locked up. It goes both ways in today's extremely polarized and toxic political landscape.
  16. So, had his arm not been broken and the Bombers went on to win the 95th Grey Cup, he'd be more deserving...? Participation awards and being Canadian have nothing to do with it. What a silly remark.
  17. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp-growth Correlation does not mean causation. It's hilarious when hyper-partisan homers (on either side of the spectrum, to be clear) spout off nonsensical garbage.
  18. He's one of just seven QBs in CFL history to pass for over 50K yards. That's pretty significant. And getting a ring doesn't determine if a player gets into the HOF. Glenn is by no means a slam dunk to get into the HOF but to crap on him and claim it'll be sad a day if and when he does get in is absurd.
  19. You had to love Winnipeg's collective gumption when this project was first announced, though.
  20. Davaris Daniels could be a great addition to the receiving corps, IMO. Him or Westerman. Blegh.
  21. How fitting that it's a Rotten Ronny's bag. All too common on social media these days. But it says more about the jab-and-runner than anything else.
  22. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/scarborough-hijab-attack-1.4487716
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